takunomi-blog/drafts/TGWKaR DevLog - September-October Update.md

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I'm slowly implementing the system of acquiring new abilities through side objectives, but it's a hassle, since the system spans many parts of the game, and I haven't figured out the UI yet, for having both primary and secondary objectives.

In the beginning of September, I started to look critically at the numbers in the game (health, damage, etc). Since the beginning, I'd just sorta winged them. I researched the original Dragon Quest, contemplated more contemporary JRPGs, and even started writing an article that eventually was only peripherally related. It was both beneficial to this game, and a huge detour. It made me create a dynamic spreadsheet to control all the values and their side effects, and inspired me to create some new limitations that seem to encourage more diverse play.

As for the article… it's kinda boring, very nerdy, and perhaps too filled with an internal logic. Yet, I think it argues for some important and neglected aspects of game design, specifically JRPGs, and so I think I AM gonna finish it. I just wish I could make it a lot more personal.

Towards the end of the month, I've started to bug people personally, to ask them if they want to try The Girl Who Kicked a Rabbit. I've definitely gotten some very useful feedback, so I'll probably just continue doing that. If you read this and are interested in trying a buggy, early build: send me a DM.

At some point I'll get to drawing more backgrounds, but until then, enjoy this assortment of various situations (also, I finally figured out both OBS and FFMPEG, so these gifs are just off the hook).