takunomi-blog/drafts/Takunomi Relaunch.md

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Takunomi has relaunched on a new website, handcoded in Go. It's hosted on a friend's server, and the source code can be seen here. It used to be important to me that I updated rather regularly, and as a challenge, that was fun. That won't happen again, but I definitely have some posts that I want to write, and I'd like to merge some of the content from my old site, sketcwhales.

Since this is the first site I've built from the ground up, I'll talk a little about it for other people who are interested, even though it's very basic:

It's a simple Go program that uses so-called templates. These are like html documents, except they take variables from the Go programming, and a finished html document is then served to the sites visitor. I use tmux to run the program in the background, and have I have it check once a minute if the folder I add new posts to has been changed (by checking the folder's metadata). The program is stored in a git repo, and so I simply push to posts to the repo to update the blog. Hopefully the relative simplicity of the program is a testament to Go as a language and not my inadequacy as a programmer.