takunomi-blog/posts/TGWKaR DevLog - December Update.html

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<p><time datetime="2021-12-23">2021-12-23</time></p>
<p>Alright. End-of-the-year-update.</p>
<p>2021 was good for the game's progress. Sort of. I've come pretty far, and more importantly, I really like what the game has become. My buddy is helping with the music, and the three tracks he has supplied so far are just so perfect for the energy I want to convey, so when you get to hear them, I hope you'll become his fans as well.</p>
<p>My motivation for the game hasn't waned, but I've been feeling pretty bad about how I hadn't really been getting any reactions for the game online. Twitter is... not a good place. So as all sane people I started a thread on 4chan, and I just got so many good and bad reactions, it felt absolutely great. You hear people who get bad reactions say stuff like "rather bad reactions, than no reactions", and for a guy who consistently get zero reactions on social media for his game, that is absolutely true. The end result was some real good feedback, and a couple of people who wanted to try and early build. One of those immediately gave it a go and wrote me back some super useful feedback. The gif below is some of UI improvements based on what he said.</p>
<img src="https://takunomi.space/images/game1/idle.gif" alt="" width="426" border="0">
<p>Next, I was so satisfied with how the World 2 map turned out, that I went back and made the World 1 map grid-based as well, and the result below works very nicely, I think. I've made an early stab at the World 3 map, and while I don't show it here, I believe it's consistently the right way to go for this game.</p>
<img src="https://takunomi.space/images/game1/world1.gif" alt="" width="426" border="0">
<p>In the final image below, you can see how it's going with the battle background for World 2 levels, and observe how a powerful combo can be setup in the game to absolutely obliterate your opponents.</p>
<img src="https://takunomi.space/images/game1/setup.gif" alt="" width="426" border="0">
<p>And what did I do tonight? I spent two hours coming up with the final level names for World 2. So a little preview:</p>
<p><strong>• The Solar Boys: Konbini Bloodsport.</strong></p>
<p><strong>• DIY Thermonuclear Karaoke</strong></p>
<p><strong>• Friendly Local Neighbourhood Arcane Charcuterie</strong></p>
<p><strong>• Drinking in a Place That Ceased to be Long Ago</strong></p>
<p><strong>• bar Dream Pop New Winter</strong></p>
<p><strong>• Origami With an IED</strong></p>
<p><strong>• Suave, Assertive, Cryptozoological.</strong></p>