<p><img src="/../images/2017-12-02/a.png" alt="" />
<time datetime="2017-12-02">2017&#8211;12&#8211;02</time></p>

<p>Takunomi has relaunched on a new website, handcoded in Go. It&#8217;s hosted on a friend&#8217;s server, and the source code can be seen <a href="https://gitfub.space/ohayo-jacob/takunomi-blog">here</a>. It used to be important to me that I updated rather regularly, and as a challenge, that was fun. That won&#8217;t happen again, but I definitely have some posts that I want to write, and I&#8217;d like to merge some of the content from my old site, <a href="https://sketchwhales.com">sketcwhales</a>.</p>

<p>Since this is the first site I&#8217;ve built from the ground up, I&#8217;ll talk a little about it for other people who are interested, even though it&#8217;s very basic:</p>

<p>It&#8217;s a simple Go program that uses so-called <em>templates</em>. These are like html documents, except they take variables from the Go programming, and a finished html document is then served to the sites visitor. I use <a href="https://github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki">tmux </a>to run the program in the background, and have I have it check once a minute if the folder I add new posts to has been changed (by checking the folder&#8217;s metadata). The program is stored in a git repo, and so I simply push to posts to the repo to update the blog. Hopefully the relative simplicity of the program is a testament to Go as a language and not my inadequacy as a programmer.</p>