# coding: utf-8 load 'config.rb' users = USERNAMES log_dir = LOG_DIR colors = {"christoffermadsen" => "1d6a6f", "jmaa" => "9db512", "jacob" => "e01476", "alexander" => "00c0c7"} def rand_color "%06x" % (rand * 0xffffff) end def color_dist (c1, c2) (c1[0..1].hex - c2[0..1].hex).abs + (c1[2..3].hex - c2[2..3].hex).abs + (c1[4..5].hex - c2[4..5].hex).abs end #users.each do |user| # tentative_color = rand_color # while (colors.detect {|k,v| color_dist(v,tentat#ive_color) < 200}) do # tentative_color = rand_color # end # # colors[user] = tentative_color #end plotstring = %Q[set terminal 'svg' size 800,400 fname 'Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' \ fsize '14' rounded dashed set key bottom center outside horizontal set style line 1 lt 1 lw 2 pt 7 ps 0.4 set xlabel "Time" set xdata time set timefmt "%s" set format x "%m/%d" set xtics 60*60*24*7*4 set xrange [1485275000:] set mxtics 2 set grid ytics mytics xtics mxtics set title "Screenshot count" set output "/home/christoffermadsen/public_html/img/screenshot_count.svg" set ylabel "Count" set yrange [0:] set ytics 100 set mytics 2 plot ] users.each do |user| plotstring += %Q["log/#{user}.log" using 1:2 with lines ls 1 lc rgb '##{colors[user]}' t "#{user}", \\\n] end plotstring += %Q[ set title "Screenshot size" set output "/home/christoffermadsen/public_html/img/screenshot_size.svg" set ylabel "Size (MB)" set yrange [0:] set ytics 10 set mytics 1 plot ] users.each do |user| colour = "%06x" % (rand * 0xffffff) plotstring += %Q["log/#{user}.log" using 1:($3/10**6) with lines ls 1 lc rgb '##{colors[user]}' t "#{user}", \\\n] end output = File.open("plotscript","w") output << plotstring output.close `gnuplot plotscript`