<figure><img src="/images/2017-02-09/a.jpg"></br></img></figure> <time datetime="2017-02-09">2017-02-09</time> <p>Once I was well into university, I started to understand exactly <em>how</em> I enjoyed games. That they occupied such a big part of what I liked, that they influenced what I listened to (chiptunes), and that they steered me towards what I wanted to study (games in Japan).</p> <p>In recent years, I think a lot of people might have felt the same, because so many aspects of games have become far more social: Game James are half part workshops and half part festivals. Streaming of course, is really a thing now. Even Mario has 4-player co-op now, although it's still pretty fun to pass the controller around as people die.</p> <p><em>Takunomi</em> means 'home party' in Japanese, and to me, those are the best. I never want to leave if I'm at a warm up party. At home we can decide the music, drink our own stuff, and hear each other. And we can play games.</p> <p><em>Takunomi</em> expresses what I like about games. They are personal, they are fun, they require skill, they have a rich history and expect people to participate in it. At a <em>takunomi</em>-party (at least from my perspective) you can sit around, chat, drink beer and play games. Not just party games though, although as the image above says, <a href="https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2013/04/26/monacolalia"><em><strong>some games are just destined to be played in multiplayer, while drinking</strong></em></a>. The history of games, what made them good, and what I still like about them, are often designed as solitary experiences, but understanding that I want to share this, I think it's okay to sit around and take turns at <em>Hotline Miami</em> or spend an entire evening talking <em>Metal Gear Solid</em>.</p> <h3>A Takunomi Recipe</h3> <p>Here's a fun thing to do: (1) Have all guests bring a bottle of alcohol and a bottle of juice or carbonated drink. Clear liquids only: Gin, vodka, etc. (2) Pour it all into a big pot. A fortunate mix will take on a sort of fun, orange-y color. (3) Play New Super Mario Bros. Everytime someone dies, they have to drink a ladle ful from the pot.</p>