require 'pdf-reader' require_relative 'Method_desc' def parse(exam_text) reader = text = reader.pages[0].text.split "\n" content = text.slice(3, 15).map {|x| x.split " "}.map {|x| x.filter {|y| y.length > 1 and y.strip != "*"} }.filter {|x| x.length > 0} prim_class = content[0][0] if content[0].length == 1 container = content[1][0].strip else container = content[0][1].strip end # Fuck mig container_params = content[2].length > 1 ? [content[2][0].strip] : [content[3][0].strip] container_methods = content.slice(2, content.length-1).filter { |x| if x[0].include? "(" x[0] end }.map {|x| x[0].strip} class_fields = content.slice(3, content.length-1).filter { |x| (x.length > 1) and (not x[1].include? "(") }.map {|x| x[1].strip} if content[4].length == 1 tmp = content[4][0].strip class_fields = [tmp] + class_fields end #print(content.slice(0, content.length-1)) regex = /\A(\S+) (\w+)\((.*)\)\Z/! do |x| matches = x.match(regex)*matches.captures) end return prim_class, container, class_fields, container_params, container_methods end puts parse("ferry.pdf")