def func_find_all(container_obj, attribute, filter_by) filters = do |x| "s.get#{attribute}() #{x.comparator} #{x.value}" end # TODO: Consider also having an "or" here "return #{container_obj}.stream().filter(s -> #{filters.join "&&"}).collect(Collectors.toList());" end def find_whatever_of_something(container_obj, attribute, filter_by, aggregate_func) # TODO: Fix comparator to work for strings, such that I use .equals instead of == filters = do |x| "s.get#{attribute}() #{x.comparator} #{x.value}" end # TODO: Consider also having an "or" here "return #{container_obj}.stream().filter(s -> #{filters.join "&&"}).#{aggregate_func}();" end def find_whatever_of_variable(container_obj, attribute, filter_by, aggregate_func, variable) # TODO: Fix comparator to work for strings, such that I use .equals instead of == filters = do |x| "s.get#{attribute}() #{x.comparator} #{x.value}" end # TODO: Consider also having an "or" here "return #{container_obj}.stream().filter(s -> #{filters.join "&&"}).mapToInt(s -> s.get#{variable}()).#{aggregate_func}();" end def find_one(container_obj, attribute, filter_by) filters = do |x| "s.get#{attribute}() #{x.comparator} #{x.value}" end # TODO: Consider also having an "or" here "return #{container_obj}.stream().filter(s -> #{filters.join "&&"}).findAny().orElse(null);" end def find_best_value(container_obj, attribute, filter_by, min_or_max, based_on) filters = do |x| "s.get#{attribute}() #{x.comparator} #{x.value}" end # TODO: Consider also having an "or" here "return #{container_obj}.stream().filter(s -> #{filters.join "&&"}).mapToInt(s -> s.get#{based_on}()).#{min_or_max};" end def find_best_object(container_obj, attribute, filter_by, min_or_max, based_on) filters = do |x| "s.get#{attribute}() #{x.comparator} #{x.value}" end # TODO: Consider also having an "or" here "return #{container_obj}.stream().filter(s -> #{filters.join "&&"}).#{min_or_max}(Comparator.comparing(#{based_on.type}.get#{based_on.variable}()));" end