<img src="/images/2017-02-14/a.jpg"></br></img> <img src="/images/2017-02-14/d.jpg"></br></img> <time datetime="2017-02-14">2017-02-14</time> <p>Haruki Murakami has mentioned how he wrote his first couple of novels at the kitchen counter at night after closing shop at the jazz club.</p> <p>There isn't really any good reason not to try and make hendes under the same circumstances, perhaps achieving the same sort of unpolished creativity.</p> <p>I had a sudden urge to make a game about a wizard who stays at a hotel in the mountains in Japan. Simple graphics like in a <a href="http://distractionware.com/blog/">Terry Cavanagh</a> game, and obtuse controls like using the <a href="http://www.vim.org/">VIM text editor</a>. I was gonna use <a href="https://love2d.org/">Love2D</a> and <a href="https://www.lua.org/">Lua</a>, since they’re simple, but the syntax was so foreign to me that it actually took far more time than I wanted. Using a tutorial, I got the map drawn, and I painted some graphics in Photoshop, so I have more to use for a later version.</p> <p>Still, it’s wonderful to think we’ve come so far in programming accessibility, that I can go from vague idea to vague demo in a few hours.</p> <p>I’m probably gonna give this idea a few more evenings every once in a while, now that I’ve got it started.</p>