<p><time datetime="2017-01-24">2017-01-24</time></p>

<p>(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlX9vqyNuH8)</p>

<p>A great to show that I’m extremely out of touch, is by exposing my lack of knowledge of game streaming.</p>

<p>Whatever. I just discovered gaming youtube, a sub-youtube for game streaming, and with it found this stream of (and correct me if I’m wrong) a general streamer and a pro puyo puyo player, battling each other in the new Nyoki Nyoki. It’s great stuff.</p>

<p>I absolutely love Puyo Puyo, and Nyoki Nyoki looks great as well. In fact, I tried for so long to make Sodagirl more arcade/action-puzzle-like, like Puyo Puyo, but in the end, the design took me elsewhere. Nonetheless, I love this type of game and this stream is so relaxing.</p>

<p>The story of Nyoki Nyoki is kind of interesting as well. Compile, the original company behind Puyo Puyo, was run by Masashitsu ‘Moo’ Niitani and the game is credited to him as well.</p>

<p>At the peak of Puyo Puyo popularity, they were making money hand over fist, but with a steady stream of failing games, the Puyo Puyo games got handled, and eventually became controlled/owned, by Sega. Moo fell on hard times and up till recently worked in a convenience store. Nyoki Nyoki is his big shot at a comeback and I wish him all the best of luck!</p>

<p>I should mention that towards the end,the stream degenerates into a mess of cake eating and cameras pointing at nothing at all. It’s really quite amazing.</p>