<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/pppxRVTcQjE" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe> <time datetime="2017-02-11">2017-02-11</time> <p>This mix has gotten me through some stressful evenings the last couple of months. I don't mind the liberal use of mario samples either. Kick back this saturday and read a couple of takunomi posts from this week</p> <ul> <li>Monday. <a href="Fuck-Yeah,-Power-Fantasies!"><strong>Fuck Yeah, Power Fantasies!</strong></a>. I talk about one of the best traist of hardcore games.</li> <li>Tuesday. <a href="Suggestion---A-Wabi-Trait-in-Video-Games"><strong>Suggestion - A Wabi Trait in Video Games</strong></a>. We're getting academic in this one, delving into a single aspect of a study on the aesthetics of Japanese video games.</li> <li>Wednesday. <a href="Wonderful-Character-Design---Also...-You-Know...-Buttholes-and-Titties"><strong>Wonderful Character Design - Also… You Know… Buttholes and Titties</strong></a>. The title says it all... OR DOES IT!?</li> <li>Thursday. <a href="Meaning-of-Takunomi"><strong>Meaning of Takunomi</strong></a>. It's a different, perhaps even confident gamer philosophy. Plus, a recipe for a simple drinking game.</li> <li>Friday. <a href="New-Play-Style-in-the-Good-Old-Way"><strong>New Play Style in the Good Old Way</strong></a>. Talking VR and how it could work, if developers are willing to bet on it.</li> </ul>