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We're getting ready for Nordic Game Jam 2025. By getting our ideas straight and by fixing stuff in old projects for grander ideas.
Also, I think I forgot to mention Home Dungeon, our 2024 game. This game is just fantastic. You'll thank me: https://takunomi.itch.io/home-dungeon
Stuffed Wombat of Mosa Lina fame (you know, that awesome game you've already played that I still haven't gotten around to (least descriptive description ever)) has been blogging. Blogging is that thing we did. Trust me: any one of these stray thoughts is worth more than every tweet you're gonna read today. https://stuffedwomb.at/blogagain
Droqen of Cruel World fame (nah nah nah nah naaaah nah, you can't get this) started Sky Shitting (that's posting on bluesky, right?) about his idea of "kill gameplay". It's a very esoteric conversation, but he also did a summary-of-sorts: https://newforum.droqen.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=5a8969b0cab0e9c99f9cd590e4c2725a;topic=799.msg4171#msg4171
And here:
Jesper Juul, the Danish philosopher who DOESN'T make you sad, summarized the Commodore 64 in 11 (soon 12) little articles. https://www.jesperjuul.net/c64/history/
Kayin wrote this thoughtful argument against quality of life improvements. He can't help saying dark souls, but goes beyond that too (wink). https://kayin.moe/quality-of-life
I've been playing;
- Cave Story ported to Vita (beat hell)
- Arco (I like it. Maybe I'll write more later)
- Weird games I invent when I stare into nothing during meetings