takunomi-blog/posts/Møgluder: The Rabbit Age.html

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2022-05-03 17:25:28 +00:00
<p><figure><img src="/images/2022-05-02/a.gif"></br></img></figure>
<time datetime="2022-05-02">2022-05-02</time></p>
<p>Finally got to participate in a physical game jam again: Nordic Game Jam 2022! My fourth game jam.</p>
<p>Our group made a prequel for <a href="https://takunomi.space/the_girl_who_kicked_a_rabbit/"><em>The Girl Who Kicked a Rabbit</em></a>, titled:</p>
<p><a href="https://jmaa.itch.io/the-rabbit-age"><em>Møgluder: The Rabbit Age</em></a></p>
<p>It's great. I hope you enjoy it. Below is our mockup:</p>
<p><figure><img src="/images/2022-05-02/b.png"></br></img></figure></p>