
86 lines
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import calendar
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import requests
from .strat_utils import determine_month
from ..util import Context, Prediction
def is_tide(context: Context) -> Prediction:
Determine whether or not it is night in Aarhus based on the current water level and which month we are in, based
on number of cars driving across The Storbæltsbro.
p = Prediction()
month, cur_year_total_cars, last_year_total_cars = determine_month()
month = int(month)
p.reasons.append(f"The number of cars having driven on the Storbæltsbro is {cur_year_total_cars}, in the current year")
p.reasons.append(f"The number of cars having driven over it in the last year is {last_year_total_cars}, thus the frequency is: {last_year_total_cars / cur_year_total_cars:.2f}")
p.reasons.append(f"The month is therefore {calendar.month_name[month]}")
tide_data = requests.get('')
lines = tide_data.text[570:].split('\n')
tuples = [x.split('\t') for x in lines]
lel = [[datetime.strptime(x[0], '%Y%m%d%H%M'), x[1]] for x in tuples[:-1]]
matches = [[x[0], int(x[1])] for x in lel if x[0].month == month]
all_the_data = requests.get('')
current_water_level = int(json.loads(all_the_data.content)[0]['values'][-1]['value'])
# Generate average of when the water is high
last_match = matches[0]
moments = []
for idx, water_level in enumerate(matches[1:]):
#print(last_match[1], water_level[1])
diff = abs(last_match[1]) + abs(water_level[1])
time_diff = (water_level[0] - last_match[0]).seconds
average_inc = time_diff/diff
average_delta = timedelta(seconds=average_inc)
if last_match[1] < 0 and last_match[1] <= current_water_level: # Increasing
time = last_match
while time[1] != current_water_level:
time[0] += average_delta
time[1] += 1
elif last_match[1] < 0 and last_match[1] >= current_water_level:
time = last_match
while time[1] != current_water_level:
time[0] += average_delta
time[1] -= 1
elif last_match[1] > 0 and last_match[1] >= current_water_level: # Decreasing
time = last_match
while time[1] != current_water_level:
time[0] += average_delta
time[1] -= 1
elif last_match[1] > 0 and last_match[1] <= current_water_level:
time = last_match
while time[1] != current_water_level:
time[0] += average_delta
time[1] += 1
last_match = water_level
night = sum([1 for x in moments if 6 >= x.hour or x.hour >= 22])
p.reasons.append(f"The water level is currently at {current_water_level} in the Aarhus Bay")
p.reasons.append(f"The number of times the water is at the current level at nighttime is: {night}, compared to the total amount of times in {calendar.month_name[month]}, being {len(moments)}")
p.probability = 1 - (night / len(moments))
return p