From aa48753f45daec94fba60111e9f14874638ab25a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: jacobhartmann Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2017 10:31:32 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Version controlled vim --- autoload/color_helper.vim | 879 +++++++++++++ autoload/pathogen.vim | 353 ++++++ autoload/plug.vim | 2446 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ backup/blog_roll.tmpl~ | 4 + bundle/auto-pairs | 1 + bundle/ctrlp.vim | 1 + bundle/vim-airline | 1 + bundle/vim-markdown | 1 + colors/dracula.vim | 90 ++ colors/solarized.vim | 1117 +++++++++++++++++ doc/indent_guides.txt | 351 ++++++ pack/plugins/start/vim-go | 1 + vimrc | 140 +++ 13 files changed, 5385 insertions(+) create mode 100755 autoload/color_helper.vim create mode 100644 autoload/pathogen.vim create mode 100644 autoload/plug.vim create mode 100644 backup/blog_roll.tmpl~ create mode 160000 bundle/auto-pairs create mode 160000 bundle/ctrlp.vim create mode 160000 bundle/vim-airline create mode 160000 bundle/vim-markdown create mode 100644 colors/dracula.vim create mode 100755 colors/solarized.vim create mode 100755 doc/indent_guides.txt create mode 160000 pack/plugins/start/vim-go create mode 100644 vimrc diff --git a/autoload/color_helper.vim b/autoload/color_helper.vim new file mode 100755 index 0000000..54d18c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/color_helper.vim @@ -0,0 +1,879 @@ +" Author: Nate Kane +" Homepage: + +" +" Return hex string equivalent to given decimal string or number. +" +" Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 2) +" Returns: 'FF' +" +" Example: color_helper#dec_to_hex(255, 5) +" Returns: '000FF' +" +function! color_helper#dec_to_hex(arg, padding) + return toupper(printf('%0' . a:padding . 'x', a:arg + 0)) +endfunction + +" +" Return number equivalent to given hex string ('0x' is optional). +" +" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('FF') +" Returns: 255 +" +" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('88') +" Returns: 136 +" +" Example: color_helper#hex_to_dec('00') +" Returns: 0 +" +function! color_helper#hex_to_dec(arg) + return (a:arg =~? '^0x') ? a:arg + 0 : ('0x'.a:arg) + 0 +endfunction + +" +" Converts a given hex color string into an rgb list (eg. [red, green, blue]). +" +" Example: color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb('#0088FF') +" Returns: [0, 136, 255] +" +function! color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(hex_color) + let l:rgb = [] + + if a:hex_color =~ g:indent_guides_color_hex_pattern + let l:red = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 1, 2)) + let l:green = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 3, 2)) + let l:blue = color_helper#hex_to_dec(strpart(a:hex_color, 5, 2)) + let l:rgb = [l:red, l:green, l:blue] + end + + return l:rgb +endfunction + +" +" Converts a given rgb list (eg. [red, green, blue]) into a hex color string. +" +" Example: color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex([0, 136, 255]) +" Returns: '#0088FF' +" +function! color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(rgb_color) + let l:hex_color = '#' + let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[0], 2) " red + let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[1], 2) " green + let l:hex_color .= color_helper#dec_to_hex(a:rgb_color[2], 2) " blue + + return l:hex_color +endfunction + +" +" Returns a ligtened color using the given color and the percent to lighten it +" by. +" +" Example: color_helper#hex_color_lighten('#000000', 0.10) +" Returns: '#191919' +" +function! color_helper#hex_color_lighten(color, percent) + let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color) + let l:rgb_lightened = [] + + for i in l:rgb + call add(l:rgb_lightened, float2nr(i + ((255 - i) * a:percent))) + endfor + + return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_lightened) +endfunction + +" +" Returns a darkened color using the given color and the percent to darken it +" by. +" +" Example: color_helper#hex_color_darken('#FFFFFF', 0.10) +" Returns: '#E5E5E5' +" +function! color_helper#hex_color_darken(color, percent) + let l:rgb = color_helper#hex_color_to_rgb(a:color) + let l:rgb_darkened = [] + + for i in l:rgb + call add(l:rgb_darkened, float2nr(i * (1 - a:percent))) + endfor + + return color_helper#rgb_color_to_hex(l:rgb_darkened) +endfunction + +" +" Returns a hex color code for the given color name. +" +" Example: color_helper#color_name_to_hex('darkslategray') +" Returns: '#2F4F4F' +" +function! color_helper#color_name_to_hex(color_name) + let l:hex_code = '' + let l:color_name = tolower(a:color_name) + + let l:color_list = { + \ 'alice blue' : '#F0F8FF', + \ 'aliceblue' : '#F0F8FF', + \ 'antique white' : '#FAEBD7', + \ 'antiquewhite' : '#FAEBD7', + \ 'antiquewhite1' : '#FFEFDB', + \ 'antiquewhite2' : '#EEDFCC', + \ 'antiquewhite3' : '#CDC0B0', + \ 'antiquewhite4' : '#8B8378', + \ 'aquamarine' : '#7FFFD4', + \ 'aquamarine1' : '#7FFFD4', + \ 'aquamarine2' : '#76EEC6', + \ 'aquamarine3' : '#66CDAA', + \ 'aquamarine4' : '#458B74', + \ 'azure' : '#F0FFFF', + \ 'azure1' : '#F0FFFF', + \ 'azure2' : '#E0EEEE', + \ 'azure3' : '#C1CDCD', + \ 'azure4' : '#838B8B', + \ 'beige' : '#F5F5DC', + \ 'bisque' : '#FFE4C4', + \ 'bisque1' : '#FFE4C4', + \ 'bisque2' : '#EED5B7', + \ 'bisque3' : '#CDB79E', + \ 'bisque4' : '#8B7D6B', + \ 'black' : '#000000', + \ 'blanched almond' : '#FFEBCD', + \ 'blanchedalmond' : '#FFEBCD', + \ 'blue violet' : '#8A2BE2', + \ 'blue' : '#0000FF', + \ 'blue1' : '#0000FF', + \ 'blue2' : '#0000EE', + \ 'blue3' : '#0000CD', + \ 'blue4' : '#00008B', + \ 'blueviolet' : '#8A2BE2', + \ 'brown' : '#A52A2A', + \ 'brown1' : '#FF4040', + \ 'brown2' : '#EE3B3B', + \ 'brown3' : '#CD3333', + \ 'brown4' : '#8B2323', + \ 'burlywood' : '#DEB887', + \ 'burlywood1' : '#FFD39B', + \ 'burlywood2' : '#EEC591', + \ 'burlywood3' : '#CDAA7D', + \ 'burlywood4' : '#8B7355', + \ 'cadet blue' : '#5F9EA0', + \ 'cadetblue' : '#5F9EA0', + \ 'cadetblue1' : '#98F5FF', + \ 'cadetblue2' : '#8EE5EE', + \ 'cadetblue3' : '#7AC5CD', + \ 'cadetblue4' : '#53868B', + \ 'chartreuse' : '#7FFF00', + \ 'chartreuse1' : '#7FFF00', + \ 'chartreuse2' : '#76EE00', + \ 'chartreuse3' : '#66CD00', + \ 'chartreuse4' : '#458B00', + \ 'chocolate' : '#D2691E', + \ 'chocolate1' : '#FF7F24', + \ 'chocolate2' : '#EE7621', + \ 'chocolate3' : '#CD661D', + \ 'chocolate4' : '#8B4513', + \ 'coral' : '#FF7F50', + \ 'coral1' : '#FF7256', + \ 'coral2' : '#EE6A50', + \ 'coral3' : '#CD5B45', + \ 'coral4' : '#8B3E2F', + \ 'cornflower blue' : '#6495ED', + \ 'cornflowerblue' : '#6495ED', + \ 'cornsilk' : '#FFF8DC', + \ 'cornsilk1' : '#FFF8DC', + \ 'cornsilk2' : '#EEE8CD', + \ 'cornsilk3' : '#CDC8B1', + \ 'cornsilk4' : '#8B8878', + \ 'cyan' : '#00FFFF', + \ 'cyan1' : '#00FFFF', + \ 'cyan2' : '#00EEEE', + \ 'cyan3' : '#00CDCD', + \ 'cyan4' : '#008B8B', + \ 'dark blue' : '#00008B', + \ 'dark cyan' : '#008B8B', + \ 'dark goldenrod' : '#B8860B', + \ 'dark gray' : '#A9A9A9', + \ 'dark green' : '#006400', + \ 'dark grey' : '#A9A9A9', + \ 'dark khaki' : '#BDB76B', + \ 'dark magenta' : '#8B008B', + \ 'dark olive green' : '#556B2F', + \ 'dark orange' : '#FF8C00', + \ 'dark orchid' : '#9932CC', + \ 'dark red' : '#8B0000', + \ 'dark salmon' : '#E9967A', + \ 'dark sea green' : '#8FBC8F', + \ 'dark slate blue' : '#483D8B', + \ 'dark slate gray' : '#2F4F4F', + \ 'dark slate grey' : '#2F4F4F', + \ 'dark turquoise' : '#00CED1', + \ 'dark violet' : '#9400D3', + \ 'dark yellow' : '#BBBB00', + \ 'darkblue' : '#00008B', + \ 'darkcyan' : '#008B8B', + \ 'darkgoldenrod' : '#B8860B', + \ 'darkgoldenrod1' : '#FFB90F', + \ 'darkgoldenrod2' : '#EEAD0E', + \ 'darkgoldenrod3' : '#CD950C', + \ 'darkgoldenrod4' : '#8B6508', + \ 'darkgray' : '#A9A9A9', + \ 'darkgreen' : '#006400', + \ 'darkgrey' : '#A9A9A9', + \ 'darkkhaki' : '#BDB76B', + \ 'darkmagenta' : '#8B008B', + \ 'darkolivegreen' : '#556B2F', + \ 'darkolivegreen1' : '#CAFF70', + \ 'darkolivegreen2' : '#BCEE68', + \ 'darkolivegreen3' : '#A2CD5A', + \ 'darkolivegreen4' : '#6E8B3D', + \ 'darkorange' : '#FF8C00', + \ 'darkorange1' : '#FF7F00', + \ 'darkorange2' : '#EE7600', + \ 'darkorange3' : '#CD6600', + \ 'darkorange4' : '#8B4500', + \ 'darkorchid' : '#9932CC', + \ 'darkorchid1' : '#BF3EFF', + \ 'darkorchid2' : '#B23AEE', + \ 'darkorchid3' : '#9A32CD', + \ 'darkorchid4' : '#68228B', + \ 'darkred' : '#8B0000', + \ 'darksalmon' : '#E9967A', + \ 'darkseagreen' : '#8FBC8F', + \ 'darkseagreen1' : '#C1FFC1', + \ 'darkseagreen2' : '#B4EEB4', + \ 'darkseagreen3' : '#9BCD9B', + \ 'darkseagreen4' : '#698B69', + \ 'darkslateblue' : '#483D8B', + \ 'darkslategray' : '#2F4F4F', + \ 'darkslategray1' : '#97FFFF', + \ 'darkslategray2' : '#8DEEEE', + \ 'darkslategray3' : '#79CDCD', + \ 'darkslategray4' : '#528B8B', + \ 'darkslategrey' : '#2F4F4F', + \ 'darkturquoise' : '#00CED1', + \ 'darkviolet' : '#9400D3', + \ 'darkyellow' : '#BBBB00', + \ 'deep pink' : '#FF1493', + \ 'deep sky blue' : '#00BFFF', + \ 'deeppink' : '#FF1493', + \ 'deeppink1' : '#FF1493', + \ 'deeppink2' : '#EE1289', + \ 'deeppink3' : '#CD1076', + \ 'deeppink4' : '#8B0A50', + \ 'deepskyblue' : '#00BFFF', + \ 'deepskyblue1' : '#00BFFF', + \ 'deepskyblue2' : '#00B2EE', + \ 'deepskyblue3' : '#009ACD', + \ 'deepskyblue4' : '#00688B', + \ 'dim gray' : '#696969', + \ 'dim grey' : '#696969', + \ 'dimgray' : '#696969', + \ 'dimgrey' : '#696969', + \ 'dodger blue' : '#1E90FF', + \ 'dodgerblue' : '#1E90FF', + \ 'dodgerblue1' : '#1E90FF', + \ 'dodgerblue2' : '#1C86EE', + \ 'dodgerblue3' : '#1874CD', + \ 'dodgerblue4' : '#104E8B', + \ 'firebrick' : '#B22222', + \ 'firebrick1' : '#FF3030', + \ 'firebrick2' : '#EE2C2C', + \ 'firebrick3' : '#CD2626', + \ 'firebrick4' : '#8B1A1A', + \ 'floral white' : '#FFFAF0', + \ 'floralwhite' : '#FFFAF0', + \ 'forest green' : '#228B22', + \ 'forestgreen' : '#228B22', + \ 'gainsboro' : '#DCDCDC', + \ 'ghost white' : '#F8F8FF', + \ 'ghostwhite' : '#F8F8FF', + \ 'gold' : '#FFD700', + \ 'gold1' : '#FFD700', + \ 'gold2' : '#EEC900', + \ 'gold3' : '#CDAD00', + \ 'gold4' : '#8B7500', + \ 'goldenrod' : '#DAA520', + \ 'goldenrod1' : '#FFC125', + \ 'goldenrod2' : '#EEB422', + \ 'goldenrod3' : '#CD9B1D', + \ 'goldenrod4' : '#8B6914', + \ 'gray' : '#BEBEBE', + \ 'gray0' : '#000000', + \ 'gray1' : '#030303', + \ 'gray10' : '#1A1A1A', + \ 'gray100' : '#FFFFFF', + \ 'gray11' : '#1C1C1C', + \ 'gray12' : '#1F1F1F', + \ 'gray13' : '#212121', + \ 'gray14' : '#242424', + \ 'gray15' : '#262626', + \ 'gray16' : '#292929', + \ 'gray17' : '#2B2B2B', + \ 'gray18' : '#2E2E2E', + \ 'gray19' : '#303030', + \ 'gray2' : '#050505', + \ 'gray20' : '#333333', + \ 'gray21' : '#363636', + \ 'gray22' : '#383838', + \ 'gray23' : '#3B3B3B', + \ 'gray24' : '#3D3D3D', + \ 'gray25' : '#404040', + \ 'gray26' : '#424242', + \ 'gray27' : '#454545', + \ 'gray28' : '#474747', + \ 'gray29' : '#4A4A4A', + \ 'gray3' : '#080808', + \ 'gray30' : '#4D4D4D', + \ 'gray31' : '#4F4F4F', + \ 'gray32' : '#525252', + \ 'gray33' : '#545454', + \ 'gray34' : '#575757', + \ 'gray35' : '#595959', + \ 'gray36' : '#5C5C5C', + \ 'gray37' : '#5E5E5E', + \ 'gray38' : '#616161', + \ 'gray39' : '#636363', + \ 'gray4' : '#0A0A0A', + \ 'gray40' : '#666666', + \ 'gray41' : '#696969', + \ 'gray42' : '#6B6B6B', + \ 'gray43' : '#6E6E6E', + \ 'gray44' : '#707070', + \ 'gray45' : '#737373', + \ 'gray46' : '#757575', + \ 'gray47' : '#787878', + \ 'gray48' : '#7A7A7A', + \ 'gray49' : '#7D7D7D', + \ 'gray5' : '#0D0D0D', + \ 'gray50' : '#7F7F7F', + \ 'gray51' : '#828282', + \ 'gray52' : '#858585', + \ 'gray53' : '#878787', + \ 'gray54' : '#8A8A8A', + \ 'gray55' : '#8C8C8C', + \ 'gray56' : '#8F8F8F', + \ 'gray57' : '#919191', + \ 'gray58' : '#949494', + \ 'gray59' : '#969696', + \ 'gray6' : '#0F0F0F', + \ 'gray60' : '#999999', + \ 'gray61' : '#9C9C9C', + \ 'gray62' : '#9E9E9E', + \ 'gray63' : '#A1A1A1', + \ 'gray64' : '#A3A3A3', + \ 'gray65' : '#A6A6A6', + \ 'gray66' : '#A8A8A8', + \ 'gray67' : '#ABABAB', + \ 'gray68' : '#ADADAD', + \ 'gray69' : '#B0B0B0', + \ 'gray7' : '#121212', + \ 'gray70' : '#B3B3B3', + \ 'gray71' : '#B5B5B5', + \ 'gray72' : '#B8B8B8', + \ 'gray73' : '#BABABA', + \ 'gray74' : '#BDBDBD', + \ 'gray75' : '#BFBFBF', + \ 'gray76' : '#C2C2C2', + \ 'gray77' : '#C4C4C4', + \ 'gray78' : '#C7C7C7', + \ 'gray79' : '#C9C9C9', + \ 'gray8' : '#141414', + \ 'gray80' : '#CCCCCC', + \ 'gray81' : '#CFCFCF', + \ 'gray82' : '#D1D1D1', + \ 'gray83' : '#D4D4D4', + \ 'gray84' : '#D6D6D6', + \ 'gray85' : '#D9D9D9', + \ 'gray86' : '#DBDBDB', + \ 'gray87' : '#DEDEDE', + \ 'gray88' : '#E0E0E0', + \ 'gray89' : '#E3E3E3', + \ 'gray9' : '#171717', + \ 'gray90' : '#E5E5E5', + \ 'gray91' : '#E8E8E8', + \ 'gray92' : '#EBEBEB', + \ 'gray93' : '#EDEDED', + \ 'gray94' : '#F0F0F0', + \ 'gray95' : '#F2F2F2', + \ 'gray96' : '#F5F5F5', + \ 'gray97' : '#F7F7F7', + \ 'gray98' : '#FAFAFA', + \ 'gray99' : '#FCFCFC', + \ 'green yellow' : '#ADFF2F', + \ 'green' : '#00FF00', + \ 'green1' : '#00FF00', + \ 'green2' : '#00EE00', + \ 'green3' : '#00CD00', + \ 'green4' : '#008B00', + \ 'greenyellow' : '#ADFF2F', + \ 'grey' : '#BEBEBE', + \ 'grey0' : '#000000', + \ 'grey1' : '#030303', + \ 'grey10' : '#1A1A1A', + \ 'grey100' : '#FFFFFF', + \ 'grey11' : '#1C1C1C', + \ 'grey12' : '#1F1F1F', + \ 'grey13' : '#212121', + \ 'grey14' : '#242424', + \ 'grey15' : '#262626', + \ 'grey16' : '#292929', + \ 'grey17' : '#2B2B2B', + \ 'grey18' : '#2E2E2E', + \ 'grey19' : '#303030', + \ 'grey2' : '#050505', + \ 'grey20' : '#333333', + \ 'grey21' : '#363636', + \ 'grey22' : '#383838', + \ 'grey23' : '#3B3B3B', + \ 'grey24' : '#3D3D3D', + \ 'grey25' : '#404040', + \ 'grey26' : '#424242', + \ 'grey27' : '#454545', + \ 'grey28' : '#474747', + \ 'grey29' : '#4A4A4A', + \ 'grey3' : '#080808', + \ 'grey30' : '#4D4D4D', + \ 'grey31' : '#4F4F4F', + \ 'grey32' : '#525252', + \ 'grey33' : '#545454', + \ 'grey34' : '#575757', + \ 'grey35' : '#595959', + \ 'grey36' : '#5C5C5C', + \ 'grey37' : '#5E5E5E', + \ 'grey38' : '#616161', + \ 'grey39' : '#636363', + \ 'grey4' : '#0A0A0A', + \ 'grey40' : '#666666', + \ 'grey41' : '#696969', + \ 'grey42' : '#6B6B6B', + \ 'grey43' : '#6E6E6E', + \ 'grey44' : '#707070', + \ 'grey45' : '#737373', + \ 'grey46' : '#757575', + \ 'grey47' : '#787878', + \ 'grey48' : '#7A7A7A', + \ 'grey49' : '#7D7D7D', + \ 'grey5' : '#0D0D0D', + \ 'grey50' : '#7F7F7F', + \ 'grey51' : '#828282', + \ 'grey52' : '#858585', + \ 'grey53' : '#878787', + \ 'grey54' : '#8A8A8A', + \ 'grey55' : '#8C8C8C', + \ 'grey56' : '#8F8F8F', + \ 'grey57' : '#919191', + \ 'grey58' : '#949494', + \ 'grey59' : '#969696', + \ 'grey6' : '#0F0F0F', + \ 'grey60' : '#999999', + \ 'grey61' : '#9C9C9C', + \ 'grey62' : '#9E9E9E', + \ 'grey63' : '#A1A1A1', + \ 'grey64' : '#A3A3A3', + \ 'grey65' : '#A6A6A6', + \ 'grey66' : '#A8A8A8', + \ 'grey67' : '#ABABAB', + \ 'grey68' : '#ADADAD', + \ 'grey69' : '#B0B0B0', + \ 'grey7' : '#121212', + \ 'grey70' : '#B3B3B3', + \ 'grey71' : '#B5B5B5', + \ 'grey72' : '#B8B8B8', + \ 'grey73' : '#BABABA', + \ 'grey74' : '#BDBDBD', + \ 'grey75' : '#BFBFBF', + \ 'grey76' : '#C2C2C2', + \ 'grey77' : '#C4C4C4', + \ 'grey78' : '#C7C7C7', + \ 'grey79' : '#C9C9C9', + \ 'grey8' : '#141414', + \ 'grey80' : '#CCCCCC', + \ 'grey81' : '#CFCFCF', + \ 'grey82' : '#D1D1D1', + \ 'grey83' : '#D4D4D4', + \ 'grey84' : '#D6D6D6', + \ 'grey85' : '#D9D9D9', + \ 'grey86' : '#DBDBDB', + \ 'grey87' : '#DEDEDE', + \ 'grey88' : '#E0E0E0', + \ 'grey89' : '#E3E3E3', + \ 'grey9' : '#171717', + \ 'grey90' : '#E5E5E5', + \ 'grey91' : '#E8E8E8', + \ 'grey92' : '#EBEBEB', + \ 'grey93' : '#EDEDED', + \ 'grey94' : '#F0F0F0', + \ 'grey95' : '#F2F2F2', + \ 'grey96' : '#F5F5F5', + \ 'grey97' : '#F7F7F7', + \ 'grey98' : '#FAFAFA', + \ 'grey99' : '#FCFCFC', + \ 'honeydew' : '#F0FFF0', + \ 'honeydew1' : '#F0FFF0', + \ 'honeydew2' : '#E0EEE0', + \ 'honeydew3' : '#C1CDC1', + \ 'honeydew4' : '#838B83', + \ 'hot pink' : '#FF69B4', + \ 'hotpink' : '#FF69B4', + \ 'hotpink1' : '#FF6EB4', + \ 'hotpink2' : '#EE6AA7', + \ 'hotpink3' : '#CD6090', + \ 'hotpink4' : '#8B3A62', + \ 'indian red' : '#CD5C5C', + \ 'indianred' : '#CD5C5C', + \ 'indianred1' : '#FF6A6A', + \ 'indianred2' : '#EE6363', + \ 'indianred3' : '#CD5555', + \ 'indianred4' : '#8B3A3A', + \ 'ivory' : '#FFFFF0', + \ 'ivory1' : '#FFFFF0', + \ 'ivory2' : '#EEEEE0', + \ 'ivory3' : '#CDCDC1', + \ 'ivory4' : '#8B8B83', + \ 'khaki' : '#F0E68C', + \ 'khaki1' : '#FFF68F', + \ 'khaki2' : '#EEE685', + \ 'khaki3' : '#CDC673', + \ 'khaki4' : '#8B864E', + \ 'lavender blush' : '#FFF0F5', + \ 'lavender' : '#E6E6FA', + \ 'lavenderblush' : '#FFF0F5', + \ 'lavenderblush1' : '#FFF0F5', + \ 'lavenderblush2' : '#EEE0E5', + \ 'lavenderblush3' : '#CDC1C5', + \ 'lavenderblush4' : '#8B8386', + \ 'lawn green' : '#7CFC00', + \ 'lawngreen' : '#7CFC00', + \ 'lemon chiffon' : '#FFFACD', + \ 'lemonchiffon' : '#FFFACD', + \ 'lemonchiffon1' : '#FFFACD', + \ 'lemonchiffon2' : '#EEE9BF', + \ 'lemonchiffon3' : '#CDC9A5', + \ 'lemonchiffon4' : '#8B8970', + \ 'light blue' : '#ADD8E6', + \ 'light coral' : '#F08080', + \ 'light cyan' : '#E0FFFF', + \ 'light goldenrod yellow' : '#FAFAD2', + \ 'light goldenrod' : '#EEDD82', + \ 'light gray' : '#D3D3D3', + \ 'light green' : '#90EE90', + \ 'light grey' : '#D3D3D3', + \ 'light magenta' : '#FFBBFF', + \ 'light pink' : '#FFB6C1', + \ 'light red' : '#FFBBBB', + \ 'light salmon' : '#FFA07A', + \ 'light sea green' : '#20B2AA', + \ 'light sky blue' : '#87CEFA', + \ 'light slate blue' : '#8470FF', + \ 'light slate gray' : '#778899', + \ 'light slate grey' : '#778899', + \ 'light steel blue' : '#B0C4DE', + \ 'light yellow' : '#FFFFE0', + \ 'lightblue' : '#ADD8E6', + \ 'lightblue1' : '#BFEFFF', + \ 'lightblue2' : '#B2DFEE', + \ 'lightblue3' : '#9AC0CD', + \ 'lightblue4' : '#68838B', + \ 'lightcoral' : '#F08080', + \ 'lightcyan' : '#E0FFFF', + \ 'lightcyan1' : '#E0FFFF', + \ 'lightcyan2' : '#D1EEEE', + \ 'lightcyan3' : '#B4CDCD', + \ 'lightcyan4' : '#7A8B8B', + \ 'lightgoldenrod' : '#EEDD82', + \ 'lightgoldenrod1' : '#FFEC8B', + \ 'lightgoldenrod2' : '#EEDC82', + \ 'lightgoldenrod3' : '#CDBE70', + \ 'lightgoldenrod4' : '#8B814C', + \ 'lightgoldenrodyellow' : '#FAFAD2', + \ 'lightgray' : '#D3D3D3', + \ 'lightgreen' : '#90EE90', + \ 'lightgrey' : '#D3D3D3', + \ 'lightmagenta' : '#FFBBFF', + \ 'lightpink' : '#FFB6C1', + \ 'lightpink1' : '#FFAEB9', + \ 'lightpink2' : '#EEA2AD', + \ 'lightpink3' : '#CD8C95', + \ 'lightpink4' : '#8B5F65', + \ 'lightred' : '#FFBBBB', + \ 'lightsalmon' : '#FFA07A', + \ 'lightsalmon1' : '#FFA07A', + \ 'lightsalmon2' : '#EE9572', + \ 'lightsalmon3' : '#CD8162', + \ 'lightsalmon4' : '#8B5742', + \ 'lightseagreen' : '#20B2AA', + \ 'lightskyblue' : '#87CEFA', + \ 'lightskyblue1' : '#B0E2FF', + \ 'lightskyblue2' : '#A4D3EE', + \ 'lightskyblue3' : '#8DB6CD', + \ 'lightskyblue4' : '#607B8B', + \ 'lightslateblue' : '#8470FF', + \ 'lightslategray' : '#778899', + \ 'lightslategrey' : '#778899', + \ 'lightsteelblue' : '#B0C4DE', + \ 'lightsteelblue1' : '#CAE1FF', + \ 'lightsteelblue2' : '#BCD2EE', + \ 'lightsteelblue3' : '#A2B5CD', + \ 'lightsteelblue4' : '#6E7B8B', + \ 'lightyellow' : '#FFFFE0', + \ 'lightyellow1' : '#FFFFE0', + \ 'lightyellow2' : '#EEEED1', + \ 'lightyellow3' : '#CDCDB4', + \ 'lightyellow4' : '#8B8B7A', + \ 'lime green' : '#32CD32', + \ 'limegreen' : '#32CD32', + \ 'linen' : '#FAF0E6', + \ 'magenta' : '#FF00FF', + \ 'magenta1' : '#FF00FF', + \ 'magenta2' : '#EE00EE', + \ 'magenta3' : '#CD00CD', + \ 'magenta4' : '#8B008B', + \ 'maroon' : '#B03060', + \ 'maroon1' : '#FF34B3', + \ 'maroon2' : '#EE30A7', + \ 'maroon3' : '#CD2990', + \ 'maroon4' : '#8B1C62', + \ 'medium aquamarine' : '#66CDAA', + \ 'medium blue' : '#0000CD', + \ 'medium orchid' : '#BA55D3', + \ 'medium purple' : '#9370DB', + \ 'medium sea green' : '#3CB371', + \ 'medium slate blue' : '#7B68EE', + \ 'medium spring green' : '#00FA9A', + \ 'medium turquoise' : '#48D1CC', + \ 'medium violet red' : '#C71585', + \ 'mediumaquamarine' : '#66CDAA', + \ 'mediumblue' : '#0000CD', + \ 'mediumorchid' : '#BA55D3', + \ 'mediumorchid1' : '#E066FF', + \ 'mediumorchid2' : '#D15FEE', + \ 'mediumorchid3' : '#B452CD', + \ 'mediumorchid4' : '#7A378B', + \ 'mediumpurple' : '#9370DB', + \ 'mediumpurple1' : '#AB82FF', + \ 'mediumpurple2' : '#9F79EE', + \ 'mediumpurple3' : '#8968CD', + \ 'mediumpurple4' : '#5D478B', + \ 'mediumseagreen' : '#3CB371', + \ 'mediumslateblue' : '#7B68EE', + \ 'mediumspringgreen' : '#00FA9A', + \ 'mediumturquoise' : '#48D1CC', + \ 'mediumvioletred' : '#C71585', + \ 'midnight blue' : '#191970', + \ 'midnightblue' : '#191970', + \ 'mint cream' : '#F5FFFA', + \ 'mintcream' : '#F5FFFA', + \ 'misty rose' : '#FFE4E1', + \ 'mistyrose' : '#FFE4E1', + \ 'mistyrose1' : '#FFE4E1', + \ 'mistyrose2' : '#EED5D2', + \ 'mistyrose3' : '#CDB7B5', + \ 'mistyrose4' : '#8B7D7B', + \ 'moccasin' : '#FFE4B5', + \ 'navajo white' : '#FFDEAD', + \ 'navajowhite' : '#FFDEAD', + \ 'navajowhite1' : '#FFDEAD', + \ 'navajowhite2' : '#EECFA1', + \ 'navajowhite3' : '#CDB38B', + \ 'navajowhite4' : '#8B795E', + \ 'navy blue' : '#000080', + \ 'navy' : '#000080', + \ 'navyblue' : '#000080', + \ 'old lace' : '#FDF5E6', + \ 'oldlace' : '#FDF5E6', + \ 'olive drab' : '#6B8E23', + \ 'olivedrab' : '#6B8E23', + \ 'olivedrab1' : '#C0FF3E', + \ 'olivedrab2' : '#B3EE3A', + \ 'olivedrab3' : '#9ACD32', + \ 'olivedrab4' : '#698B22', + \ 'orange red' : '#FF4500', + \ 'orange' : '#FFA500', + \ 'orange1' : '#FFA500', + \ 'orange2' : '#EE9A00', + \ 'orange3' : '#CD8500', + \ 'orange4' : '#8B5A00', + \ 'orangered' : '#FF4500', + \ 'orangered1' : '#FF4500', + \ 'orangered2' : '#EE4000', + \ 'orangered3' : '#CD3700', + \ 'orangered4' : '#8B2500', + \ 'orchid' : '#DA70D6', + \ 'orchid1' : '#FF83FA', + \ 'orchid2' : '#EE7AE9', + \ 'orchid3' : '#CD69C9', + \ 'orchid4' : '#8B4789', + \ 'pale goldenrod' : '#EEE8AA', + \ 'pale green' : '#98FB98', + \ 'pale turquoise' : '#AFEEEE', + \ 'pale violet red' : '#DB7093', + \ 'palegoldenrod' : '#EEE8AA', + \ 'palegreen' : '#98FB98', + \ 'palegreen1' : '#9AFF9A', + \ 'palegreen2' : '#90EE90', + \ 'palegreen3' : '#7CCD7C', + \ 'palegreen4' : '#548B54', + \ 'paleturquoise' : '#AFEEEE', + \ 'paleturquoise1' : '#BBFFFF', + \ 'paleturquoise2' : '#AEEEEE', + \ 'paleturquoise3' : '#96CDCD', + \ 'paleturquoise4' : '#668B8B', + \ 'palevioletred' : '#DB7093', + \ 'palevioletred1' : '#FF82AB', + \ 'palevioletred2' : '#EE799F', + \ 'palevioletred3' : '#CD6889', + \ 'palevioletred4' : '#8B475D', + \ 'papaya whip' : '#FFEFD5', + \ 'papayawhip' : '#FFEFD5', + \ 'peach puff' : '#FFDAB9', + \ 'peachpuff' : '#FFDAB9', + \ 'peachpuff1' : '#FFDAB9', + \ 'peachpuff2' : '#EECBAD', + \ 'peachpuff3' : '#CDAF95', + \ 'peachpuff4' : '#8B7765', + \ 'peru' : '#CD853F', + \ 'pink' : '#FFC0CB', + \ 'pink1' : '#FFB5C5', + \ 'pink2' : '#EEA9B8', + \ 'pink3' : '#CD919E', + \ 'pink4' : '#8B636C', + \ 'plum' : '#DDA0DD', + \ 'plum1' : '#FFBBFF', + \ 'plum2' : '#EEAEEE', + \ 'plum3' : '#CD96CD', + \ 'plum4' : '#8B668B', + \ 'powder blue' : '#B0E0E6', + \ 'powderblue' : '#B0E0E6', + \ 'purple' : '#A020F0', + \ 'purple1' : '#9B30FF', + \ 'purple2' : '#912CEE', + \ 'purple3' : '#7D26CD', + \ 'purple4' : '#551A8B', + \ 'red' : '#FF0000', + \ 'red1' : '#FF0000', + \ 'red2' : '#EE0000', + \ 'red3' : '#CD0000', + \ 'red4' : '#8B0000', + \ 'rosy brown' : '#BC8F8F', + \ 'rosybrown' : '#BC8F8F', + \ 'rosybrown1' : '#FFC1C1', + \ 'rosybrown2' : '#EEB4B4', + \ 'rosybrown3' : '#CD9B9B', + \ 'rosybrown4' : '#8B6969', + \ 'royal blue' : '#4169E1', + \ 'royalblue' : '#4169E1', + \ 'royalblue1' : '#4876FF', + \ 'royalblue2' : '#436EEE', + \ 'royalblue3' : '#3A5FCD', + \ 'royalblue4' : '#27408B', + \ 'saddle brown' : '#8B4513', + \ 'saddlebrown' : '#8B4513', + \ 'salmon' : '#FA8072', + \ 'salmon1' : '#FF8C69', + \ 'salmon2' : '#EE8262', + \ 'salmon3' : '#CD7054', + \ 'salmon4' : '#8B4C39', + \ 'sandy brown' : '#F4A460', + \ 'sandybrown' : '#F4A460', + \ 'sea green' : '#2E8B57', + \ 'seagreen' : '#2E8B57', + \ 'seagreen1' : '#54FF9F', + \ 'seagreen2' : '#4EEE94', + \ 'seagreen3' : '#43CD80', + \ 'seagreen4' : '#2E8B57', + \ 'seashell' : '#FFF5EE', + \ 'seashell1' : '#FFF5EE', + \ 'seashell2' : '#EEE5DE', + \ 'seashell3' : '#CDC5BF', + \ 'seashell4' : '#8B8682', + \ 'sienna' : '#A0522D', + \ 'sienna1' : '#FF8247', + \ 'sienna2' : '#EE7942', + \ 'sienna3' : '#CD6839', + \ 'sienna4' : '#8B4726', + \ 'sky blue' : '#87CEEB', + \ 'skyblue' : '#87CEEB', + \ 'skyblue1' : '#87CEFF', + \ 'skyblue2' : '#7EC0EE', + \ 'skyblue3' : '#6CA6CD', + \ 'skyblue4' : '#4A708B', + \ 'slate blue' : '#6A5ACD', + \ 'slate gray' : '#708090', + \ 'slate grey' : '#708090', + \ 'slateblue' : '#6A5ACD', + \ 'slateblue1' : '#836FFF', + \ 'slateblue2' : '#7A67EE', + \ 'slateblue3' : '#6959CD', + \ 'slateblue4' : '#473C8B', + \ 'slategray' : '#708090', + \ 'slategray1' : '#C6E2FF', + \ 'slategray2' : '#B9D3EE', + \ 'slategray3' : '#9FB6CD', + \ 'slategray4' : '#6C7B8B', + \ 'slategrey' : '#708090', + \ 'snow' : '#FFFAFA', + \ 'snow1' : '#FFFAFA', + \ 'snow2' : '#EEE9E9', + \ 'snow3' : '#CDC9C9', + \ 'snow4' : '#8B8989', + \ 'spring green' : '#00FF7F', + \ 'springgreen' : '#00FF7F', + \ 'springgreen1' : '#00FF7F', + \ 'springgreen2' : '#00EE76', + \ 'springgreen3' : '#00CD66', + \ 'springgreen4' : '#008B45', + \ 'steel blue' : '#4682B4', + \ 'steelblue' : '#4682B4', + \ 'steelblue1' : '#63B8FF', + \ 'steelblue2' : '#5CACEE', + \ 'steelblue3' : '#4F94CD', + \ 'steelblue4' : '#36648B', + \ 'tan' : '#D2B48C', + \ 'tan1' : '#FFA54F', + \ 'tan2' : '#EE9A49', + \ 'tan3' : '#CD853F', + \ 'tan4' : '#8B5A2B', + \ 'thistle' : '#D8BFD8', + \ 'thistle1' : '#FFE1FF', + \ 'thistle2' : '#EED2EE', + \ 'thistle3' : '#CDB5CD', + \ 'thistle4' : '#8B7B8B', + \ 'tomato' : '#FF6347', + \ 'tomato1' : '#FF6347', + \ 'tomato2' : '#EE5C42', + \ 'tomato3' : '#CD4F39', + \ 'tomato4' : '#8B3626', + \ 'turquoise' : '#40E0D0', + \ 'turquoise1' : '#00F5FF', + \ 'turquoise2' : '#00E5EE', + \ 'turquoise3' : '#00C5CD', + \ 'turquoise4' : '#00868B', + \ 'violet red' : '#D02090', + \ 'violet' : '#EE82EE', + \ 'violetred' : '#D02090', + \ 'violetred1' : '#FF3E96', + \ 'violetred2' : '#EE3A8C', + \ 'violetred3' : '#CD3278', + \ 'violetred4' : '#8B2252', + \ 'wheat' : '#F5DEB3', + \ 'wheat1' : '#FFE7BA', + \ 'wheat2' : '#EED8AE', + \ 'wheat3' : '#CDBA96', + \ 'wheat4' : '#8B7E66', + \ 'white smoke' : '#F5F5F5', + \ 'white' : '#FFFFFF', + \ 'whitesmoke' : '#F5F5F5', + \ 'yellow green' : '#9ACD32', + \ 'yellow' : '#FFFF00', + \ 'yellow1' : '#FFFF00', + \ 'yellow2' : '#EEEE00', + \ 'yellow3' : '#CDCD00', + \ 'yellow4' : '#8B8B00', + \ 'yellowgreen' : '#9ACD32', + \} + + if has_key(l:color_list, l:color_name) + let l:hex_code = l:color_list[l:color_name] + endif + + return l:hex_code +endfunction diff --git a/autoload/pathogen.vim b/autoload/pathogen.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59a75c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/pathogen.vim @@ -0,0 +1,353 @@ +" pathogen.vim - path option manipulation +" Maintainer: Tim Pope +" Version: 2.4 + +" Install in ~/.vim/autoload (or ~\vimfiles\autoload). +" +" For management of individually installed plugins in ~/.vim/bundle (or +" ~\vimfiles\bundle), adding `execute pathogen#infect()` to the top of your +" .vimrc is the only other setup necessary. +" +" The API is documented inline below. + +if exists("g:loaded_pathogen") || &cp + finish +endif +let g:loaded_pathogen = 1 + +" Point of entry for basic default usage. Give a relative path to invoke +" pathogen#interpose() (defaults to "bundle/{}"), or an absolute path to invoke +" pathogen#surround(). Curly braces are expanded with pathogen#expand(): +" "bundle/{}" finds all subdirectories inside "bundle" inside all directories +" in the runtime path. +function! pathogen#infect(...) abort + for path in a:0 ? filter(reverse(copy(a:000)), 'type(v:val) == type("")') : ['bundle/{}'] + if path =~# '^\%({\=[$~\\/]\|{\=\w:[\\/]\).*[{}*]' + call pathogen#surround(path) + elseif path =~# '^\%([$~\\/]\|\w:[\\/]\)' + call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')') + call pathogen#surround(path . '/{}') + elseif path =~# '[{}*]' + call pathogen#interpose(path) + else + call s:warn('Change pathogen#infect('.string(path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(path.'/{}').')') + call pathogen#interpose(path . '/{}') + endif + endfor + call pathogen#cycle_filetype() + if pathogen#is_disabled($MYVIMRC) + return 'finish' + endif + return '' +endfunction + +" Split a path into a list. +function! pathogen#split(path) abort + if type(a:path) == type([]) | return a:path | endif + if empty(a:path) | return [] | endif + let split = split(a:path,'\\\@]','\\&','') + endif +endfunction + +" Like findfile(), but hardcoded to use the runtimepath. +function! pathogen#runtime_findfile(file,count) abort + let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&rtp)) + let file = findfile(a:file,rtp,a:count) + if file ==# '' + return '' + else + return fnamemodify(file,':p') + endif +endfunction + +" Section: Deprecated + +function! s:warn(msg) abort + echohl WarningMsg + echomsg a:msg + echohl NONE +endfunction + +" Prepend all subdirectories of path to the rtp, and append all 'after' +" directories in those subdirectories. Deprecated. +function! pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories(path) abort + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_prepend_subdirectories('.string(a:path).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:path.'/{}').')') + return pathogen#surround(a:path . pathogen#slash() . '{}') +endfunction + +function! pathogen#incubate(...) abort + let name = a:0 ? a:1 : 'bundle/{}' + call s:warn('Change pathogen#incubate('.(a:0 ? string(a:1) : '').') to pathogen#infect('.string(name).')') + return pathogen#interpose(name) +endfunction + +" Deprecated alias for pathogen#interpose(). +function! pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles(...) abort + if a:0 + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles('.string(a:1).') to pathogen#infect('.string(a:1.'/{}').')') + else + call s:warn('Change pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles() to pathogen#infect()') + endif + return pathogen#interpose(a:0 ? a:1 . '/{}' : 'bundle/{}') +endfunction + +if exists(':Vedit') + finish +endif + +let s:vopen_warning = 0 + +function! s:find(count,cmd,file,lcd) + let rtp = pathogen#join(1,pathogen#split(&runtimepath)) + let file = pathogen#runtime_findfile(a:file,a:count) + if file ==# '' + return "echoerr 'E345: Can''t find file \"".a:file."\" in runtimepath'" + endif + if !s:vopen_warning + let s:vopen_warning = 1 + let warning = '|echohl WarningMsg|echo "Install scriptease.vim to continue using :V'.a:cmd.'"|echohl NONE' + else + let warning = '' + endif + if a:lcd + let path = file[0:-strlen(a:file)-2] + execute 'lcd `=path`' + return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(a:file) . warning + else + return a:cmd.' '.pathogen#fnameescape(file) . warning + endif +endfunction + +function! s:Findcomplete(A,L,P) + let sep = pathogen#slash() + let cheats = { + \'a': 'autoload', + \'d': 'doc', + \'f': 'ftplugin', + \'i': 'indent', + \'p': 'plugin', + \'s': 'syntax'} + if a:A =~# '^\w[\\/]' && has_key(cheats,a:A[0]) + let request = cheats[a:A[0]].a:A[1:-1] + else + let request = a:A + endif + let pattern = substitute(request,'/\|\'.sep,'*'.sep,'g').'*' + let found = {} + for path in pathogen#split(&runtimepath) + let path = expand(path, ':p') + let matches = split(glob(path.sep.pattern),"\n") + call map(matches,'isdirectory(v:val) ? v:val.sep : v:val') + call map(matches,'expand(v:val, ":p")[strlen(path)+1:-1]') + for match in matches + let found[match] = 1 + endfor + endfor + return sort(keys(found)) +endfunction + +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Ve :execute s:find(,'edit',,0) +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vedit :execute s:find(,'edit',,0) +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vopen :execute s:find(,'edit',,1) +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vsplit :execute s:find(,'split',,1) +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vvsplit :execute s:find(,'vsplit',,1) +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vtabedit :execute s:find(,'tabedit',,1) +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vpedit :execute s:find(,'pedit',,1) +command! -bar -bang -range=1 -nargs=1 -complete=customlist,s:Findcomplete Vread :execute s:find(,'read',,1) + +" vim:set et sw=2 foldmethod=expr foldexpr=getline(v\:lnum)=~'^\"\ Section\:'?'>1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^fu'?'a1'\:getline(v\:lnum)=~#'^endf'?'s1'\:'=': diff --git a/autoload/plug.vim b/autoload/plug.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2a61349 --- /dev/null +++ b/autoload/plug.vim @@ -0,0 +1,2446 @@ +" vim-plug: Vim plugin manager +" ============================ +" +" Download plug.vim and put it in ~/.vim/autoload +" +" curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \ +" +" +" Edit your .vimrc +" +" call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') +" +" " Make sure you use single quotes +" +" " Shorthand notation; fetches +" Plug 'junegunn/vim-easy-align' +" +" " Any valid git URL is allowed +" Plug '' +" +" " Multiple Plug commands can be written in a single line using | separators +" Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips' | Plug 'honza/vim-snippets' +" +" " On-demand loading +" Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree', { 'on': 'NERDTreeToggle' } +" Plug 'tpope/vim-fireplace', { 'for': 'clojure' } +" +" " Using a non-master branch +" Plug 'rdnetto/YCM-Generator', { 'branch': 'stable' } +" +" " Using a tagged release; wildcard allowed (requires git 1.9.2 or above) +" Plug 'fatih/vim-go', { 'tag': '*' } +" +" " Plugin options +" Plug 'nsf/gocode', { 'tag': 'v.20150303', 'rtp': 'vim' } +" +" " Plugin outside ~/.vim/plugged with post-update hook +" Plug 'junegunn/fzf', { 'dir': '~/.fzf', 'do': './install --all' } +" +" " Unmanaged plugin (manually installed and updated) +" Plug '~/my-prototype-plugin' +" +" " Initialize plugin system +" call plug#end() +" +" Then reload .vimrc and :PlugInstall to install plugins. +" +" Plug options: +" +"| Option | Description | +"| ----------------------- | ------------------------------------------------ | +"| `branch`/`tag`/`commit` | Branch/tag/commit of the repository to use | +"| `rtp` | Subdirectory that contains Vim plugin | +"| `dir` | Custom directory for the plugin | +"| `as` | Use different name for the plugin | +"| `do` | Post-update hook (string or funcref) | +"| `on` | On-demand loading: Commands or ``-mappings | +"| `for` | On-demand loading: File types | +"| `frozen` | Do not update unless explicitly specified | +" +" More information: +" +" +" Copyright (c) 2017 Junegunn Choi +" +" MIT License +" +" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +" a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +" "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +" without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +" distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +" permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +" the following conditions: +" +" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +" included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +" +" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +" EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +" MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND +" NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE +" LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION +" OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION +" WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + +if exists('g:loaded_plug') + finish +endif +let g:loaded_plug = 1 + +let s:cpo_save = &cpo +set cpo&vim + +let s:plug_src = '' +let s:plug_tab = get(s:, 'plug_tab', -1) +let s:plug_buf = get(s:, 'plug_buf', -1) +let s:mac_gui = has('gui_macvim') && has('gui_running') +let s:is_win = has('win32') || has('win64') +let s:nvim = has('nvim') && exists('*jobwait') && !s:is_win +let s:vim8 = has('patch-8.0.0039') && exists('*job_start') +let s:me = resolve(expand(':p')) +let s:base_spec = { 'branch': 'master', 'frozen': 0 } +let s:TYPE = { +\ 'string': type(''), +\ 'list': type([]), +\ 'dict': type({}), +\ 'funcref': type(function('call')) +\ } +let s:loaded = get(s:, 'loaded', {}) +let s:triggers = get(s:, 'triggers', {}) + +function! plug#begin(...) + if a:0 > 0 + let s:plug_home_org = a:1 + let home = s:path(fnamemodify(expand(a:1), ':p')) + elseif exists('g:plug_home') + let home = s:path(g:plug_home) + elseif !empty(&rtp) + let home = s:path(split(&rtp, ',')[0]) . '/plugged' + else + return s:err('Unable to determine plug home. Try calling plug#begin() with a path argument.') + endif + + let g:plug_home = home + let g:plugs = {} + let g:plugs_order = [] + let s:triggers = {} + + call s:define_commands() + return 1 +endfunction + +function! s:define_commands() + command! -nargs=+ -bar Plug call plug#() + if !executable('git') + return s:err('`git` executable not found. Most commands will not be available. To suppress this message, prepend `silent!` to `call plug#begin(...)`.') + endif + command! -nargs=* -bar -bang -complete=customlist,s:names PlugInstall call s:install(0, []) + command! -nargs=* -bar -bang -complete=customlist,s:names PlugUpdate call s:update(0, []) + command! -nargs=0 -bar -bang PlugClean call s:clean(0) + command! -nargs=0 -bar PlugUpgrade if s:upgrade() | execute 'source' s:esc(s:me) | endif + command! -nargs=0 -bar PlugStatus call s:status() + command! -nargs=0 -bar PlugDiff call s:diff() + command! -nargs=? -bar -bang -complete=file PlugSnapshot call s:snapshot(0, ) +endfunction + +function! s:to_a(v) + return type(a:v) == s:TYPE.list ? a:v : [a:v] +endfunction + +function! s:to_s(v) + return type(a:v) == s:TYPE.string ? a:v : join(a:v, "\n") . "\n" +endfunction + +function! s:glob(from, pattern) + return s:lines(globpath(a:from, a:pattern)) +endfunction + +function! s:source(from, ...) + let found = 0 + for pattern in a:000 + for vim in s:glob(a:from, pattern) + execute 'source' s:esc(vim) + let found = 1 + endfor + endfor + return found +endfunction + +function! s:assoc(dict, key, val) + let a:dict[a:key] = add(get(a:dict, a:key, []), a:val) +endfunction + +function! s:ask(message, ...) + call inputsave() + echohl WarningMsg + let answer = input(a:message.(a:0 ? ' (y/N/a) ' : ' (y/N) ')) + echohl None + call inputrestore() + echo "\r" + return (a:0 && answer =~? '^a') ? 2 : (answer =~? '^y') ? 1 : 0 +endfunction + +function! s:ask_no_interrupt(...) + try + return call('s:ask', a:000) + catch + return 0 + endtry +endfunction + +function! plug#end() + if !exists('g:plugs') + return s:err('Call plug#begin() first') + endif + + if exists('#PlugLOD') + augroup PlugLOD + autocmd! + augroup END + augroup! PlugLOD + endif + let lod = { 'ft': {}, 'map': {}, 'cmd': {} } + + if exists('g:did_load_filetypes') + filetype off + endif + for name in g:plugs_order + if !has_key(g:plugs, name) + continue + endif + let plug = g:plugs[name] + if get(s:loaded, name, 0) || !has_key(plug, 'on') && !has_key(plug, 'for') + let s:loaded[name] = 1 + continue + endif + + if has_key(plug, 'on') + let s:triggers[name] = { 'map': [], 'cmd': [] } + for cmd in s:to_a(plug.on) + if cmd =~? '^.\+' + if empty(mapcheck(cmd)) && empty(mapcheck(cmd, 'i')) + call s:assoc(, cmd, name) + endif + call add(s:triggers[name].map, cmd) + elseif cmd =~# '^[A-Z]' + let cmd = substitute(cmd, '!*$', '', '') + if exists(':'.cmd) != 2 + call s:assoc(lod.cmd, cmd, name) + endif + call add(s:triggers[name].cmd, cmd) + else + call s:err('Invalid `on` option: '.cmd. + \ '. Should start with an uppercase letter or ``.') + endif + endfor + endif + + if has_key(plug, 'for') + let types = s:to_a(plug.for) + if !empty(types) + augroup filetypedetect + call s:source(s:rtp(plug), 'ftdetect/**/*.vim', 'after/ftdetect/**/*.vim') + augroup END + endif + for type in types + call s:assoc(lod.ft, type, name) + endfor + endif + endfor + + for [cmd, names] in items(lod.cmd) + execute printf( + \ 'command! -nargs=* -range -bang -complete=file %s call s:lod_cmd(%s, "", , , , %s)', + \ cmd, string(cmd), string(names)) + endfor + + for [map, names] in items( + for [mode, map_prefix, key_prefix] in + \ [['i', '', ''], ['n', '', ''], ['v', '', 'gv'], ['o', '', '']] + execute printf( + \ '%snoremap %s %s:call lod_map(%s, %s, %s, "%s")', + \ mode, map, map_prefix, string(map), string(names), mode != 'i', key_prefix) + endfor + endfor + + for [ft, names] in items(lod.ft) + augroup PlugLOD + execute printf('autocmd FileType %s call lod_ft(%s, %s)', + \ ft, string(ft), string(names)) + augroup END + endfor + + call s:reorg_rtp() + filetype plugin indent on + if has('vim_starting') + if has('syntax') && !exists('g:syntax_on') + syntax enable + end + else + call s:reload_plugins() + endif +endfunction + +function! s:loaded_names() + return filter(copy(g:plugs_order), 'get(s:loaded, v:val, 0)') +endfunction + +function! s:load_plugin(spec) + call s:source(s:rtp(a:spec), 'plugin/**/*.vim', 'after/plugin/**/*.vim') +endfunction + +function! s:reload_plugins() + for name in s:loaded_names() + call s:load_plugin(g:plugs[name]) + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:trim(str) + return substitute(a:str, '[\/]\+$', '', '') +endfunction + +function! s:version_requirement(val, min) + for idx in range(0, len(a:min) - 1) + let v = get(a:val, idx, 0) + if v < a:min[idx] | return 0 + elseif v > a:min[idx] | return 1 + endif + endfor + return 1 +endfunction + +function! s:git_version_requirement(...) + if !exists('s:git_version') + let s:git_version = map(split(split(s:system('git --version'))[2], '\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)') + endif + return s:version_requirement(s:git_version, a:000) +endfunction + +function! s:progress_opt(base) + return a:base && !s:is_win && + \ s:git_version_requirement(1, 7, 1) ? '--progress' : '' +endfunction + +if s:is_win + function! s:rtp(spec) + return s:path(a:spec.dir . get(a:spec, 'rtp', '')) + endfunction + + function! s:path(path) + return s:trim(substitute(a:path, '/', '\', 'g')) + endfunction + + function! s:dirpath(path) + return s:path(a:path) . '\' + endfunction + + function! s:is_local_plug(repo) + return a:repo =~? '^[a-z]:\|^[%~]' + endfunction +else + function! s:rtp(spec) + return s:dirpath(a:spec.dir . get(a:spec, 'rtp', '')) + endfunction + + function! s:path(path) + return s:trim(a:path) + endfunction + + function! s:dirpath(path) + return substitute(a:path, '[/\\]*$', '/', '') + endfunction + + function! s:is_local_plug(repo) + return a:repo[0] =~ '[/$~]' + endfunction +endif + +function! s:err(msg) + echohl ErrorMsg + echom '[vim-plug] '.a:msg + echohl None +endfunction + +function! s:warn(cmd, msg) + echohl WarningMsg + execute a:cmd 'a:msg' + echohl None +endfunction + +function! s:esc(path) + return escape(a:path, ' ') +endfunction + +function! s:escrtp(path) + return escape(a:path, ' ,') +endfunction + +function! s:remove_rtp() + for name in s:loaded_names() + let rtp = s:rtp(g:plugs[name]) + execute 'set rtp-='.s:escrtp(rtp) + let after = globpath(rtp, 'after') + if isdirectory(after) + execute 'set rtp-='.s:escrtp(after) + endif + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:reorg_rtp() + if !empty(s:first_rtp) + execute 'set rtp-='.s:first_rtp + execute 'set rtp-='.s:last_rtp + endif + + " &rtp is modified from outside + if exists('s:prtp') && s:prtp !=# &rtp + call s:remove_rtp() + unlet! s:middle + endif + + let s:middle = get(s:, 'middle', &rtp) + let rtps = map(s:loaded_names(), 's:rtp(g:plugs[v:val])') + let afters = filter(map(copy(rtps), 'globpath(v:val, "after")'), '!empty(v:val)') + let rtp = join(map(rtps, 'escape(v:val, ",")'), ',') + \ . ','.s:middle.',' + \ . join(map(afters, 'escape(v:val, ",")'), ',') + let &rtp = substitute(substitute(rtp, ',,*', ',', 'g'), '^,\|,$', '', 'g') + let s:prtp = &rtp + + if !empty(s:first_rtp) + execute 'set rtp^='.s:first_rtp + execute 'set rtp+='.s:last_rtp + endif +endfunction + +function! s:doautocmd(...) + if exists('#'.join(a:000, '#')) + execute 'doautocmd' ((v:version > 703 || has('patch442')) ? '' : '') join(a:000) + endif +endfunction + +function! s:dobufread(names) + for name in a:names + let path = s:rtp(g:plugs[name]).'/**' + for dir in ['ftdetect', 'ftplugin'] + if len(finddir(dir, path)) + if exists('#BufRead') + doautocmd BufRead + endif + return + endif + endfor + endfor +endfunction + +function! plug#load(...) + if a:0 == 0 + return s:err('Argument missing: plugin name(s) required') + endif + if !exists('g:plugs') + return s:err('plug#begin was not called') + endif + let unknowns = filter(copy(a:000), '!has_key(g:plugs, v:val)') + if !empty(unknowns) + let s = len(unknowns) > 1 ? 's' : '' + return s:err(printf('Unknown plugin%s: %s', s, join(unknowns, ', '))) + end + for name in a:000 + call s:lod([name], ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin']) + endfor + call s:dobufread(a:000) + return 1 +endfunction + +function! s:remove_triggers(name) + if !has_key(s:triggers, a:name) + return + endif + for cmd in s:triggers[a:name].cmd + execute 'silent! delc' cmd + endfor + for map in s:triggers[a:name].map + execute 'silent! unmap' map + execute 'silent! iunmap' map + endfor + call remove(s:triggers, a:name) +endfunction + +function! s:lod(names, types, ...) + for name in a:names + call s:remove_triggers(name) + let s:loaded[name] = 1 + endfor + call s:reorg_rtp() + + for name in a:names + let rtp = s:rtp(g:plugs[name]) + for dir in a:types + call s:source(rtp, dir.'/**/*.vim') + endfor + if a:0 + if !s:source(rtp, a:1) && !empty(s:glob(rtp, a:2)) + execute 'runtime' a:1 + endif + call s:source(rtp, a:2) + endif + call s:doautocmd('User', name) + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:lod_ft(pat, names) + let syn = 'syntax/'.a:pat.'.vim' + call s:lod(a:names, ['plugin', 'after/plugin'], syn, 'after/'.syn) + execute 'autocmd! PlugLOD FileType' a:pat + call s:doautocmd('filetypeplugin', 'FileType') + call s:doautocmd('filetypeindent', 'FileType') +endfunction + +function! s:lod_cmd(cmd, bang, l1, l2, args, names) + call s:lod(a:names, ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin']) + call s:dobufread(a:names) + execute printf('%s%s%s %s', (a:l1 == a:l2 ? '' : (a:l1.','.a:l2)), a:cmd, a:bang, a:args) +endfunction + +function! s:lod_map(map, names, with_prefix, prefix) + call s:lod(a:names, ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin']) + call s:dobufread(a:names) + let extra = '' + while 1 + let c = getchar(0) + if c == 0 + break + endif + let extra .= nr2char(c) + endwhile + + if a:with_prefix + let prefix = v:count ? v:count : '' + let prefix .= '"'.v:register.a:prefix + if mode(1) == 'no' + if v:operator == 'c' + let prefix = "\" . prefix + endif + let prefix .= v:operator + endif + call feedkeys(prefix, 'n') + endif + call feedkeys(substitute(a:map, '^', "\", '') . extra) +endfunction + +function! plug#(repo, ...) + if a:0 > 1 + return s:err('Invalid number of arguments (1..2)') + endif + + try + let repo = s:trim(a:repo) + let opts = a:0 == 1 ? s:parse_options(a:1) : s:base_spec + let name = get(opts, 'as', fnamemodify(repo, ':t:s?\.git$??')) + let spec = extend(s:infer_properties(name, repo), opts) + if !has_key(g:plugs, name) + call add(g:plugs_order, name) + endif + let g:plugs[name] = spec + let s:loaded[name] = get(s:loaded, name, 0) + catch + return s:err(v:exception) + endtry +endfunction + +function! s:parse_options(arg) + let opts = copy(s:base_spec) + let type = type(a:arg) + if type == s:TYPE.string + let opts.tag = a:arg + elseif type == s:TYPE.dict + call extend(opts, a:arg) + if has_key(opts, 'dir') + let opts.dir = s:dirpath(expand(opts.dir)) + endif + else + throw 'Invalid argument type (expected: string or dictionary)' + endif + return opts +endfunction + +function! s:infer_properties(name, repo) + let repo = a:repo + if s:is_local_plug(repo) + return { 'dir': s:dirpath(expand(repo)) } + else + if repo =~ ':' + let uri = repo + else + if repo !~ '/' + let repo = 'vim-scripts/'. repo + endif + let fmt = get(g:, 'plug_url_format', '') + let uri = printf(fmt, repo) + endif + return { 'dir': s:dirpath(g:plug_home.'/'.a:name), 'uri': uri } + endif +endfunction + +function! s:install(force, names) + call s:update_impl(0, a:force, a:names) +endfunction + +function! s:update(force, names) + call s:update_impl(1, a:force, a:names) +endfunction + +function! plug#helptags() + if !exists('g:plugs') + return s:err('plug#begin was not called') + endif + for spec in values(g:plugs) + let docd = join([spec.dir, 'doc'], '/') + if isdirectory(docd) + silent! execute 'helptags' s:esc(docd) + endif + endfor + return 1 +endfunction + +function! s:syntax() + syntax clear + syntax region plug1 start=/\%1l/ end=/\%2l/ contains=plugNumber + syntax region plug2 start=/\%2l/ end=/\%3l/ contains=plugBracket,plugX + syn match plugNumber /[0-9]\+[0-9.]*/ contained + syn match plugBracket /[[\]]/ contained + syn match plugX /x/ contained + syn match plugDash /^-/ + syn match plugPlus /^+/ + syn match plugStar /^*/ + syn match plugMessage /\(^- \)\@<=.*/ + syn match plugName /\(^- \)\@<=[^ ]*:/ + syn match plugSha /\%(: \)\@<=[0-9a-f]\{4,}$/ + syn match plugTag /(tag: [^)]\+)/ + syn match plugInstall /\(^+ \)\@<=[^:]*/ + syn match plugUpdate /\(^* \)\@<=[^:]*/ + syn match plugCommit /^ \X*[0-9a-f]\{7} .*/ contains=plugRelDate,plugEdge,plugTag + syn match plugEdge /^ \X\+$/ + syn match plugEdge /^ \X*/ contained nextgroup=plugSha + syn match plugSha /[0-9a-f]\{7}/ contained + syn match plugRelDate /([^)]*)$/ contained + syn match plugNotLoaded /(not loaded)$/ + syn match plugError /^x.*/ + syn region plugDeleted start=/^\~ .*/ end=/^\ze\S/ + syn match plugH2 /^.*:\n-\+$/ + syn keyword Function PlugInstall PlugStatus PlugUpdate PlugClean + hi def link plug1 Title + hi def link plug2 Repeat + hi def link plugH2 Type + hi def link plugX Exception + hi def link plugBracket Structure + hi def link plugNumber Number + + hi def link plugDash Special + hi def link plugPlus Constant + hi def link plugStar Boolean + + hi def link plugMessage Function + hi def link plugName Label + hi def link plugInstall Function + hi def link plugUpdate Type + + hi def link plugError Error + hi def link plugDeleted Ignore + hi def link plugRelDate Comment + hi def link plugEdge PreProc + hi def link plugSha Identifier + hi def link plugTag Constant + + hi def link plugNotLoaded Comment +endfunction + +function! s:lpad(str, len) + return a:str . repeat(' ', a:len - len(a:str)) +endfunction + +function! s:lines(msg) + return split(a:msg, "[\r\n]") +endfunction + +function! s:lastline(msg) + return get(s:lines(a:msg), -1, '') +endfunction + +function! s:new_window() + execute get(g:, 'plug_window', 'vertical topleft new') +endfunction + +function! s:plug_window_exists() + let buflist = tabpagebuflist(s:plug_tab) + return !empty(buflist) && index(buflist, s:plug_buf) >= 0 +endfunction + +function! s:switch_in() + if !s:plug_window_exists() + return 0 + endif + + if winbufnr(0) != s:plug_buf + let s:pos = [tabpagenr(), winnr(), winsaveview()] + execute 'normal!' s:plug_tab.'gt' + let winnr = bufwinnr(s:plug_buf) + execute winnr.'wincmd w' + call add(s:pos, winsaveview()) + else + let s:pos = [winsaveview()] + endif + + setlocal modifiable + return 1 +endfunction + +function! s:switch_out(...) + call winrestview(s:pos[-1]) + setlocal nomodifiable + if a:0 > 0 + execute a:1 + endif + + if len(s:pos) > 1 + execute 'normal!' s:pos[0].'gt' + execute s:pos[1] 'wincmd w' + call winrestview(s:pos[2]) + endif +endfunction + +function! s:finish_bindings() + nnoremap R :call retry() + nnoremap D :PlugDiff + nnoremap S :PlugStatus + nnoremap U :call status_update() + xnoremap U :call status_update() + nnoremap ]] :silent! call section('') + nnoremap [[ :silent! call section('b') +endfunction + +function! s:prepare(...) + if empty(getcwd()) + throw 'Invalid current working directory. Cannot proceed.' + endif + + for evar in ['$GIT_DIR', '$GIT_WORK_TREE'] + if exists(evar) + throw evar.' detected. Cannot proceed.' + endif + endfor + + call s:job_abort() + if s:switch_in() + if b:plug_preview == 1 + pc + endif + enew + else + call s:new_window() + endif + + nnoremap q :if b:plug_preview==1pcendifbd + if a:0 == 0 + call s:finish_bindings() + endif + let b:plug_preview = -1 + let s:plug_tab = tabpagenr() + let s:plug_buf = winbufnr(0) + call s:assign_name() + + for k in ['', 'L', 'o', 'X', 'd', 'dd'] + execute 'silent! unmap ' k + endfor + setlocal buftype=nofile bufhidden=wipe nobuflisted nolist noswapfile nowrap cursorline modifiable nospell + setf vim-plug + if exists('g:syntax_on') + call s:syntax() + endif +endfunction + +function! s:assign_name() + " Assign buffer name + let prefix = '[Plugins]' + let name = prefix + let idx = 2 + while bufexists(name) + let name = printf('%s (%s)', prefix, idx) + let idx = idx + 1 + endwhile + silent! execute 'f' fnameescape(name) +endfunction + +function! s:chsh(swap) + let prev = [&shell, &shellredir] + if !s:is_win && a:swap + set shell=sh shellredir=>%s\ 2>&1 + endif + return prev +endfunction + +function! s:bang(cmd, ...) + try + let [sh, shrd] = s:chsh(a:0) + " FIXME: Escaping is incomplete. We could use shellescape with eval, + " but it won't work on Windows. + let cmd = a:0 ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:1) : a:cmd + let g:_plug_bang = '!'.escape(cmd, '#!%') + execute "normal! :execute g:_plug_bang\\" + finally + unlet g:_plug_bang + let [&shell, &shellredir] = [sh, shrd] + endtry + return v:shell_error ? 'Exit status: ' . v:shell_error : '' +endfunction + +function! s:regress_bar() + let bar = substitute(getline(2)[1:-2], '.*\zs=', 'x', '') + call s:progress_bar(2, bar, len(bar)) +endfunction + +function! s:is_updated(dir) + return !empty(s:system_chomp('git log --pretty=format:"%h" "HEAD...HEAD@{1}"', a:dir)) +endfunction + +function! s:do(pull, force, todo) + for [name, spec] in items(a:todo) + if !isdirectory(spec.dir) + continue + endif + let installed = has_key(, name) + let updated = installed ? 0 : + \ (a:pull && index(s:update.errors, name) < 0 && s:is_updated(spec.dir)) + if a:force || installed || updated + execute 'cd' s:esc(spec.dir) + call append(3, '- Post-update hook for '. name .' ... ') + let error = '' + let type = type( + if type == s:TYPE.string + if[0] == ':' + if !get(s:loaded, name, 0) + let s:loaded[name] = 1 + call s:reorg_rtp() + endif + call s:load_plugin(spec) + try + execute[1:] + catch + let error = v:exception + endtry + if !s:plug_window_exists() + cd - + throw 'Warning: vim-plug was terminated by the post-update hook of '.name + endif + else + let error = s:bang( + endif + elseif type == s:TYPE.funcref + try + let status = installed ? 'installed' : (updated ? 'updated' : 'unchanged') + call{ 'name': name, 'status': status, 'force': a:force }) + catch + let error = v:exception + endtry + else + let error = 'Invalid hook type' + endif + call s:switch_in() + call setline(4, empty(error) ? (getline(4) . 'OK') + \ : ('x' . getline(4)[1:] . error)) + if !empty(error) + call add(s:update.errors, name) + call s:regress_bar() + endif + cd - + endif + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:hash_match(a, b) + return stridx(a:a, a:b) == 0 || stridx(a:b, a:a) == 0 +endfunction + +function! s:checkout(spec) + let sha = a:spec.commit + let output = s:system('git rev-parse HEAD', a:spec.dir) + if !v:shell_error && !s:hash_match(sha, s:lines(output)[0]) + let output = s:system( + \ 'git fetch --depth 999999 && git checkout '.s:esc(sha), a:spec.dir) + endif + return output +endfunction + +function! s:finish(pull) + let new_frozen = len(filter(keys(, 'g:plugs[v:val].frozen')) + if new_frozen + let s = new_frozen > 1 ? 's' : '' + call append(3, printf('- Installed %d frozen plugin%s', new_frozen, s)) + endif + call append(3, '- Finishing ... ') | 4 + redraw + call plug#helptags() + call plug#end() + call setline(4, getline(4) . 'Done!') + redraw + let msgs = [] + if !empty(s:update.errors) + call add(msgs, "Press 'R' to retry.") + endif + if a:pull && len( < len(filter(getline(5, '$'), + \ "v:val =~ '^- ' && stridx(v:val, 'Already up-to-date') < 0")) + call add(msgs, "Press 'D' to see the updated changes.") + endif + echo join(msgs, ' ') + call s:finish_bindings() +endfunction + +function! s:retry() + if empty(s:update.errors) + return + endif + echo + call s:update_impl(s:update.pull, s:update.force, + \ extend(copy(s:update.errors), [s:update.threads])) +endfunction + +function! s:is_managed(name) + return has_key(g:plugs[a:name], 'uri') +endfunction + +function! s:names(...) + return sort(filter(keys(g:plugs), 'stridx(v:val, a:1) == 0 && s:is_managed(v:val)')) +endfunction + +function! s:check_ruby() + silent! ruby require 'thread'; VIM::command("let g:plug_ruby = '#{RUBY_VERSION}'") + if !exists('g:plug_ruby') + redraw! + return s:warn('echom', 'Warning: Ruby interface is broken') + endif + let ruby_version = split(g:plug_ruby, '\.') + unlet g:plug_ruby + return s:version_requirement(ruby_version, [1, 8, 7]) +endfunction + +function! s:update_impl(pull, force, args) abort + let sync = index(a:args, '--sync') >= 0 || has('vim_starting') + let args = filter(copy(a:args), 'v:val != "--sync"') + let threads = (len(args) > 0 && args[-1] =~ '^[1-9][0-9]*$') ? + \ remove(args, -1) : get(g:, 'plug_threads', 16) + + let managed = filter(copy(g:plugs), 's:is_managed(v:key)') + let todo = empty(args) ? filter(managed, '!v:val.frozen || !isdirectory(v:val.dir)') : + \ filter(managed, 'index(args, v:key) >= 0') + + if empty(todo) + return s:warn('echo', 'No plugin to '. (a:pull ? 'update' : 'install')) + endif + + if !s:is_win && s:git_version_requirement(2, 3) + let s:git_terminal_prompt = exists('$GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT') ? $GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT : '' + let $GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT = 0 + for plug in values(todo) + let plug.uri = substitute(plug.uri, + \ '^https://git::@github\.com', '', '') + endfor + endif + + if !isdirectory(g:plug_home) + try + call mkdir(g:plug_home, 'p') + catch + return s:err(printf('Invalid plug directory: %s. '. + \ 'Try to call plug#begin with a valid directory', g:plug_home)) + endtry + endif + + if has('nvim') && !exists('*jobwait') && threads > 1 + call s:warn('echom', '[vim-plug] Update Neovim for parallel installer') + endif + + let use_job = s:nvim || s:vim8 + let python = (has('python') || has('python3')) && !use_job + let ruby = has('ruby') && !use_job && (v:version >= 703 || v:version == 702 && has('patch374')) && !(s:is_win && has('gui_running')) && threads > 1 && s:check_ruby() + + let s:update = { + \ 'start': reltime(), + \ 'all': todo, + \ 'todo': copy(todo), + \ 'errors': [], + \ 'pull': a:pull, + \ 'force': a:force, + \ 'new': {}, + \ 'threads': (python || ruby || use_job) ? min([len(todo), threads]) : 1, + \ 'bar': '', + \ 'fin': 0 + \ } + + call s:prepare(1) + call append(0, ['', '']) + normal! 2G + silent! redraw + + let s:clone_opt = get(g:, 'plug_shallow', 1) ? + \ '--depth 1' . (s:git_version_requirement(1, 7, 10) ? ' --no-single-branch' : '') : '' + + " Python version requirement (>= 2.7) + if python && !has('python3') && !ruby && !use_job && s:update.threads > 1 + redir => pyv + silent python import platform; print platform.python_version() + redir END + let python = s:version_requirement( + \ map(split(split(pyv)[0], '\.'), 'str2nr(v:val)'), [2, 6]) + endif + + if (python || ruby) && s:update.threads > 1 + try + let imd = &imd + if s:mac_gui + set noimd + endif + if ruby + call s:update_ruby() + else + call s:update_python() + endif + catch + let lines = getline(4, '$') + let printed = {} + silent! 4,$d _ + for line in lines + let name = s:extract_name(line, '.', '') + if empty(name) || !has_key(printed, name) + call append('$', line) + if !empty(name) + let printed[name] = 1 + if line[0] == 'x' && index(s:update.errors, name) < 0 + call add(s:update.errors, name) + end + endif + endif + endfor + finally + let &imd = imd + call s:update_finish() + endtry + else + call s:update_vim() + while use_job && sync + sleep 100m + if s:update.fin + break + endif + endwhile + endif +endfunction + +function! s:log4(name, msg) + call setline(4, printf('- %s (%s)', a:msg, a:name)) + redraw +endfunction + +function! s:update_finish() + if exists('s:git_terminal_prompt') + let $GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT = s:git_terminal_prompt + endif + if s:switch_in() + call append(3, '- Updating ...') | 4 + for [name, spec] in items(filter(copy(s:update.all), 'index(s:update.errors, v:key) < 0 && (s:update.force || s:update.pull || has_key(, v:key))')) + let [pos, _] = s:logpos(name) + if !pos + continue + endif + if has_key(spec, 'commit') + call s:log4(name, 'Checking out '.spec.commit) + let out = s:checkout(spec) + elseif has_key(spec, 'tag') + let tag = spec.tag + if tag =~ '\*' + let tags = s:lines(s:system('git tag --list '.string(tag).' --sort -version:refname 2>&1', spec.dir)) + if !v:shell_error && !empty(tags) + let tag = tags[0] + call s:log4(name, printf('Latest tag for %s -> %s', spec.tag, tag)) + call append(3, '') + endif + endif + call s:log4(name, 'Checking out '.tag) + let out = s:system('git checkout -q '.s:esc(tag).' 2>&1', spec.dir) + else + let branch = s:esc(get(spec, 'branch', 'master')) + call s:log4(name, 'Merging origin/'.branch) + let out = s:system('git checkout -q '.branch.' 2>&1' + \. (has_key(, name) ? '' : ('&& git merge --ff-only origin/'.branch.' 2>&1')), spec.dir) + endif + if !v:shell_error && filereadable(spec.dir.'/.gitmodules') && + \ (s:update.force || has_key(, name) || s:is_updated(spec.dir)) + call s:log4(name, 'Updating submodules. This may take a while.') + let out .= s:bang('git submodule update --init --recursive 2>&1', spec.dir) + endif + let msg = s:format_message(v:shell_error ? 'x': '-', name, out) + if v:shell_error + call add(s:update.errors, name) + call s:regress_bar() + silent execute pos 'd _' + call append(4, msg) | 4 + elseif !empty(out) + call setline(pos, msg[0]) + endif + redraw + endfor + silent 4 d _ + try + call s:do(s:update.pull, s:update.force, filter(copy(s:update.all), 'index(s:update.errors, v:key) < 0 && has_key(v:val, "do")')) + catch + call s:warn('echom', v:exception) + call s:warn('echo', '') + return + endtry + call s:finish(s:update.pull) + call setline(1, 'Updated. Elapsed time: ' . split(reltimestr(reltime(s:update.start)))[0] . ' sec.') + call s:switch_out('normal! gg') + endif +endfunction + +function! s:job_abort() + if (!s:nvim && !s:vim8) || !exists('s:jobs') + return + endif + + for [name, j] in items(s:jobs) + if s:nvim + silent! call jobstop(j.jobid) + elseif s:vim8 + silent! call job_stop(j.jobid) + endif + if + call s:system('rm -rf ' . s:shellesc(g:plugs[name].dir)) + endif + endfor + let s:jobs = {} +endfunction + +function! s:last_non_empty_line(lines) + let len = len(a:lines) + for idx in range(len) + let line = a:lines[len-idx-1] + if !empty(line) + return line + endif + endfor + return '' +endfunction + +function! s:job_out_cb(self, data) abort + let self = a:self + let data = remove(self.lines, -1) . a:data + let lines = map(split(data, "\n", 1), 'split(v:val, "\r", 1)[-1]') + call extend(self.lines, lines) + " To reduce the number of buffer updates + let self.tick = get(self, 'tick', -1) + 1 + if !self.running || self.tick % len(s:jobs) == 0 + let bullet = self.running ? ( ? '+' : '*') : (self.error ? 'x' : '-') + let result = self.error ? join(self.lines, "\n") : s:last_non_empty_line(self.lines) + call s:log(bullet,, result) + endif +endfunction + +function! s:job_exit_cb(self, data) abort + let a:self.running = 0 + let a:self.error = a:data != 0 + call s:reap( + call s:tick() +endfunction + +function! s:job_cb(fn, job, ch, data) + if !s:plug_window_exists() " plug window closed + return s:job_abort() + endif + call call(a:fn, [a:job, a:data]) +endfunction + +function! s:nvim_cb(job_id, data, event) dict abort + return a:event == 'stdout' ? + \ s:job_cb('s:job_out_cb', self, 0, join(a:data, "\n")) : + \ s:job_cb('s:job_exit_cb', self, 0, a:data) +endfunction + +function! s:spawn(name, cmd, opts) + let job = { 'name': a:name, 'running': 1, 'error': 0, 'lines': [''], + \ 'new': get(a:opts, 'new', 0) } + let s:jobs[a:name] = job + let argv = add(s:is_win ? ['cmd', '/c'] : ['sh', '-c'], + \ has_key(a:opts, 'dir') ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:opts.dir) : a:cmd) + + if s:nvim + call extend(job, { + \ 'on_stdout': function('s:nvim_cb'), + \ 'on_exit': function('s:nvim_cb'), + \ }) + let jid = jobstart(argv, job) + if jid > 0 + let job.jobid = jid + else + let job.running = 0 + let job.error = 1 + let job.lines = [jid < 0 ? argv[0].' is not executable' : + \ 'Invalid arguments (or job table is full)'] + endif + elseif s:vim8 + let jid = job_start(s:is_win ? join(argv, ' ') : argv, { + \ 'out_cb': function('s:job_cb', ['s:job_out_cb', job]), + \ 'exit_cb': function('s:job_cb', ['s:job_exit_cb', job]), + \ 'out_mode': 'raw' + \}) + if job_status(jid) == 'run' + let job.jobid = jid + else + let job.running = 0 + let job.error = 1 + let job.lines = ['Failed to start job'] + endif + else + let params = has_key(a:opts, 'dir') ? [a:cmd, a:opts.dir] : [a:cmd] + let job.lines = s:lines(call('s:system', params)) + let job.error = v:shell_error != 0 + let job.running = 0 + endif +endfunction + +function! s:reap(name) + let job = s:jobs[a:name] + if job.error + call add(s:update.errors, a:name) + elseif get(job, 'new', 0) + let[a:name] = 1 + endif + let .= job.error ? 'x' : '=' + + let bullet = job.error ? 'x' : '-' + let result = job.error ? join(job.lines, "\n") : s:last_non_empty_line(job.lines) + call s:log(bullet, a:name, empty(result) ? 'OK' : result) + call s:bar() + + call remove(s:jobs, a:name) +endfunction + +function! s:bar() + if s:switch_in() + let total = len(s:update.all) + call setline(1, (s:update.pull ? 'Updating' : 'Installing'). + \ ' plugins ('.len('/'.total.')') + call s:progress_bar(2,, total) + call s:switch_out() + endif +endfunction + +function! s:logpos(name) + for i in range(4, line('$')) + if getline(i) =~# '^[-+x*] '.a:name.':' + for j in range(i + 1, line('$')) + if getline(j) !~ '^ ' + return [i, j - 1] + endif + endfor + return [i, i] + endif + endfor + return [0, 0] +endfunction + +function! s:log(bullet, name, lines) + if s:switch_in() + let [b, e] = s:logpos(a:name) + if b > 0 + silent execute printf('%d,%d d _', b, e) + if b > winheight('.') + let b = 4 + endif + else + let b = 4 + endif + " FIXME For some reason, nomodifiable is set after :d in vim8 + setlocal modifiable + call append(b - 1, s:format_message(a:bullet, a:name, a:lines)) + call s:switch_out() + endif +endfunction + +function! s:update_vim() + let s:jobs = {} + + call s:bar() + call s:tick() +endfunction + +function! s:tick() + let pull = s:update.pull + let prog = s:progress_opt(s:nvim || s:vim8) +while 1 " Without TCO, Vim stack is bound to explode + if empty(s:update.todo) + if empty(s:jobs) && !s:update.fin + call s:update_finish() + let s:update.fin = 1 + endif + return + endif + + let name = keys(s:update.todo)[0] + let spec = remove(s:update.todo, name) + let new = !isdirectory(spec.dir) + + call s:log(new ? '+' : '*', name, pull ? 'Updating ...' : 'Installing ...') + redraw + + let has_tag = has_key(spec, 'tag') + if !new + let [error, _] = s:git_validate(spec, 0) + if empty(error) + if pull + let fetch_opt = (has_tag && !empty(globpath(spec.dir, '.git/shallow'))) ? '--depth 99999999' : '' + call s:spawn(name, printf('git fetch %s %s 2>&1', fetch_opt, prog), { 'dir': spec.dir }) + else + let s:jobs[name] = { 'running': 0, 'lines': ['Already installed'], 'error': 0 } + endif + else + let s:jobs[name] = { 'running': 0, 'lines': s:lines(error), 'error': 1 } + endif + else + call s:spawn(name, + \ printf('git clone %s %s %s %s 2>&1', + \ has_tag ? '' : s:clone_opt, + \ prog, + \ s:shellesc(spec.uri), + \ s:shellesc(s:trim(spec.dir))), { 'new': 1 }) + endif + + if !s:jobs[name].running + call s:reap(name) + endif + if len(s:jobs) >= s:update.threads + break + endif +endwhile +endfunction + +function! s:update_python() +let py_exe = has('python') ? 'python' : 'python3' +execute py_exe "<< EOF" +import datetime +import functools +import os +try: + import queue +except ImportError: + import Queue as queue +import random +import re +import shutil +import signal +import subprocess +import tempfile +import threading as thr +import time +import traceback +import vim + +G_NVIM = vim.eval("has('nvim')") == '1' +G_PULL = vim.eval('s:update.pull') == '1' +G_RETRIES = int(vim.eval('get(g:, "plug_retries", 2)')) + 1 +G_TIMEOUT = int(vim.eval('get(g:, "plug_timeout", 60)')) +G_CLONE_OPT = vim.eval('s:clone_opt') +G_PROGRESS = vim.eval('s:progress_opt(1)') +G_LOG_PROB = 1.0 / int(vim.eval('s:update.threads')) +G_STOP = thr.Event() +G_IS_WIN = vim.eval('s:is_win') == '1' + +class PlugError(Exception): + def __init__(self, msg): + self.msg = msg +class CmdTimedOut(PlugError): + pass +class CmdFailed(PlugError): + pass +class InvalidURI(PlugError): + pass +class Action(object): + INSTALL, UPDATE, ERROR, DONE = ['+', '*', 'x', '-'] + +class Buffer(object): + def __init__(self, lock, num_plugs, is_pull): + = '' + self.event = 'Updating' if is_pull else 'Installing' + self.lock = lock + self.maxy = int(vim.eval('winheight(".")')) + self.num_plugs = num_plugs + + def __where(self, name): + """ Find first line with name in current buffer. Return line num. """ + found, lnum = False, 0 + matcher = re.compile('^[-+x*] {0}:'.format(name)) + for line in vim.current.buffer: + if is not None: + found = True + break + lnum += 1 + + if not found: + lnum = -1 + return lnum + + def header(self): + curbuf = vim.current.buffer + curbuf[0] = self.event + ' plugins ({0}/{1})'.format(len(, self.num_plugs) + + num_spaces = self.num_plugs - len( + curbuf[1] = '[{0}{1}]'.format(, num_spaces * ' ') + + with self.lock: + vim.command('normal! 2G') + vim.command('redraw') + + def write(self, action, name, lines): + first, rest = lines[0], lines[1:] + msg = ['{0} {1}{2}{3}'.format(action, name, ': ' if first else '', first)] + msg.extend([' ' + line for line in rest]) + + try: + if action == Action.ERROR: + += 'x' + vim.command("call add(s:update.errors, '{0}')".format(name)) + elif action == Action.DONE: + += '=' + + curbuf = vim.current.buffer + lnum = self.__where(name) + if lnum != -1: # Found matching line num + del curbuf[lnum] + if lnum > self.maxy and action in set([Action.INSTALL, Action.UPDATE]): + lnum = 3 + else: + lnum = 3 + curbuf.append(msg, lnum) + + self.header() + except vim.error: + pass + +class Command(object): + CD = 'cd /d' if G_IS_WIN else 'cd' + + def __init__(self, cmd, cmd_dir=None, timeout=60, cb=None, clean=None): + self.cmd = cmd + if cmd_dir: + self.cmd = '{0} {1} && {2}'.format(Command.CD, cmd_dir, self.cmd) + self.timeout = timeout + self.callback = cb if cb else (lambda msg: None) + self.clean = clean if clean else (lambda: None) + self.proc = None + + @property + def alive(self): + """ Returns true only if command still running. """ + return self.proc and self.proc.poll() is None + + def execute(self, ntries=3): + """ Execute the command with ntries if CmdTimedOut. + Returns the output of the command if no Exception. + """ + attempt, finished, limit = 0, False, self.timeout + + while not finished: + try: + attempt += 1 + result = self.try_command() + finished = True + return result + except CmdTimedOut: + if attempt != ntries: + self.notify_retry() + self.timeout += limit + else: + raise + + def notify_retry(self): + """ Retry required for command, notify user. """ + for count in range(3, 0, -1): + if G_STOP.is_set(): + raise KeyboardInterrupt + msg = 'Timeout. Will retry in {0} second{1} ...'.format( + count, 's' if count != 1 else '') + self.callback([msg]) + time.sleep(1) + self.callback(['Retrying ...']) + + def try_command(self): + """ Execute a cmd & poll for callback. Returns list of output. + Raises CmdFailed -> return code for Popen isn't 0 + Raises CmdTimedOut -> command exceeded timeout without new output + """ + first_line = True + + try: + tfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+b') + preexec_fn = not G_IS_WIN and os.setsid or None + self.proc = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=tfile, + stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, + stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True, + preexec_fn=preexec_fn) + thrd = thr.Thread(target=(lambda proc: proc.wait()), args=(self.proc,)) + thrd.start() + + thread_not_started = True + while thread_not_started: + try: + thrd.join(0.1) + thread_not_started = False + except RuntimeError: + pass + + while self.alive: + if G_STOP.is_set(): + raise KeyboardInterrupt + + if first_line or random.random() < G_LOG_PROB: + first_line = False + line = '' if G_IS_WIN else nonblock_read( + if line: + self.callback([line]) + + time_diff = time.time() - os.path.getmtime( + if time_diff > self.timeout: + raise CmdTimedOut(['Timeout!']) + + thrd.join(0.5) + + + result = [line.decode('utf-8', 'replace').rstrip() for line in tfile] + + if self.proc.returncode != 0: + raise CmdFailed([''] + result) + + return result + except: + self.terminate() + raise + + def terminate(self): + """ Terminate process and cleanup. """ + if self.alive: + if G_IS_WIN: + os.kill(, signal.SIGINT) + else: + os.killpg(, signal.SIGTERM) + self.clean() + +class Plugin(object): + def __init__(self, name, args, buf_q, lock): + = name + self.args = args + self.buf_q = buf_q + self.lock = lock + self.tag = args.get('tag', 0) + + def manage(self): + try: + if os.path.exists(self.args['dir']): + self.update() + else: + self.install() + with self.lock: + thread_vim_command("let['{0}'] = 1".format( + except PlugError as exc: + self.write(Action.ERROR,, exc.msg) + except KeyboardInterrupt: + G_STOP.set() + self.write(Action.ERROR,, ['Interrupted!']) + except: + # Any exception except those above print stack trace + msg = 'Trace:\n{0}'.format(traceback.format_exc().rstrip()) + self.write(Action.ERROR,, msg.split('\n')) + raise + + def install(self): + target = self.args['dir'] + if target[-1] == '\\': + target = target[0:-1] + + def clean(target): + def _clean(): + try: + shutil.rmtree(target) + except OSError: + pass + return _clean + + self.write(Action.INSTALL,, ['Installing ...']) + callback = functools.partial(self.write, Action.INSTALL, + cmd = 'git clone {0} {1} {2} {3} 2>&1'.format( + '' if self.tag else G_CLONE_OPT, G_PROGRESS, self.args['uri'], + esc(target)) + com = Command(cmd, None, G_TIMEOUT, callback, clean(target)) + result = com.execute(G_RETRIES) + self.write(Action.DONE,, result[-1:]) + + def repo_uri(self): + cmd = 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>&1 && git config -f .git/config remote.origin.url' + command = Command(cmd, self.args['dir'], G_TIMEOUT,) + result = command.execute(G_RETRIES) + return result[-1] + + def update(self): + actual_uri = self.repo_uri() + expect_uri = self.args['uri'] + regex = re.compile(r'^(?:\w+://)?(?:[^@/]*@)?([^:/]*(?::[0-9]*)?)[:/](.*?)(?:\.git)?/?$') + ma = regex.match(actual_uri) + mb = regex.match(expect_uri) + if ma is None or mb is None or ma.groups() != mb.groups(): + msg = ['', + 'Invalid URI: {0}'.format(actual_uri), + 'Expected {0}'.format(expect_uri), + 'PlugClean required.'] + raise InvalidURI(msg) + + if G_PULL: + self.write(Action.UPDATE,, ['Updating ...']) + callback = functools.partial(self.write, Action.UPDATE, + fetch_opt = '--depth 99999999' if self.tag and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.args['dir'], '.git/shallow')) else '' + cmd = 'git fetch {0} {1} 2>&1'.format(fetch_opt, G_PROGRESS) + com = Command(cmd, self.args['dir'], G_TIMEOUT, callback) + result = com.execute(G_RETRIES) + self.write(Action.DONE,, result[-1:]) + else: + self.write(Action.DONE,, ['Already installed']) + + def write(self, action, name, msg): + self.buf_q.put((action, name, msg)) + +class PlugThread(thr.Thread): + def __init__(self, tname, args): + super(PlugThread, self).__init__() + self.tname = tname + self.args = args + + def run(self): + thr.current_thread().name = self.tname + buf_q, work_q, lock = self.args + + try: + while not G_STOP.is_set(): + name, args = work_q.get_nowait() + plug = Plugin(name, args, buf_q, lock) + plug.manage() + work_q.task_done() + except queue.Empty: + pass + +class RefreshThread(thr.Thread): + def __init__(self, lock): + super(RefreshThread, self).__init__() + self.lock = lock + self.running = True + + def run(self): + while self.running: + with self.lock: + thread_vim_command('noautocmd normal! a') + time.sleep(0.33) + + def stop(self): + self.running = False + +if G_NVIM: + def thread_vim_command(cmd): + vim.session.threadsafe_call(lambda: vim.command(cmd)) +else: + def thread_vim_command(cmd): + vim.command(cmd) + +def esc(name): + return '"' + name.replace('"', '\"') + '"' + +def nonblock_read(fname): + """ Read a file with nonblock flag. Return the last line. """ + fread =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NONBLOCK) + buf =, 100000).decode('utf-8', 'replace') + os.close(fread) + + line = buf.rstrip('\r\n') + left = max(line.rfind('\r'), line.rfind('\n')) + if left != -1: + left += 1 + line = line[left:] + + return line + +def main(): + thr.current_thread().name = 'main' + nthreads = int(vim.eval('s:update.threads')) + plugs = vim.eval('s:update.todo') + mac_gui = vim.eval('s:mac_gui') == '1' + + lock = thr.Lock() + buf = Buffer(lock, len(plugs), G_PULL) + buf_q, work_q = queue.Queue(), queue.Queue() + for work in plugs.items(): + work_q.put(work) + + start_cnt = thr.active_count() + for num in range(nthreads): + tname = 'PlugT-{0:02}'.format(num) + thread = PlugThread(tname, (buf_q, work_q, lock)) + thread.start() + if mac_gui: + rthread = RefreshThread(lock) + rthread.start() + + while not buf_q.empty() or thr.active_count() != start_cnt: + try: + action, name, msg = buf_q.get(True, 0.25) + buf.write(action, name, ['OK'] if not msg else msg) + buf_q.task_done() + except queue.Empty: + pass + except KeyboardInterrupt: + G_STOP.set() + + if mac_gui: + rthread.stop() + rthread.join() + +main() +EOF +endfunction + +function! s:update_ruby() + ruby << EOF + module PlugStream + SEP = ["\r", "\n", nil] + def get_line + buffer = '' + loop do + char = readchar rescue return + if SEP.include? char.chr + buffer << $/ + break + else + buffer << char + end + end + buffer + end + end unless defined?(PlugStream) + + def esc arg + %["#{arg.gsub('"', '\"')}"] + end + + def killall pid + pids = [pid] + if /mswin|mingw|bccwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM + pids.each { |pid| Process.kill 'INT', pid.to_i rescue nil } + else + unless `which pgrep 2> /dev/null`.empty? + children = pids + until children.empty? + children = { |pid| + `pgrep -P #{pid}` { |l| l.chomp } + }.flatten + pids += children + end + end + pids.each { |pid| Process.kill 'TERM', pid.to_i rescue nil } + end + end + + def compare_git_uri a, b + regex = %r{^(?:\w+://)?(?:[^@/]*@)?([^:/]*(?::[0-9]*)?)[:/](.*?)(?:\.git)?/?$} + regex.match(a).to_a.drop(1) == regex.match(b).to_a.drop(1) + end + + require 'thread' + require 'fileutils' + require 'timeout' + running = true + iswin = VIM::evaluate('s:is_win').to_i == 1 + pull = VIM::evaluate('s:update.pull').to_i == 1 + base = VIM::evaluate('g:plug_home') + all = VIM::evaluate('s:update.todo') + limit = VIM::evaluate('get(g:, "plug_timeout", 60)') + tries = VIM::evaluate('get(g:, "plug_retries", 2)') + 1 + nthr = VIM::evaluate('s:update.threads').to_i + maxy = VIM::evaluate('winheight(".")').to_i + vim7 = VIM::evaluate('v:version').to_i <= 703 && RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ + cd = iswin ? 'cd /d' : 'cd' + tot = VIM::evaluate('len(s:update.todo)') || 0 + bar = '' + skip = 'Already installed' + mtx = + take1 = proc { mtx.synchronize { running && all.shift } } + logh = proc { + cnt = bar.length + $curbuf[1] = "#{pull ? 'Updating' : 'Installing'} plugins (#{cnt}/#{tot})" + $curbuf[2] = '[' + bar.ljust(tot) + ']' + VIM::command('normal! 2G') + VIM::command('redraw') + } + where = proc { |name| (1..($curbuf.length)).find { |l| $curbuf[l] =~ /^[-+x*] #{name}:/ } } + log = proc { |name, result, type| + mtx.synchronize do + ing = ![true, false].include?(type) + bar += type ? '=' : 'x' unless ing + b = case type + when :install then '+' when :update then '*' + when true, nil then '-' else + VIM::command("call add(s:update.errors, '#{name}')") + 'x' + end + result = + if type || type.nil? + ["#{b} #{name}: #{result.lines.to_a.last || 'OK'}"] + elsif result =~ /^Interrupted|^Timeout/ + ["#{b} #{name}: #{result}"] + else + ["#{b} #{name}"] + { |l| " " << l } + end + if lnum = + $curbuf.delete lnum + lnum = 4 if ing && lnum > maxy + end + result.each_with_index do |line, offset| + $curbuf.append((lnum || 4) - 1 + offset, line.gsub(/\e\[./, '').chomp) + end + + end + } + bt = proc { |cmd, name, type, cleanup| + tried = timeout = 0 + begin + tried += 1 + timeout += limit + fd = nil + data = '' + if iswin + Timeout::timeout(timeout) do + tmp = VIM::evaluate('tempname()') + system("(#{cmd}) > #{tmp}") + data = + File.unlink tmp rescue nil + end + else + fd = IO.popen(cmd).extend(PlugStream) + first_line = true + log_prob = 1.0 / nthr + while line = Timeout::timeout(timeout) { fd.get_line } + data << line + name, line.chomp, type if name && (first_line || rand < log_prob) + first_line = false + end + fd.close + end + [$? == 0, data.chomp] + rescue Timeout::Error, Interrupt => e + if fd && !fd.closed? + killall + fd.close + end + if cleanup + if e.is_a?(Timeout::Error) && tried < tries + 3.downto(1) do |countdown| + s = countdown > 1 ? 's' : '' + name, "Timeout. Will retry in #{countdown} second#{s} ...", type + sleep 1 + end + name, 'Retrying ...', type + retry + end + [false, e.is_a?(Interrupt) ? "Interrupted!" : "Timeout!"] + end + } + main = Thread.current + threads = [] + watcher = { + if vim7 + while VIM::evaluate('getchar(1)') + sleep 0.1 + end + else + require 'io/console' # >= Ruby 1.9 + nil until IO.console.getch == 3.chr + end + mtx.synchronize do + running = false + threads.each { |t| t.raise Interrupt } unless vim7 + end + threads.each { |t| t.join rescue nil } + main.kill + } + refresh = { + while true + mtx.synchronize do + break unless running + VIM::command('noautocmd normal! a') + end + sleep 0.2 + end + } if VIM::evaluate('s:mac_gui') == 1 + + clone_opt = VIM::evaluate('s:clone_opt') + progress = VIM::evaluate('s:progress_opt(1)') + nthr.times do + mtx.synchronize do + threads << { + while pair = + name = pair.first + dir, uri, tag = pair.last.values_at *%w[dir uri tag] + exists = dir + ok, result = + if exists + chdir = "#{cd} #{iswin ? dir : esc(dir)}" + ret, data = "#{chdir} && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>&1 && git config -f .git/config remote.origin.url", nil, nil, nil + current_uri = data.lines.to_a.last + if !ret + if data =~ /^Interrupted|^Timeout/ + [false, data] + else + [false, [data.chomp, "PlugClean required."].join($/)] + end + elsif !compare_git_uri(current_uri, uri) + [false, ["Invalid URI: #{current_uri}", + "Expected: #{uri}", + "PlugClean required."].join($/)] + else + if pull + name, 'Updating ...', :update + fetch_opt = (tag && File.exist?(File.join(dir, '.git/shallow'))) ? '--depth 99999999' : '' + "#{chdir} && git fetch #{fetch_opt} #{progress} 2>&1", name, :update, nil + else + [true, skip] + end + end + else + d = esc dir.sub(%r{[\\/]+$}, '') + name, 'Installing ...', :install + "git clone #{clone_opt unless tag} #{progress} #{uri} #{d} 2>&1", name, :install, proc { + FileUtils.rm_rf dir + } + end + mtx.synchronize { VIM::command("let['#{name}'] = 1") } if !exists && ok + name, result, ok + end + } if running + end + end + threads.each { |t| t.join rescue nil } + + refresh.kill if refresh + watcher.kill +EOF +endfunction + +function! s:shellesc(arg) + return '"'.escape(a:arg, '"').'"' +endfunction + +function! s:glob_dir(path) + return map(filter(s:glob(a:path, '**'), 'isdirectory(v:val)'), 's:dirpath(v:val)') +endfunction + +function! s:progress_bar(line, bar, total) + call setline(a:line, '[' . s:lpad(a:bar, a:total) . ']') +endfunction + +function! s:compare_git_uri(a, b) + " See `git help clone' + " https:// [user@][:port] / junegunn/vim-plug [.git] + " [git@][:port] : junegunn/vim-plug [.git] + " file:// / junegunn/vim-plug [/] + " / junegunn/vim-plug [/] + let pat = '^\%(\w\+://\)\='.'\%([^@/]*@\)\='.'\([^:/]*\%(:[0-9]*\)\=\)'.'[:/]'.'\(.\{-}\)'.'\%(\.git\)\=/\?$' + let ma = matchlist(a:a, pat) + let mb = matchlist(a:b, pat) + return ma[1:2] ==# mb[1:2] +endfunction + +function! s:format_message(bullet, name, message) + if a:bullet != 'x' + return [printf('%s %s: %s', a:bullet, a:name, s:lastline(a:message))] + else + let lines = map(s:lines(a:message), '" ".v:val') + return extend([printf('x %s:', a:name)], lines) + endif +endfunction + +function! s:with_cd(cmd, dir) + return printf('cd%s %s && %s', s:is_win ? ' /d' : '', s:shellesc(a:dir), a:cmd) +endfunction + +function! s:system(cmd, ...) + try + let [sh, shrd] = s:chsh(1) + let cmd = a:0 > 0 ? s:with_cd(a:cmd, a:1) : a:cmd + return system(s:is_win ? '('.cmd.')' : cmd) + finally + let [&shell, &shellredir] = [sh, shrd] + endtry +endfunction + +function! s:system_chomp(...) + let ret = call('s:system', a:000) + return v:shell_error ? '' : substitute(ret, '\n$', '', '') +endfunction + +function! s:git_validate(spec, check_branch) + let err = '' + if isdirectory(a:spec.dir) + let result = s:lines(s:system('git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD 2>&1 && git config -f .git/config remote.origin.url', a:spec.dir)) + let remote = result[-1] + if v:shell_error + let err = join([remote, 'PlugClean required.'], "\n") + elseif !s:compare_git_uri(remote, a:spec.uri) + let err = join(['Invalid URI: '.remote, + \ 'Expected: '.a:spec.uri, + \ 'PlugClean required.'], "\n") + elseif a:check_branch && has_key(a:spec, 'commit') + let result = s:lines(s:system('git rev-parse HEAD 2>&1', a:spec.dir)) + let sha = result[-1] + if v:shell_error + let err = join(add(result, 'PlugClean required.'), "\n") + elseif !s:hash_match(sha, a:spec.commit) + let err = join([printf('Invalid HEAD (expected: %s, actual: %s)', + \ a:spec.commit[:6], sha[:6]), + \ 'PlugUpdate required.'], "\n") + endif + elseif a:check_branch + let branch = result[0] + " Check tag + if has_key(a:spec, 'tag') + let tag = s:system_chomp('git describe --exact-match --tags HEAD 2>&1', a:spec.dir) + if a:spec.tag !=# tag + let err = printf('Invalid tag: %s (expected: %s). Try PlugUpdate.', + \ (empty(tag) ? 'N/A' : tag), a:spec.tag) + endif + " Check branch + elseif a:spec.branch !=# branch + let err = printf('Invalid branch: %s (expected: %s). Try PlugUpdate.', + \ branch, a:spec.branch) + endif + if empty(err) + let [ahead, behind] = split(s:lastline(s:system(printf( + \ 'git rev-list --count --left-right HEAD...origin/%s', + \ a:spec.branch), a:spec.dir)), '\t') + if !v:shell_error && ahead + if behind + " Only mention PlugClean if diverged, otherwise it's likely to be + " pushable (and probably not that messed up). + let err = printf( + \ "Diverged from origin/%s (%d commit(s) ahead and %d commit(s) behind!\n" + \ .'Backup local changes and run PlugClean and PlugUpdate to reinstall it.', a:spec.branch, ahead, behind) + else + let err = printf("Ahead of origin/%s by %d commit(s).\n" + \ .'Cannot update until local changes are pushed.', + \ a:spec.branch, ahead) + endif + endif + endif + endif + else + let err = 'Not found' + endif + return [err, err =~# 'PlugClean'] +endfunction + +function! s:rm_rf(dir) + if isdirectory(a:dir) + call s:system((s:is_win ? 'rmdir /S /Q ' : 'rm -rf ') . s:shellesc(a:dir)) + endif +endfunction + +function! s:clean(force) + call s:prepare() + call append(0, 'Searching for invalid plugins in '.g:plug_home) + call append(1, '') + + " List of valid directories + let dirs = [] + let errs = {} + let [cnt, total] = [0, len(g:plugs)] + for [name, spec] in items(g:plugs) + if !s:is_managed(name) + call add(dirs, spec.dir) + else + let [err, clean] = s:git_validate(spec, 1) + if clean + let errs[spec.dir] = s:lines(err)[0] + else + call add(dirs, spec.dir) + endif + endif + let cnt += 1 + call s:progress_bar(2, repeat('=', cnt), total) + normal! 2G + redraw + endfor + + let allowed = {} + for dir in dirs + let allowed[s:dirpath(fnamemodify(dir, ':h:h'))] = 1 + let allowed[dir] = 1 + for child in s:glob_dir(dir) + let allowed[child] = 1 + endfor + endfor + + let todo = [] + let found = sort(s:glob_dir(g:plug_home)) + while !empty(found) + let f = remove(found, 0) + if !has_key(allowed, f) && isdirectory(f) + call add(todo, f) + call append(line('$'), '- ' . f) + if has_key(errs, f) + call append(line('$'), ' ' . errs[f]) + endif + let found = filter(found, 'stridx(v:val, f) != 0') + end + endwhile + + 4 + redraw + if empty(todo) + call append(line('$'), 'Already clean.') + else + let s:clean_count = 0 + call append(3, ['Directories to delete:', '']) + redraw! + if a:force || s:ask_no_interrupt('Delete all directories?') + call s:delete([6, line('$')], 1) + else + call setline(4, 'Cancelled.') + nnoremap d :set opfunc=delete_opg@ + nmap dd d_ + xnoremap d :call delete_op(visualmode(), 1) + echo 'Delete the lines (d{motion}) to delete the corresponding directories' + endif + endif + 4 + setlocal nomodifiable +endfunction + +function! s:delete_op(type, ...) + call s:delete(a:0 ? [line("'<"), line("'>")] : [line("'["), line("']")], 0) +endfunction + +function! s:delete(range, force) + let [l1, l2] = a:range + let force = a:force + while l1 <= l2 + let line = getline(l1) + if line =~ '^- ' && isdirectory(line[2:]) + execute l1 + redraw! + let answer = force ? 1 : s:ask('Delete '.line[2:].'?', 1) + let force = force || answer > 1 + if answer + call s:rm_rf(line[2:]) + setlocal modifiable + call setline(l1, '~'.line[1:]) + let s:clean_count += 1 + call setline(4, printf('Removed %d directories.', s:clean_count)) + setlocal nomodifiable + endif + endif + let l1 += 1 + endwhile +endfunction + +function! s:upgrade() + echo 'Downloading the latest version of vim-plug' + redraw + let tmp = tempname() + let new = tmp . '/plug.vim' + + try + let out = s:system(printf('git clone --depth 1 %s %s', s:plug_src, tmp)) + if v:shell_error + return s:err('Error upgrading vim-plug: '. out) + endif + + if readfile(s:me) ==# readfile(new) + echo 'vim-plug is already up-to-date' + return 0 + else + call rename(s:me, s:me . '.old') + call rename(new, s:me) + unlet g:loaded_plug + echo 'vim-plug has been upgraded' + return 1 + endif + finally + silent! call s:rm_rf(tmp) + endtry +endfunction + +function! s:upgrade_specs() + for spec in values(g:plugs) + let spec.frozen = get(spec, 'frozen', 0) + endfor +endfunction + +function! s:status() + call s:prepare() + call append(0, 'Checking plugins') + call append(1, '') + + let ecnt = 0 + let unloaded = 0 + let [cnt, total] = [0, len(g:plugs)] + for [name, spec] in items(g:plugs) + if has_key(spec, 'uri') + if isdirectory(spec.dir) + let [err, _] = s:git_validate(spec, 1) + let [valid, msg] = [empty(err), empty(err) ? 'OK' : err] + else + let [valid, msg] = [0, 'Not found. Try PlugInstall.'] + endif + else + if isdirectory(spec.dir) + let [valid, msg] = [1, 'OK'] + else + let [valid, msg] = [0, 'Not found.'] + endif + endif + let cnt += 1 + let ecnt += !valid + " `s:loaded` entry can be missing if PlugUpgraded + if valid && get(s:loaded, name, -1) == 0 + let unloaded = 1 + let msg .= ' (not loaded)' + endif + call s:progress_bar(2, repeat('=', cnt), total) + call append(3, s:format_message(valid ? '-' : 'x', name, msg)) + normal! 2G + redraw + endfor + call setline(1, 'Finished. '.ecnt.' error(s).') + normal! gg + setlocal nomodifiable + if unloaded + echo "Press 'L' on each line to load plugin, or 'U' to update" + nnoremap L :call status_load(line('.')) + xnoremap L :call status_load(line('.')) + end +endfunction + +function! s:extract_name(str, prefix, suffix) + return matchstr(a:str, '^'.a:prefix.' \zs[^:]\+\ze:.*'.a:suffix.'$') +endfunction + +function! s:status_load(lnum) + let line = getline(a:lnum) + let name = s:extract_name(line, '-', '(not loaded)') + if !empty(name) + call plug#load(name) + setlocal modifiable + call setline(a:lnum, substitute(line, ' (not loaded)$', '', '')) + setlocal nomodifiable + endif +endfunction + +function! s:status_update() range + let lines = getline(a:firstline, a:lastline) + let names = filter(map(lines, 's:extract_name(v:val, "[x-]", "")'), '!empty(v:val)') + if !empty(names) + echo + execute 'PlugUpdate' join(names) + endif +endfunction + +function! s:is_preview_window_open() + silent! wincmd P + if &previewwindow + wincmd p + return 1 + endif +endfunction + +function! s:find_name(lnum) + for lnum in reverse(range(1, a:lnum)) + let line = getline(lnum) + if empty(line) + return '' + endif + let name = s:extract_name(line, '-', '') + if !empty(name) + return name + endif + endfor + return '' +endfunction + +function! s:preview_commit() + if b:plug_preview < 0 + let b:plug_preview = !s:is_preview_window_open() + endif + + let sha = matchstr(getline('.'), '^ \X*\zs[0-9a-f]\{7}') + if empty(sha) + return + endif + + let name = s:find_name(line('.')) + if empty(name) || !has_key(g:plugs, name) || !isdirectory(g:plugs[name].dir) + return + endif + + if exists('g:plug_pwindow') && !s:is_preview_window_open() + execute g:plug_pwindow + execute 'e' sha + else + execute 'pedit' sha + wincmd P + endif + setlocal previewwindow filetype=git buftype=nofile nobuflisted modifiable + try + let [sh, shrd] = s:chsh(1) + execute 'silent %!cd' s:shellesc(g:plugs[name].dir) '&& git show --no-color --pretty=medium' sha + finally + let [&shell, &shellredir] = [sh, shrd] + endtry + setlocal nomodifiable + nnoremap q :q + wincmd p +endfunction + +function! s:section(flags) + call search('\(^[x-] \)\@<=[^:]\+:', a:flags) +endfunction + +function! s:format_git_log(line) + let indent = ' ' + let tokens = split(a:line, nr2char(1)) + if len(tokens) != 5 + return indent.substitute(a:line, '\s*$', '', '') + endif + let [graph, sha, refs, subject, date] = tokens + let tag = matchstr(refs, 'tag: [^,)]\+') + let tag = empty(tag) ? ' ' : ' ('.tag.') ' + return printf('%s%s%s%s%s (%s)', indent, graph, sha, tag, subject, date) +endfunction + +function! s:append_ul(lnum, text) + call append(a:lnum, ['', a:text, repeat('-', len(a:text))]) +endfunction + +function! s:diff() + call s:prepare() + call append(0, ['Collecting changes ...', '']) + let cnts = [0, 0] + let bar = '' + let total = filter(copy(g:plugs), 's:is_managed(v:key) && isdirectory(v:val.dir)') + call s:progress_bar(2, bar, len(total)) + for origin in [1, 0] + let plugs = reverse(sort(items(filter(copy(total), (origin ? '' : '!').'(has_key(v:val, "commit") || has_key(v:val, "tag"))')))) + if empty(plugs) + continue + endif + call s:append_ul(2, origin ? 'Pending updates:' : 'Last update:') + for [k, v] in plugs + let range = origin ? '..origin/'.v.branch : 'HEAD@{1}..' + let diff = s:system_chomp('git log --graph --color=never --pretty=format:"%x01%h%x01%d%x01%s%x01%cr" '.s:shellesc(range), v.dir) + if !empty(diff) + let ref = has_key(v, 'tag') ? (' (tag: '.v.tag.')') : has_key(v, 'commit') ? (' '.v.commit) : '' + call append(5, extend(['', '- '.k.':'.ref], map(s:lines(diff), 's:format_git_log(v:val)'))) + let cnts[origin] += 1 + endif + let bar .= '=' + call s:progress_bar(2, bar, len(total)) + normal! 2G + redraw + endfor + if !cnts[origin] + call append(5, ['', 'N/A']) + endif + endfor + call setline(1, printf('%d plugin(s) updated.', cnts[0]) + \ . (cnts[1] ? printf(' %d plugin(s) have pending updates.', cnts[1]) : '')) + + if cnts[0] || cnts[1] + nnoremap :silent! call preview_commit() + nnoremap o :silent! call preview_commit() + endif + if cnts[0] + nnoremap X :call revert() + echo "Press 'X' on each block to revert the update" + endif + normal! gg + setlocal nomodifiable +endfunction + +function! s:revert() + if search('^Pending updates', 'bnW') + return + endif + + let name = s:find_name(line('.')) + if empty(name) || !has_key(g:plugs, name) || + \ input(printf('Revert the update of %s? (y/N) ', name)) !~? '^y' + return + endif + + call s:system('git reset --hard HEAD@{1} && git checkout '.s:esc(g:plugs[name].branch), g:plugs[name].dir) + setlocal modifiable + normal! "_dap + setlocal nomodifiable + echo 'Reverted' +endfunction + +function! s:snapshot(force, ...) abort + call s:prepare() + setf vim + call append(0, ['" Generated by vim-plug', + \ '" '.strftime("%c"), + \ '" :source this file in vim to restore the snapshot', + \ '" or execute: vim -S snapshot.vim', + \ '', '', 'PlugUpdate!']) + 1 + let anchor = line('$') - 3 + let names = sort(keys(filter(copy(g:plugs), + \'has_key(v:val, "uri") && !has_key(v:val, "commit") && isdirectory(v:val.dir)'))) + for name in reverse(names) + let sha = s:system_chomp('git rev-parse --short HEAD', g:plugs[name].dir) + if !empty(sha) + call append(anchor, printf("silent! let g:plugs['%s'].commit = '%s'", name, sha)) + redraw + endif + endfor + + if a:0 > 0 + let fn = expand(a:1) + if filereadable(fn) && !(a:force || s:ask(a:1.' already exists. Overwrite?')) + return + endif + call writefile(getline(1, '$'), fn) + echo 'Saved as '.a:1 + silent execute 'e' s:esc(fn) + setf vim + endif +endfunction + +function! s:split_rtp() + return split(&rtp, '\\\@{{template "post" .}}{{else}}
no posts
{{end}}{{end}}{{end}} diff --git a/bundle/auto-pairs b/bundle/auto-pairs new file mode 160000 index 0000000..f0019fc --- /dev/null +++ b/bundle/auto-pairs @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit f0019fc6423e7ce7bbd01d196a7e027077687fda diff --git a/bundle/ctrlp.vim b/bundle/ctrlp.vim new file mode 160000 index 0000000..564176f --- /dev/null +++ b/bundle/ctrlp.vim @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 564176f01d7f3f7f8ab452ff4e1f5314de7b0981 diff --git a/bundle/vim-airline b/bundle/vim-airline new file mode 160000 index 0000000..b66c1ef --- /dev/null +++ b/bundle/vim-airline @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit b66c1ef07005fad6a70957b90d4f47bb932e33e2 diff --git a/bundle/vim-markdown b/bundle/vim-markdown new file mode 160000 index 0000000..d6d59ee --- /dev/null +++ b/bundle/vim-markdown @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit d6d59eef6f604b6430fd6adade9e18364666232b diff --git a/colors/dracula.vim b/colors/dracula.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3a33fd3 --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/dracula.vim @@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ +" Dracula vim-airline theme +" +" Copyright 2016, All rights reserved +" +" Code licensed under the MIT license +" +" +" @author Extrante +" @author Zeno Rocha + +" Color palette +let s:gui01 = "#44475a" +let s:gui02 = "#5f6a8e" +let s:gui03 = "#ffb86c" +let s:gui04 = "#bd93f9" +let s:gui05 = "#ff5555" +let s:gui06 = "#f1fa8c" +let s:gui07 = "#50fa7b" +let s:gui08 = "#bd93f9" +let s:cterm01 = "236" +let s:cterm02 = "61" +let s:cterm03 = "215" +let s:cterm04 = "141" +let s:cterm05 = "160" +let s:cterm06 = "228" +let s:cterm07 = "84" +let s:cterm08 = "141" + +let s:guiWhite = "#f8f8f2" +let s:guiBlack = "#282a36" +let s:ctermWhite = "15" +let s:ctermBlack = "16" + +" Normal mode +let s:N1 = [ s:guiBlack , s:gui08 , s:ctermBlack , s:cterm08 ] +let s:N2 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui02 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm02 ] +let s:N3 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui01 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm01 ] + +" Insert mode +let s:I1 = [ s:guiBlack , s:gui07 , s:ctermBlack , s:cterm07 ] +let s:I2 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui02 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm02 ] +let s:I3 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui01 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm01 ] + +" Visual mode +let s:V1 = [ s:guiBlack , s:gui06 , s:ctermBlack , s:cterm06 ] +let s:V2 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui02 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm02 ] +let s:V3 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui01 , s:ctermWhite, s:cterm01 ] + +" Replace mode +let s:R1 = [ s:guiBlack , s:gui05 , s:ctermWhite, s:cterm05 ] +let s:R2 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui02 , s:ctermWhite, s:cterm02 ] +let s:R3 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui01 , s:ctermWhite, s:cterm01 ] + +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette = {} +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.normal = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:N1, s:N2, s:N3) +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.insert = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:I1, s:I2, s:I3) +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3) +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.visual = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:V1, s:V2, s:V3) +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.replace = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:R1, s:R2, s:R3) + +" Inactive mode +let s:IN1 = [ s:gui04 , s:gui02 , s:cterm04 , s:cterm02 ] +let s:IN2 = [ s:gui04 , s:gui01 , s:cterm04 , s:cterm01 ] +let s:IA = [ s:IN1[1] , s:IN2[1] , s:IN1[3] , s:IN2[3] , '' ] +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.inactive = airline#themes#generate_color_map(s:IA, s:IA, s:IA) + +" Warning info +let s:WARNING = [ s:guiBlack, s:gui03, s:ctermBlack, s:cterm03 ] +let s:ERROR = [ s:guiWhite, s:gui05, s:ctermWhite, s:cterm05 ] + +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.normal.airline_warning = s:WARNING +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.insert.airline_warning = s:WARNING +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.visual.airline_warning = s:WARNING +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.replace.airline_warning = s:WARNING + +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.normal.airline_error = s:ERROR +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.insert.airline_error = s:ERROR +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.visual.airline_error = s:ERROR +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.replace.airline_error = s:ERROR + +" CtrlP +if !get(g:, 'loaded_ctrlp', 0) + finish +endif + +let s:CP1 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui01 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm01 ] +let s:CP2 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui02 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm02 ] +let s:CP3 = [ s:guiWhite , s:gui08 , s:ctermWhite , s:cterm08 ] + +let g:airline#themes#dracula#palette.ctrlp = airline#extensions#ctrlp#generate_color_map(s:CP1, s:CP2, s:CP3) diff --git a/colors/solarized.vim b/colors/solarized.vim new file mode 100755 index 0000000..70f5223 --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/solarized.vim @@ -0,0 +1,1117 @@ +" Name: Solarized vim colorscheme +" Author: Ethan Schoonover +" URL: +" (see this url for latest release & screenshots) +" License: OSI approved MIT license (see end of this file) +" Created: In the middle of the night +" Modified: 2011 May 05 +" +" Usage "{{{ +" +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" ABOUT: +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" Solarized is a carefully designed selective contrast colorscheme with dual +" light and dark modes that runs in both GUI, 256 and 16 color modes. +" +" See the homepage above for screenshots and details. +" +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" OPTIONS: +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" See the "solarized.txt" help file included with this colorscheme (in the +" "doc" subdirectory) for information on options, usage, the Toggle Background +" function and more. If you have already installed Solarized, this is available +" from the Solarized menu and command line as ":help solarized" +" +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" INSTALLATION: +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" Two options for installation: manual or pathogen +" +" MANUAL INSTALLATION OPTION: +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" +" 1. Download the solarized distribution (available on the homepage above) +" and unarchive the file. +" 2. Move `solarized.vim` to your `.vim/colors` directory. +" 3. Move each of the files in each subdirectories to the corresponding .vim +" subdirectory (e.g. autoload/togglebg.vim goes into your .vim/autoload +" directory as .vim/autoload/togglebg.vim). +" +" RECOMMENDED PATHOGEN INSTALLATION OPTION: +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" +" 1. Download and install Tim Pope's Pathogen from: +" +" +" 2. Next, move or clone the `vim-colors-solarized` directory so that it is +" a subdirectory of the `.vim/bundle` directory. +" +" a. **clone with git:** +" +" $ cd ~/.vim/bundle +" $ git clone git:// +" +" b. **or move manually into the pathogen bundle directory:** +" In the parent directory of vim-colors-solarized: +" +" $ mv vim-colors-solarized ~/.vim/bundle/ +" +" MODIFY VIMRC: +" +" After either Option 1 or Option 2 above, put the following two lines in your +" .vimrc: +" +" syntax enable +" set background=dark +" colorscheme solarized +" +" or, for the light background mode of Solarized: +" +" syntax enable +" set background=light +" colorscheme solarized +" +" I like to have a different background in GUI and terminal modes, so I can use +" the following if-then. However, I find vim's background autodetection to be +" pretty good and, at least with MacVim, I can leave this background value +" assignment out entirely and get the same results. +" +" if has('gui_running') +" set background=light +" else +" set background=dark +" endif +" +" See the Solarized homepage at for +" screenshots which will help you select either the light or dark background. +" +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" COLOR VALUES +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" Download palettes and files from: +" +" L\*a\*b values are canonical (White D65, Reference D50), other values are +" matched in sRGB space. +" +" SOLARIZED HEX 16/8 TERMCOL XTERM/HEX L*A*B sRGB HSB +" --------- ------- ---- ------- ----------- ---------- ----------- ----------- +" base03 #002b36 8/4 brblack 234 #1c1c1c 15 -12 -12 0 43 54 193 100 21 +" base02 #073642 0/4 black 235 #262626 20 -12 -12 7 54 66 192 90 26 +" base01 #586e75 10/7 brgreen 240 #4e4e4e 45 -07 -07 88 110 117 194 25 46 +" base00 #657b83 11/7 bryellow 241 #585858 50 -07 -07 101 123 131 195 23 51 +" base0 #839496 12/6 brblue 244 #808080 60 -06 -03 131 148 150 186 13 59 +" base1 #93a1a1 14/4 brcyan 245 #8a8a8a 65 -05 -02 147 161 161 180 9 63 +" base2 #eee8d5 7/7 white 254 #d7d7af 92 -00 10 238 232 213 44 11 93 +" base3 #fdf6e3 15/7 brwhite 230 #ffffd7 97 00 10 253 246 227 44 10 99 +" yellow #b58900 3/3 yellow 136 #af8700 60 10 65 181 137 0 45 100 71 +" orange #cb4b16 9/3 brred 166 #d75f00 50 50 55 203 75 22 18 89 80 +" red #dc322f 1/1 red 160 #d70000 50 65 45 220 50 47 1 79 86 +" magenta #d33682 5/5 magenta 125 #af005f 50 65 -05 211 54 130 331 74 83 +" violet #6c71c4 13/5 brmagenta 61 #5f5faf 50 15 -45 108 113 196 237 45 77 +" blue #268bd2 4/4 blue 33 #0087ff 55 -10 -45 38 139 210 205 82 82 +" cyan #2aa198 6/6 cyan 37 #00afaf 60 -35 -05 42 161 152 175 74 63 +" green #859900 2/2 green 64 #5f8700 60 -20 65 133 153 0 68 100 60 +" +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" COLORSCHEME HACKING +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" +" Useful commands for testing colorschemes: +" :source $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim +" :help highlight-groups +" :help cterm-colors +" :help group-name +" +" Useful links for developing colorschemes: +" +" +"" +" +" }}} +" Environment Specific Overrides "{{{ +" Allow or disallow certain features based on current terminal emulator or +" environment. + +" Terminals that support italics +let s:terms_italic=[ + \"rxvt", + \"gnome-terminal" + \] +" For reference only, terminals are known to be incomptible. +" Terminals that are in neither list need to be tested. +let s:terms_noitalic=[ + \"", + \"Apple_Terminal" + \] +if has("gui_running") + let s:terminal_italic=1 " TODO: could refactor to not require this at all +else + let s:terminal_italic=0 " terminals will be guilty until proven compatible + for term in s:terms_italic + if $TERM_PROGRAM =~ term + let s:terminal_italic=1 + endif + endfor +endif + +" }}} +" Default option values"{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" s:options_list is used to autogenerate a list of all non-default options +" using "call SolarizedOptions()" or with the "Generate .vimrc commands" +" Solarized menu option. See the "Menus" section below for the function itself. +let s:options_list=[ + \'" this block of commands has been autogenerated by solarized.vim and', + \'" includes the current, non-default Solarized option values.', + \'" To use, place these commands in your .vimrc file (replacing any', + \'" existing colorscheme commands). See also ":help solarized"', + \'', + \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------', + \'" Solarized Colorscheme Config', + \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------', + \] +let s:colorscheme_list=[ + \'syntax enable', + \'set background='.&background, + \'colorscheme solarized', + \] +let s:defaults_list=[ + \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------', + \'', + \'" The following items are available options, but do not need to be', + \'" included in your .vimrc as they are currently set to their defaults.', + \'' + \] +let s:lazycat_list=[ + \'" lazy method of appending this onto your .vimrc ":w! >> ~/.vimrc"', + \'" ------------------------------------------------------------------', + \] + +function! s:SetOption(name,default) + if type(a:default) == type(0) + let l:wrap='' + let l:ewrap='' + else + let l:wrap='"' + let l:ewrap='\"' + endif + if !exists("g:solarized_".a:name) || g:solarized_{a:name}==a:default + exe 'let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:wrap.a:default.l:wrap.'"' + exe 'call add(s:defaults_list, "\" let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:ewrap.g:solarized_{a:name}.l:ewrap.'")' + else + exe 'call add(s:options_list, "let g:solarized_'.a:name.'='.l:ewrap.g:solarized_{a:name}.l:ewrap.' \"default value is '.a:default.'")' + endif +endfunction + +if ($TERM_PROGRAM ==? "apple_terminal" && &t_Co < 256) + let s:solarized_termtrans_default = 1 +else + let s:solarized_termtrans_default = 0 +endif +call s:SetOption("termtrans",s:solarized_termtrans_default) +call s:SetOption("degrade",0) +call s:SetOption("bold",1) +call s:SetOption("underline",1) +call s:SetOption("italic",1) " note that we need to override this later if the terminal doesn't support +call s:SetOption("termcolors",16) +call s:SetOption("contrast","normal") +call s:SetOption("visibility","normal") +call s:SetOption("diffmode","normal") +call s:SetOption("hitrail",0) +call s:SetOption("menu",1) + +"}}} +" Colorscheme initialization "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +hi clear +if exists("syntax_on") + syntax reset +endif +let colors_name = "solarized" + +"}}} +" GUI & CSApprox hexadecimal palettes"{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" +" Set both gui and terminal color values in separate conditional statements +" Due to possibility that CSApprox is running (though I suppose we could just +" leave the hex values out entirely in that case and include only cterm colors) +" We also check to see if user has set solarized (force use of the +" neutral gray monotone palette component) +if (has("gui_running") && g:solarized_degrade == 0) + let s:vmode = "gui" + let s:base03 = "#002b36" + let s:base02 = "#073642" + let s:base01 = "#586e75" + let s:base00 = "#657b83" + let s:base0 = "#839496" + let s:base1 = "#93a1a1" + let s:base2 = "#eee8d5" + let s:base3 = "#fdf6e3" + let s:yellow = "#b58900" + let s:orange = "#cb4b16" + let s:red = "#dc322f" + let s:magenta = "#d33682" + let s:violet = "#6c71c4" + let s:blue = "#268bd2" + let s:cyan = "#2aa198" + "let s:green = "#859900" "original + let s:green = "#719e07" "experimental +elseif (has("gui_running") && g:solarized_degrade == 1) + " These colors are identical to the 256 color mode. They may be viewed + " while in gui mode via "let g:solarized_degrade=1", though this is not + " recommened and is for testing only. + let s:vmode = "gui" + let s:base03 = "#1c1c1c" + let s:base02 = "#262626" + let s:base01 = "#4e4e4e" + let s:base00 = "#585858" + let s:base0 = "#808080" + let s:base1 = "#8a8a8a" + let s:base2 = "#d7d7af" + let s:base3 = "#ffffd7" + let s:yellow = "#af8700" + let s:orange = "#d75f00" + let s:red = "#af0000" + let s:magenta = "#af005f" + let s:violet = "#5f5faf" + let s:blue = "#0087ff" + let s:cyan = "#00afaf" + let s:green = "#5f8700" +elseif g:solarized_termcolors != 256 && &t_Co >= 16 + let s:vmode = "cterm" + let s:base03 = "8" + let s:base02 = "0" + let s:base01 = "10" + let s:base00 = "11" + let s:base0 = "12" + let s:base1 = "14" + let s:base2 = "7" + let s:base3 = "15" + let s:yellow = "3" + let s:orange = "9" + let s:red = "1" + let s:magenta = "5" + let s:violet = "13" + let s:blue = "4" + let s:cyan = "6" + let s:green = "2" +elseif g:solarized_termcolors == 256 + let s:vmode = "cterm" + let s:base03 = "234" + let s:base02 = "235" + let s:base01 = "239" + let s:base00 = "240" + let s:base0 = "244" + let s:base1 = "245" + let s:base2 = "187" + let s:base3 = "230" + let s:yellow = "136" + let s:orange = "166" + let s:red = "124" + let s:magenta = "125" + let s:violet = "61" + let s:blue = "33" + let s:cyan = "37" + let s:green = "64" +else + let s:vmode = "cterm" + let s:bright = "* term=bold cterm=bold" +" let s:base03 = "0".s:bright +" let s:base02 = "0" +" let s:base01 = "2".s:bright +" let s:base00 = "3".s:bright +" let s:base0 = "4".s:bright +" let s:base1 = "6".s:bright +" let s:base2 = "7" +" let s:base3 = "7".s:bright +" let s:yellow = "3" +" let s:orange = "1".s:bright +" let s:red = "1" +" let s:magenta = "5" +" let s:violet = "5".s:bright +" let s:blue = "4" +" let s:cyan = "6" +" let s:green = "2" + let s:base03 = "DarkGray" " 0* + let s:base02 = "Black" " 0 + let s:base01 = "LightGreen" " 2* + let s:base00 = "LightYellow" " 3* + let s:base0 = "LightBlue" " 4* + let s:base1 = "LightCyan" " 6* + let s:base2 = "LightGray" " 7 + let s:base3 = "White" " 7* + let s:yellow = "DarkYellow" " 3 + let s:orange = "LightRed" " 1* + let s:red = "DarkRed" " 1 + let s:magenta = "DarkMagenta" " 5 + let s:violet = "LightMagenta" " 5* + let s:blue = "DarkBlue" " 4 + let s:cyan = "DarkCyan" " 6 + let s:green = "DarkGreen" " 2 + +endif +"}}} +" Formatting options and null values for passthrough effect "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- + let s:none = "NONE" + let s:none = "NONE" + let s:t_none = "NONE" + let s:n = "NONE" + let s:c = ",undercurl" + let s:r = ",reverse" + let s:s = ",standout" + let s:ou = "" + let s:ob = "" +"}}} +" Background value based on termtrans setting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +if (has("gui_running") || g:solarized_termtrans == 0) + let s:back = s:base03 +else + let s:back = "NONE" +endif +"}}} +" Alternate light scheme "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +if &background == "light" + let s:temp03 = s:base03 + let s:temp02 = s:base02 + let s:temp01 = s:base01 + let s:temp00 = s:base00 + let s:base03 = s:base3 + let s:base02 = s:base2 + let s:base01 = s:base1 + let s:base00 = s:base0 + let s:base0 = s:temp00 + let s:base1 = s:temp01 + let s:base2 = s:temp02 + let s:base3 = s:temp03 + if (s:back != "NONE") + let s:back = s:base03 + endif +endif +"}}} +" Optional contrast schemes "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +if g:solarized_contrast == "high" + let s:base01 = s:base00 + let s:base00 = s:base0 + let s:base0 = s:base1 + let s:base1 = s:base2 + let s:base2 = s:base3 + let s:back = s:back +endif +if g:solarized_contrast == "low" + let s:back = s:base02 + let s:ou = ",underline" +endif +"}}} +" Overrides dependent on user specified values and environment "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +if (g:solarized_bold == 0 || &t_Co == 8 ) + let s:b = "" + let s:bb = ",bold" +else + let s:b = ",bold" + let s:bb = "" +endif + +if g:solarized_underline == 0 + let s:u = "" +else + let s:u = ",underline" +endif + +if g:solarized_italic == 0 || s:terminal_italic == 0 + let s:i = "" +else + let s:i = ",italic" +endif +"}}} +" Highlighting primitives"{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- + +exe "let s:bg_none = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:none ."'" +exe "let s:bg_back = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:back ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base03 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base03 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base02 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base02 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base01 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base01 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base00 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base00 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base0 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base0 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base1 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base1 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base2 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base2 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_base3 = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:base3 ."'" +exe "let s:bg_green = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:green ."'" +exe "let s:bg_yellow = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:yellow ."'" +exe "let s:bg_orange = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:orange ."'" +exe "let s:bg_red = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:red ."'" +exe "let s:bg_magenta = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:magenta."'" +exe "let s:bg_violet = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:violet ."'" +exe "let s:bg_blue = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:blue ."'" +exe "let s:bg_cyan = ' ".s:vmode."bg=".s:cyan ."'" + +exe "let s:fg_none = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:none ."'" +exe "let s:fg_back = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:back ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base03 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base03 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base02 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base02 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base01 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base01 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base00 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base00 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base0 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base0 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base1 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base1 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base2 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base2 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_base3 = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:base3 ."'" +exe "let s:fg_green = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:green ."'" +exe "let s:fg_yellow = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:yellow ."'" +exe "let s:fg_orange = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:orange ."'" +exe "let s:fg_red = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:red ."'" +exe "let s:fg_magenta = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:magenta."'" +exe "let s:fg_violet = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:violet ."'" +exe "let s:fg_blue = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:blue ."'" +exe "let s:fg_cyan = ' ".s:vmode."fg=".s:cyan ."'" + +exe "let s:fmt_none = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE". " term=NONE". "'" +exe "let s:fmt_bold = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:b. " term=NONE".s:b."'" +exe "let s:fmt_bldi = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:b. " term=NONE".s:b."'" +exe "let s:fmt_undr = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u. " term=NONE".s:u."'" +exe "let s:fmt_undb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u.s:b. " term=NONE".s:u.s:b."'" +exe "let s:fmt_undi = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:u. " term=NONE".s:u."'" +exe "let s:fmt_uopt = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:ou. " term=NONE".s:ou."'" +exe "let s:fmt_curl = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:c. " term=NONE".s:c."'" +exe "let s:fmt_ital = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:i. " term=NONE".s:i."'" +exe "let s:fmt_stnd = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:s. " term=NONE".s:s."'" +exe "let s:fmt_revr = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r. " term=NONE".s:r."'" +exe "let s:fmt_revb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:b. " term=NONE".s:r.s:b."'" +" revbb (reverse bold for bright colors) is only set to actual bold in low +" color terminals (t_co=8, such as OS X and should only be used +" with colors 8-15. +exe "let s:fmt_revbb = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:bb. " term=NONE".s:r.s:bb."'" +exe "let s:fmt_revbbu = ' ".s:vmode."=NONE".s:r.s:bb.s:u." term=NONE".s:r.s:bb.s:u."'" + +if has("gui_running") + exe "let s:sp_none = ' guisp=".s:none ."'" + exe "let s:sp_back = ' guisp=".s:back ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base03 = ' guisp=".s:base03 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base02 = ' guisp=".s:base02 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base01 = ' guisp=".s:base01 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base00 = ' guisp=".s:base00 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base0 = ' guisp=".s:base0 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base1 = ' guisp=".s:base1 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base2 = ' guisp=".s:base2 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_base3 = ' guisp=".s:base3 ."'" + exe "let s:sp_green = ' guisp=".s:green ."'" + exe "let s:sp_yellow = ' guisp=".s:yellow ."'" + exe "let s:sp_orange = ' guisp=".s:orange ."'" + exe "let s:sp_red = ' guisp=".s:red ."'" + exe "let s:sp_magenta = ' guisp=".s:magenta."'" + exe "let s:sp_violet = ' guisp=".s:violet ."'" + exe "let s:sp_blue = ' guisp=".s:blue ."'" + exe "let s:sp_cyan = ' guisp=".s:cyan ."'" +else + let s:sp_none = "" + let s:sp_back = "" + let s:sp_base03 = "" + let s:sp_base02 = "" + let s:sp_base01 = "" + let s:sp_base00 = "" + let s:sp_base0 = "" + let s:sp_base1 = "" + let s:sp_base2 = "" + let s:sp_base3 = "" + let s:sp_green = "" + let s:sp_yellow = "" + let s:sp_orange = "" + let s:sp_red = "" + let s:sp_magenta = "" + let s:sp_violet = "" + let s:sp_blue = "" + let s:sp_cyan = "" +endif + +"}}} +" Basic highlighting"{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" note that link syntax to avoid duplicate configuration doesn't work with the +" exe compiled formats + +exe "hi! Normal" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_back + +exe "hi! Comment" .s:fmt_ital .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none +" *Comment any comment + +exe "hi! Constant" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none +" *Constant any constant +" String a string constant: "this is a string" +" Character a character constant: 'c', '\n' +" Number a number constant: 234, 0xff +" Boolean a boolean constant: TRUE, false +" Float a floating point constant: 2.3e10 + +exe "hi! Identifier" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +" *Identifier any variable name +" Function function name (also: methods for classes) +" +exe "hi! Statement" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none +" *Statement any statement +" Conditional if, then, else, endif, switch, etc. +" Repeat for, do, while, etc. +" Label case, default, etc. +" Operator "sizeof", "+", "*", etc. +" Keyword any other keyword +" Exception try, catch, throw + +exe "hi! PreProc" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none +" *PreProc generic Preprocessor +" Include preprocessor #include +" Define preprocessor #define +" Macro same as Define +" PreCondit preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc. + +exe "hi! Type" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none +" *Type int, long, char, etc. +" StorageClass static, register, volatile, etc. +" Structure struct, union, enum, etc. +" Typedef A typedef + +exe "hi! Special" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +" *Special any special symbol +" SpecialChar special character in a constant +" Tag you can use CTRL-] on this +" Delimiter character that needs attention +" SpecialComment special things inside a comment +" Debug debugging statements + +exe "hi! Underlined" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none +" *Underlined text that stands out, HTML links + +exe "hi! Ignore" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_none +" *Ignore left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore| + +exe "hi! Error" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +" *Error any erroneous construct + +exe "hi! Todo" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none +" *Todo anything that needs extra attention; mostly the +" keywords TODO FIXME and XXX +" +"}}} +" Extended highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +if (g:solarized_visibility=="high") + exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none + exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +elseif (g:solarized_visibility=="low") + exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none + exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base02 .s:bg_none +else + exe "hi! SpecialKey" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02 + exe "hi! NonText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none +endif +exe "hi! StatusLine" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! StatusLineNC" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! Visual" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base03 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! Directory" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! ErrorMsg" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +exe "hi! IncSearch" .s:fmt_stnd .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none +exe "hi! Search" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none +exe "hi! MoreMsg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! ModeMsg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! LineNr" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base02 +exe "hi! Question" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none +if ( has("gui_running") || &t_Co > 8 ) + exe "hi! VertSplit" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base00 +else + exe "hi! VertSplit" .s:fmt_revbb .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_base02 +endif +exe "hi! Title" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_orange .s:bg_none +exe "hi! VisualNOS" .s:fmt_stnd .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! WarningMsg" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +exe "hi! WildMenu" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! Folded" .s:fmt_undb .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base03 +exe "hi! FoldColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 +if (g:solarized_diffmode=="high") +exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_green .s:bg_none +exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none +exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_revr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +elseif (g:solarized_diffmode=="low") +exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:sp_green +exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:sp_yellow +exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:sp_blue +else " normal + if has("gui_running") +exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_green +exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_yellow +exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_base02 +exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_blue + else +exe "hi! DiffAdd" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_green +exe "hi! DiffChange" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_yellow +exe "hi! DiffDelete" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_base02 +exe "hi! DiffText" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_blue + endif +endif +exe "hi! SignColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 +exe "hi! Conceal" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! SpellBad" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_red +exe "hi! SpellCap" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_violet +exe "hi! SpellRare" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_cyan +exe "hi! SpellLocal" .s:fmt_curl .s:fg_none .s:bg_none .s:sp_yellow +exe "hi! Pmenu" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! PmenuSel" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base2 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! PmenuSbar" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base2 .s:bg_base0 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! PmenuThumb" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base03 .s:fmt_revbb +exe "hi! TabLine" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base0 +exe "hi! TabLineFill" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base0 +exe "hi! TabLineSel" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_base2 .s:sp_base0 .s:fmt_revbbu +exe "hi! CursorColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 +exe "hi! CursorLine" .s:fmt_uopt .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 .s:sp_base1 +exe "hi! ColorColumn" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_none .s:bg_base02 +exe "hi! Cursor" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base03 .s:bg_base0 +hi! link lCursor Cursor +exe "hi! MatchParen" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_base01 + +"}}} +" vim syntax highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +"exe "hi! vimLineComment" . s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital +"hi! link vimComment Comment +"hi! link vimLineComment Comment +hi! link vimVar Identifier +hi! link vimFunc Function +hi! link vimUserFunc Function +hi! link helpSpecial Special +hi! link vimSet Normal +hi! link vimSetEqual Normal +exe "hi! vimCommentString" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimCommand" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimCmdSep" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! helpExample" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! helpOption" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none +exe "hi! helpNote" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none +exe "hi! helpVim" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none +exe "hi! helpHyperTextJump" .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! helpHyperTextEntry".s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimIsCommand" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimSynMtchOpt" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimSynType" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimHiLink" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimHiGroup" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! vimGroup" .s:fmt_undb .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +"}}} +" diff highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +hi! link diffAdded Statement +hi! link diffLine Identifier +"}}} +" git & gitcommit highlighting "{{{ +"git +"exe "hi! gitDateHeader" +"exe "hi! gitIdentityHeader" +"exe "hi! gitIdentityKeyword" +"exe "hi! gitNotesHeader" +"exe "hi! gitReflogHeader" +"exe "hi! gitKeyword" +"exe "hi! gitIdentity" +"exe "hi! gitEmailDelimiter" +"exe "hi! gitEmail" +"exe "hi! gitDate" +"exe "hi! gitMode" +"exe "hi! gitHashAbbrev" +"exe "hi! gitHash" +"exe "hi! gitReflogMiddle" +"exe "hi! gitReference" +"exe "hi! gitStage" +"exe "hi! gitType" +"exe "hi! gitDiffAdded" +"exe "hi! gitDiffRemoved" +"gitcommit +"exe "hi! gitcommitSummary" +exe "hi! gitcommitComment" .s:fmt_ital .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none +hi! link gitcommitUntracked gitcommitComment +hi! link gitcommitDiscarded gitcommitComment +hi! link gitcommitSelected gitcommitComment +exe "hi! gitcommitUnmerged" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitOnBranch" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitBranch" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_magenta .s:bg_none +hi! link gitcommitNoBranch gitcommitBranch +exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedType".s:fmt_none .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedType" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_green .s:bg_none +"exe "hi! gitcommitUnmergedType" +"exe "hi! gitcommitType" +"exe "hi! gitcommitNoChanges" +"exe "hi! gitcommitHeader" +exe "hi! gitcommitHeader" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitUntrackedFile".s:fmt_bold .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitDiscardedFile".s:fmt_bold .s:fg_red .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitSelectedFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_green .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitUnmergedFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none +exe "hi! gitcommitFile" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none +hi! link gitcommitDiscardedArrow gitcommitDiscardedFile +hi! link gitcommitSelectedArrow gitcommitSelectedFile +hi! link gitcommitUnmergedArrow gitcommitUnmergedFile +"exe "hi! gitcommitArrow" +"exe "hi! gitcommitOverflow" +"exe "hi! gitcommitBlank" +" }}} +" html highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +exe "hi! htmlTag" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! htmlEndTag" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! htmlTagN" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_base1 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! htmlTagName" .s:fmt_bold .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! htmlSpecialTagName".s:fmt_ital .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! htmlArg" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none +exe "hi! javaScript" .s:fmt_none .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none +"}}} +" perl highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +exe "hi! perlHereDoc" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! perlVarPlain" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! perlStatementFileDesc". s:fg_cyan.s:bg_back.s:fmt_none + +"}}} +" tex highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +exe "hi! texStatement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! texMathZoneX" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! texMathMatcher" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! texMathMatcher" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! texRefLabel" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_back .s:fmt_none +"}}} +" ruby highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +exe "hi! rubyDefine" . s:fg_base1 .s:bg_back .s:fmt_bold +"rubyInclude +"rubySharpBang +"rubyAccess +"rubyPredefinedVariable +"rubyBoolean +"rubyClassVariable +"rubyBeginEnd +"rubyRepeatModifier +"hi! link rubyArrayDelimiter Special " [ , , ] +"rubyCurlyBlock { , , } + +"hi! link rubyClass Keyword +"hi! link rubyModule Keyword +"hi! link rubyKeyword Keyword +"hi! link rubyOperator Operator +"hi! link rubyIdentifier Identifier +"hi! link rubyInstanceVariable Identifier +"hi! link rubyGlobalVariable Identifier +"hi! link rubyClassVariable Identifier +"hi! link rubyConstant Type +"}}} +" haskell syntax highlighting"{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" For use with syntax/haskell.vim : Haskell Syntax File +" +" See also Steffen Siering's github repository: +" +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" +" Treat True and False specially, see the plugin referenced above +let hs_highlight_boolean=1 +" highlight delims, see the plugin referenced above +let hs_highlight_delimiters=1 + +exe "hi! cPreCondit". s:fg_orange.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none + +exe "hi! VarId" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! ConId" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsImport" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsString" . s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none + +exe "hi! hsStructure" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hs_hlFunctionName" . s:fg_blue .s:bg_none +exe "hi! hsStatement" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsImportLabel" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hs_OpFunctionName" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hs_DeclareFunction" . s:fg_orange .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsVarSym" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsType" . s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsTypedef" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsModuleName" . s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr +exe "hi! hsModuleStartLabel" . s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +hi! link hsImportParams Delimiter +hi! link hsDelimTypeExport Delimiter +hi! link hsModuleStartLabel hsStructure +hi! link hsModuleWhereLabel hsModuleStartLabel + +" following is for the haskell-conceal plugin +" the first two items don't have an impact, but better safe +exe "hi! hsNiceOperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! hsniceoperator" . s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none + +"}}} +" pandoc markdown syntax highlighting "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- + +"PandocHiLink pandocNormalBlock +exe "hi! pandocTitleBlock" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocTitleBlockTitle" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocTitleComment" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocComment" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimBlock" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +hi! link pandocVerbatimBlockDeep pandocVerbatimBlock +hi! link pandocCodeBlock pandocVerbatimBlock +hi! link pandocCodeBlockDelim pandocVerbatimBlock +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuote" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader1" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader2" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader3" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader4" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader5" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocBlockQuoteLeader6" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocListMarker" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocListReference" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr + +" Definitions +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +let s:fg_pdef = s:fg_violet +exe "hi! pandocDefinitionBlock" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocDefinitionTerm" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_stnd +exe "hi! pandocDefinitionIndctr" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisDefinition" .s:fg_pdef.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocSubscriptDefinition" .s:fg_pdef .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none + +" Tables +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +let s:fg_ptable = s:fg_blue +exe "hi! pandocTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocTableStructure" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +hi! link pandocTableStructureTop pandocTableStructre +hi! link pandocTableStructureEnd pandocTableStructre +exe "hi! pandocTableZebraLight" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base03.s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocTableZebraDark" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_base02.s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocSubscriptTable" .s:fg_ptable.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none + +" Headings +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +let s:fg_phead = s:fg_orange +exe "hi! pandocHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocHeadingMarker" .s:fg_yellow.s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNestedHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasisHeading".s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrikeoutHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_revr +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInlineHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocSuperscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocSubscriptHeading" .s:fg_phead .s:bg_none.s:fmt_bold + +" Links +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +exe "hi! pandocLinkDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocLinkLabel" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr +exe "hi! pandocLinkText" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb +exe "hi! pandocLinkURL" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr +exe "hi! pandocLinkTitle" .s:fg_base00 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi +exe "hi! pandocLinkTitleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undi .s:sp_base00 +exe "hi! pandocLinkDefinition" .s:fg_cyan .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr .s:sp_base00 +exe "hi! pandocLinkDefinitionID" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocImageCaption" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb +exe "hi! pandocFootnoteLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr +exe "hi! pandocFootnoteDefLink" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocFootnoteInline" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_undb +exe "hi! pandocFootnote" .s:fg_green .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocCitationDelim" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocCitation" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocCitationID" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_undr +exe "hi! pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none + +" Main Styles +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +exe "hi! pandocStyleDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_ital +exe "hi! pandocEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisNested" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrongEmphasisEmphasis" .s:fg_base0 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bldi +exe "hi! pandocStrikeout" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr +exe "hi! pandocVerbatimInline" .s:fg_yellow .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocSuperscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocSubscript" .s:fg_violet .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none + +exe "hi! pandocRule" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocRuleLine" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocEscapePair" .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +exe "hi! pandocCitationRef" .s:fg_magenta.s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocNonBreakingSpace" . s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:fmt_revr +hi! link pandocEscapedCharacter pandocEscapePair +hi! link pandocLineBreak pandocEscapePair + +" Embedded Code +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +exe "hi! pandocMetadataDelim" .s:fg_base01 .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocMetadataKey" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_none +exe "hi! pandocMetadata" .s:fg_blue .s:bg_none .s:fmt_bold +hi! link pandocMetadataTitle pandocMetadata + +"}}} +" Utility autocommand "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" In cases where Solarized is initialized inside a terminal vim session and +" then transferred to a gui session via the command `:gui`, the gui vim process +" does not re-read the colorscheme (or .vimrc for that matter) so any `has_gui` +" related code that sets gui specific values isn't executed. +" +" Currently, Solarized sets only the cterm or gui values for the colorscheme +" depending on gui or terminal mode. It's possible that, if the following +" autocommand method is deemed excessively poor form, that approach will be +" used again and the autocommand below will be dropped. +" +" However it seems relatively benign in this case to include the autocommand +" here. It fires only in cases where vim is transferring from terminal to gui +" mode (detected with the script scope s:vmode variable). It also allows for +" other potential terminal customizations that might make gui mode suboptimal. +" +autocmd GUIEnter * if (s:vmode != "gui") | exe "colorscheme " . g:colors_name | endif +"}}} +" Highlight Trailing Space {{{ +" Experimental: Different highlight when on cursorline +function! s:SolarizedHiTrail() + if g:solarized_hitrail==0 + hi! clear solarizedTrailingSpace + else + syn match solarizedTrailingSpace "\s*$" + exe "hi! solarizedTrailingSpace " .s:fmt_undr .s:fg_red .s:bg_none .s:sp_red + endif +endfunction +augroup SolarizedHiTrail + autocmd! + if g:solarized_hitrail==1 + autocmd! Syntax * call s:SolarizedHiTrail() + autocmd! ColorScheme * if g:colors_name == "solarized" | call s:SolarizedHiTrail() | else | augroup! s:SolarizedHiTrail | endif + endif +augroup END +" }}} +" Menus "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" Turn off Solarized menu by including the following assignment in your .vimrc: +" +" let g:solarized_menu=0 + +function! s:SolarizedOptions() + new "new buffer + setf vim "vim filetype + let failed = append(0, s:defaults_list) + let failed = append(0, s:colorscheme_list) + let failed = append(0, s:options_list) + let failed = append(0, s:lazycat_list) + 0 "jump back to the top +endfunction +if !exists(":SolarizedOptions") + command SolarizedOptions :call s:SolarizedOptions() +endif + +function! SolarizedMenu() + if exists("g:loaded_solarized_menu") + try + silent! aunmenu Solarized + endtry + endif + let g:loaded_solarized_menu = 1 + + if g:colors_name == "solarized" && g:solarized_menu != 0 + + amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Low\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="low" \| colorscheme solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Normal\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="normal" \| colorscheme solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&High\ Contrast :let g:solarized_contrast="high" \| colorscheme solarized + an &Solarized.&Contrast.-sep- + amenu &Solarized.&Contrast.&Help:\ Contrast :help 'solarized_contrast' + + amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Low\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="low" \| colorscheme solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Normal\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="normal" \| colorscheme solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&High\ Visibility :let g:solarized_visibility="high" \| colorscheme solarized + an &Solarized.&Visibility.-sep- + amenu &Solarized.&Visibility.&Help:\ Visibility :help 'solarized_visibility' + + amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Toggle\ Background :ToggleBG + amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Dark\ Background :set background=dark \| colorscheme solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Light\ Background :set background=light \| colorscheme solarized + an &Solarized.&Background.-sep- + amenu &Solarized.&Background.&Help:\ ToggleBG :help togglebg + + if g:solarized_bold==0 | let l:boldswitch="On" | else | let l:boldswitch="Off" | endif + exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Bold\\ ".l:boldswitch." :let g:solarized_bold=(abs(g:solarized_bold-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized" + if g:solarized_italic==0 | let l:italicswitch="On" | else | let l:italicswitch="Off" | endif + exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Italic\\ ".l:italicswitch." :let g:solarized_italic=(abs(g:solarized_italic-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized" + if g:solarized_underline==0 | let l:underlineswitch="On" | else | let l:underlineswitch="Off" | endif + exe "amenu &Solarized.&Styling.&Turn\\ Underline\\ ".l:underlineswitch." :let g:solarized_underline=(abs(g:solarized_underline-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized" + + amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&Low\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="low" \| colorscheme solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&Normal\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="normal" \| colorscheme solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Diff\ Mode.&High\ Diff\ Mode :let g:solarized_diffmode="high" \| colorscheme solarized + + if g:solarized_hitrail==0 | let l:hitrailswitch="On" | else | let l:hitrailswitch="Off" | endif + exe "amenu &Solarized.&Experimental.&Turn\\ Highlight\\ Trailing\\ Spaces\\ ".l:hitrailswitch." :let g:solarized_hitrail=(abs(g:solarized_hitrail-1)) \\| colorscheme solarized" + an &Solarized.&Experimental.-sep- + amenu &Solarized.&Experimental.&Help:\ HiTrail :help 'solarized_hitrail' + + an &Solarized.-sep1- + + amenu &Solarized.&Autogenerate\ options :SolarizedOptions + + an &Solarized.-sep2- + + amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Solarized\ Help :help solarized + amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Toggle\ Background\ Help :help togglebg + amenu &Solarized.&Help.&Removing\ This\ Menu :help solarized-menu + + an 9999.77 &Help.&Solarized\ Colorscheme :help solarized + an 9999.78 &Help.&Toggle\ Background :help togglebg + an 9999.79 &Help.-sep3- + + endif +endfunction + +autocmd ColorScheme * if g:colors_name != "solarized" | silent! aunmenu Solarized | else | call SolarizedMenu() | endif + +"}}} +" License "{{{ +" --------------------------------------------------------------------- +" +" Copyright (c) 2011 Ethan Schoonover +" +" Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +" of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +" in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +" to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +" copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +" furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: +" +" The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +" all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +" +" THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +" IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +" FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +" AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +" LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +" OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +" THE SOFTWARE. +" +" vim:foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0 +"}}} diff --git a/doc/indent_guides.txt b/doc/indent_guides.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d51a394 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/indent_guides.txt @@ -0,0 +1,351 @@ +*indent_guides.txt* A plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim. + + *indent-guides* + ____ __ __ ______ _ __ + / _/____ ____/ /___ ____ / /_ / ____/__ __(_)____/ /___ _____ + / / / __ \/ __ // _ \/ __ \/ __/ / / __ / / / / // __ // _ \/ ___/ + _/ / / / / / /_/ // __/ / / / /_ / /_/ // /_/ / // /_/ // __(__ ) + /___//_/ /_/\__,_/ \___/_/ /_/\__/ \____/ \__,_/_/ \__,_/ \___/____/ + + +Author: Nate Kane +Version: 1.7 +Last Change: 07 Mar 2013 + +============================================================================== +CONTENTS *indent-guides-contents* + + 1. Introduction.......................... |indent-guides-introduction| + 2. Commands.............................. |indent-guides-commands| + 3. Options............................... |indent-guides-options| + 4. Mappings.............................. |indent-guides-mappings| + 5. Terminal Vim.......................... |indent-guides-terminal-vim| + 6. About................................. |indent-guides-about| + 7. Changelog............................. |indent-guides-changelog| + 8. License............................... |indent-guides-license| + +============================================================================== +1. INTRODUCTION *indent-guides-introduction* + +Indent Guides is a plugin for visually displaying indent levels in Vim. + +This plugin should work with gVim out of the box, no configuration needed. + +Features:~ + * Can detect both tab and space indent styles. + * Automatically inspects your colorscheme and picks appropriate colors (gVim + only). + * Will highlight indent levels with alternating colors. + * Full support for gVim and basic support for Terminal Vim. + * Seems to work on Windows gVim 7.3 (haven't done any extensive tests + though). + * Customizable size for indent guides, eg. skinny guides (soft-tabs only). + * Customizable start indent level. + * Highlight support for files with a mixture of tab and space indent styles. + +============================================================================== +2. COMMANDS *indent-guides-commands* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +:IndentGuidesToggle *:IndentGuidesToggle* + Toggles the indent guides on and off. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +:IndentGuidesEnable *:IndentGuidesEnable* + Enables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon + entering it. + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ +:IndentGuidesDisable *:IndentGuidesDisable* + Disables the indent guides for the current buffer and any other buffer upon + entering it. + +============================================================================== +3. OPTIONS *indent-guides-options* + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_indent_levels'* +Use this option to control how many indent levels to display guides for. + +Default: 30. Values: integer. +> + let g:indent_guides_indent_levels = 30 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_auto_colors'* +Use this option to control whether or not the plugin automatically calculates +the highlight colors. Will use the current colorscheme's background color as a +base color. + +Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1. +> + let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 1 +< + +If you set this option to 0, be sure to manually define some highlight colors +in an autocmd. +> + let g:indent_guides_auto_colors = 0 + autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=red ctermbg=3 + autocmd VimEnter,Colorscheme * :hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=green ctermbg=4 +< + +Alternatively you can add the following lines to your colorscheme file. +> + hi IndentGuidesOdd guibg=red ctermbg=3 + hi IndentGuidesEven guibg=green ctermbg=4 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_color_change_percent'* +Use this option to control the percent at which the highlight colors will be +lightened or darkened. + +Default: 10 (10%). Values: between 0 and 100. +> + let g:indent_guides_color_change_percent = 10 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_guide_size'* +Use this option to customize the size of the indent guide. By default the +value is set to 0, which will set the guide size to be the same as the +|shiftwidth|. Setting this value to be larger than the |shiftwidth| is essentially +the same as setting it to 0. + +A common use of this setting is to create skinny indent guides, which look +great with a |shiftwidth| of 4 or more. + +NOTE: This option only works for soft-tabs (spaces) and not hard-tabs. + +Default: 0. Values: between 0 and |shiftwidth|. +> + let g:indent_guides_guide_size = 1 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_start_level'* +Use this option to control which indent level to start showing guides from. + +Default: 1. Values: between 1 and g:|indent_guides_indent_levels|. +> + let g:indent_guides_start_level = 2 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_space_guides'* +Use this option to control whether the plugin considers spaces as indention. + +Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1. +> + let g:indent_guides_space_guides = 0 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_tab_guides'* +Use this option to control whether the plugin considers tabs as indention. + +Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1. +> + let g:indent_guides_tab_guides = 0 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_soft_pattern'* +Use this option to explicitly specify a pattern for soft indentation. For +example to match spaces only in the beginning of line use ' ' pattern. + +Default: '\s'. Values: Vim regexp. +> + let g:indent_guides_soft_pattern = ' ' +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup'* +Use this option to control whether the plugin is enabled on Vim startup. + +Default: 0. Values: 0 or 1. +> + let g:indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup = 0 +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_exclude_filetypes'* +Use this option to specify a list of filetypes to disable the plugin for. + +Default: ['help']. Values: list of strings. +> + let g:indent_guides_exclude_filetypes = ['help', 'nerdtree'] +< + +------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + *'indent_guides_default_mapping'* +Use this option to control whether the default mapping (ig) gets set. + +Default: 1. Values: 0 or 1. +> + let g:indent_guides_default_mapping = 0 +< + +============================================================================== +4. MAPPINGS *indent-guides-mappings* + +The default mapping for toggling indent guides is ig. You can easily +map it to other keys. For example: +> + :nmap ig IndentGuidesToggle +< + +You can also map some other commands that are not mapped by default. For +example: +> + :nmap ie IndentGuidesEnable + :nmap id IndentGuidesDisable +< + +============================================================================== +5. TERMINAL VIM *indent-guides-terminal-vim* + +At the moment Terminal Vim only has basic support. This means is that colors +won't be automatically calculated based on your colorscheme. Instead, some +preset colors are used depending on whether `background` is set to `dark` or +`light`. + +When `set background=dark` is used, the following highlight colors will be +defined: +> + hi IndentGuidesOdd ctermbg=black + hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=darkgrey +< + +Alternatively, when `set background=light` is used, the following highlight +colors will be defined: +> + hi IndentGuidesOdd ctermbg=white + hi IndentGuidesEven ctermbg=lightgrey +< + +If for some reason it's incorrectly defining light highlight colors instead of +dark ones or vice versa, the first thing you should check is that the +`background` value is being set correctly for your colorscheme. Sometimes it's +best to manually set the `background` value in your `.vimrc`, for example: +> + colorscheme desert256 + set background=dark +< + +Alternatively you can manually setup the highlight colors yourself, see +|indent_guides_auto_colors| for an example. + +============================================================================== +6. ABOUT *indent-guides-about* + +Why did I build this plugin?~ + * I believe indent guides make nested code easier to read and understand. + * Other editors have them and it's high time Vim did. + * None of the existing indent guide plugins on the market suited my needs. + * I wanted to learn me some VimL. + +Links:~ + * Github: + * Bugs & Issues: + +Credits:~ + * Matt Wozniski (godlygeek) for letting me use the list of color names and + hex codes from his CSApprox plugin. + +Contact:~ + * Twitter: @nathanaelkane + * Email: + +Bug reports, feedback, suggestions etc are welcomed. + +============================================================================== +7. CHANGELOG *indent-guides-changelog* + +1.8 (pending release)~ + * Added option g:|indent_guides_soft_pattern| to control the pattern for + soft indentation (thanks @sergey-vlasov). + * Added option g:|indent_guides_default_mapping| to control whether the + default mapping (ig) gets set (thanks @suy). + * Set size of indent guide to `tabstop` value when `shiftwidth=0` or + `noexpandtab` is used (thanks @darkfeline and @wilywampa). + * Don't load plugin in unsupported versions of Vim (thanks @dersaidin). + * Added option g:|indent_guides_tab_guides| to control whether tabs are + considered as indention (thanks @amerlyq). + +1.7~ + * Added way to override the default mapping (thanks @xuhdev). + * Added option g:|indent_guides_exclude_filetypes| to specify a list of + filetypes to disable the plugin for. + * Disable the plugin when in a diff. + * Various bug fixes. + +1.6~ + * Added option g:|indent_guides_space_guides| to control whether spaces are + considered as indention (thanks @scoz). + * Added 'doc/tags' to gitignore (thanks @lenniboy). + * Fixed E803 ID not found spam (thanks @mutewinter). + * Fixed str2float issue with Vim 7.1 (thanks @acx0). + +1.5~ + * Added highlight support for files with a mixture of tab and space indent + styles (thanks @graywh). + * Added -bar to all the :commands so they can chain with other :commands + (thanks @graywh). + * No longer overriding pre-defined custom highlight colors (thanks @graywh). + * Using str2float to work around a float bug in some versions of Vim 7.2 + (thanks @voidus). + +1.4~ + * Added the new plugin option g:|indent_guides_enable_on_vim_startup|. + * Improved Windows support. + +1.3~ + * Changed the default value of g:|indent_guides_color_change_percent| to 10. + * Added support for gVim themes that don't specify a `hi Normal guibg` + color. + +1.2~ + * Customizable size for indent guides, eg. skinny guides (soft-tabs only). + * Customizable start indent level. + * Refactored some internal logic. + +1.1~ + * Added basic support for Terminal Vim. See |indent-guides-terminal-vim| for + more information. + * Cut down on rgb to hex color conversions by adding a big dictionary of + color names and hex codes. + * Various bug fixes. + +1.0~ + * First public version. + +============================================================================== +8. LICENSE *indent-guides-license* + +The MIT Licence + + +Copyright (c) 2010-2013 Nate Kane + +Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy +of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal +in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights +to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell +copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is +furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + +The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in +all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + +THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR +IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, +FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE +AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER +LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, +OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN +THE SOFTWARE. + +vim:tw=78:ts=2:ft=help:norl: diff --git a/pack/plugins/start/vim-go b/pack/plugins/start/vim-go new file mode 160000 index 0000000..9699505 --- /dev/null +++ b/pack/plugins/start/vim-go @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +Subproject commit 96995056cbe744119ebd53e31068e713fa08db61 diff --git a/vimrc b/vimrc new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0fec9fe --- /dev/null +++ b/vimrc @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ + +execute pathogen#infect() + +" An example for a vimrc file. +" +" Maintainer: Bram Moolenaar +" Last change: 2008 Dec 17 +" +" To use it, copy it to +" for Unix and OS/2: ~/.vimrc +" for Amiga: s:.vimrc +" for MS-DOS and Win32: $VIM\_vimrc +" for OpenVMS: sys$login:.vimrc + +" When started as "evim", evim.vim will already have done these settings. +if v:progname =~? "evim" + finish +endif + +" Use Vim settings, rather than Vi settings (much better!). +" This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect. +set nocompatible + +map :bnext +map :bprev + + +" allow backspacing over everything in insert mode +set backspace=indent,eol,start + +if has("vms") + set nobackup " do not keep a backup file, use versions instead +else + set backup " keep a backup file +endif +set backupdir=~/.vim/backup +set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history +set ruler " show the cursor position all the time +set showcmd " display incomplete commands +set incsearch " do incremental searching +set nu + +" For Win32 GUI: remove 't' flag from 'guioptions': no tearoff menu entries +" let &guioptions = substitute(&guioptions, "t", "", "g") + +" Don't use Ex mode, use Q for formatting +map Q gq + +" CTRL-U in insert mode deletes a lot. Use CTRL-G u to first break undo, +" so that you can undo CTRL-U after inserting a line break. +inoremap u + +" In many terminal emulators the mouse works just fine, thus enable it. +if has('mouse') + set mouse=a +endif + +syntax on +color dracula + +set hlsearch + +" Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands. +if has("autocmd") + + " Enable file type detection. + " Use the default filetype settings, so that mail gets 'tw' set to 72, + " 'cindent' is on in C files, etc. + " Also load indent files, to automatically do language-dependent indenting. + filetype plugin indent on + + " Put these in an autocmd group, so that we can delete them easily. + augroup vimrcEx + au! + + " For all text files set 'textwidth' to 78 characters. + autocmd FileType text setlocal textwidth=78 + + " When editing a file, always jump to the last known cursor position. + " Don't do it when the position is invalid or when inside an event handler + " (happens when dropping a file on gvim). + " Also don't do it when the mark is in the first line, that is the default + " position when opening a file. + autocmd BufReadPost * + \ if line("'\"") > 1 && line("'\"") <= line("$") | + \ exe "normal! g`\"" | + \ endif + + augroup END + +else + + set autoindent " always set autoindenting on + +endif " has("autocmd") + +" Convenient command to see the difference between the current buffer and the +" file it was loaded from, thus the changes you made. +" Only define it when not defined already. +if !exists(":DiffOrig") + command DiffOrig vert new | set bt=nofile | r # | 0d_ | diffthis + \ | wincmd p | diffthis +endif + +let g:syntastic_cs_checkers = ['syntax', 'semantic', 'issues'] + + +nnoremap th :OmniSharpHighlightTypes + +set tabstop=4 +" when indenting with '>', use 2 spaces width +set shiftwidth=4 + +set guifont=ProFontIIx:h12 +set linespace=3 +if has ("gui_macvim") + set background=dark + + filetype plugin indent on + " show existing tab with 2 spaces width + set tabstop=4 + " when indenting with '>', use 2 spaces width + set shiftwidth=4 + " On pressing tab, insert 2 spaces + set expandtab + + set transparency=3 +endif + +set runtimepath^=~/.vim/bundle/ctrlp.vim + +highlight LineNr ctermfg=grey + +map ø $ +map æ 0 +map Æ ( +map Ø ) +map _ / +set ignorecase +set smartcase