<p><figure><img src="/images/2017-01-26/a.jpeg"></br></img></figure>
<time datetime="2017-01-26">2017-01-26</time></p>

<p>Recently I managed to complete Tactics Ogre on the PSP (played on my Vita). Not the greatest feat, but considering how little time is available to me to play games, I was still rather satisfied.</p>

<p>Besides being a through and through fantastic game that manages to give me many small puzzle-like battles, it is one of those games that manages to paint a thrilling story with just some chibi-super-kawaii sprites that are far more brutal than their stumpy little pixel limbs communicate.</p>

<p>My favorite element though, didn’t occur to me until pretty far into the game (and would surely have made the previous skirmishes far more easygoing): The range of archers is Tactics Ogre is a truth with modifications. The full truth is that they can shoot beyond what the game indicates. In fact, if you have some highground, they can shoot far beyond the indication.</p>

<p>This is some <em>half-blood-prince-crush-the-creature-with-a-silver-knife-to-get-the-good-juice-level-secret-skills-shit-dawg</em>!</p>

<p>Really, the game told me the rules, and allowed me to go beyond them, without breaking anything (maybe except the balance). And what made it feel even better, was that I felt like I really knew the tiny crevices of knowledge and skill to play Tactics Ogre.</p>