<p><time datetime="2022-02-06">2022-02-06</time></p> <p><strong>SETUP</strong> <br /> - 2-5 players and 1 six-sided die. <br /> - 6 different tokens. You need 2 * number-of-players of each type (4 for 2 players, 6 for 3 players). <br /> - each side of the die matches 1 kind of token. <br /> - the first player to get 1 of each token, wins </p> <p><strong>ON YOUR TURN YOU MAY EITHER:</strong> <br /> - roll the die and take a matching token <br /> <em>OR</em> <br /> - discard all tokens of three different types. You then gift one of these tokens to another player. </p> <p>You then then pass the die. </p> <p><strong>IF YOU GET 3 OF A SINGLE TYPE OF TOKEN, YOU MUST EITHER:</strong> <br /> - discard 2 of that type of token and choose another player to receive the third token. <br /> <em>OR</em> <br /> - discard all 3 of the token AND gift 1 token of a different kind to another player. <br /> - as you can imagine, this can create a chain reaction. </p> <p>Does this game already exists by a different name? The simplicity kinda surprises me, so I have a hard time believing I invented it.</p>