285 lines
10 KiB
285 lines
10 KiB
import quack
import numpy as np
import itertools
class Board:
initial_state = ( 0,
2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -5,
0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 5,
-5, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0,
5, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2,
0 )
def idxs_with_checkers_of_player(board, player):
return quack.idxs_with_checkers_of_player(board, player)
# TODO: Write a test for this
# TODO: Make sure that the bars fit, 0 represents the -1 player and 25 represents the 1 player
# index 26 is player 1 home, index 27 is player -1 home
def board_features_to_pubeval(board, player):
if player == -1:
board = Board.flip(board)
board = list(board)
positives = [x if x > 0 else 0 for x in board]
negatives = [x if x < 0 else 0 for x in board]
board.append( 15 - sum(positives))
board.append(-15 - sum(negatives))
return tuple(board)
# quack
def board_features_quack(board, player):
board = list(board)
board += ([1, 0] if np.sign(player) > 0 else [0, 1])
return np.array(board).reshape(1,28)
# quack-fat
def board_features_quack_fat(board, player):
return np.array(quack.board_features_quack_fat(board,player)).reshape(1,30)
# board = list(board)
# positives = [x if x > 0 else 0 for x in board]
# negatives = [x if x < 0 else 0 for x in board]
# board.append( 15 - sum(positives))
# board.append(-15 - sum(negatives))
# board += ([1, 0] if np.sign(player) > 0 else [0, 1])
# return np.array(board).reshape(1,30)
# quack-fatter
def board_features_quack_norm(board, player):
board = list(board)
positives = [x if x > 0 else 0 for x in board]
negatives = [x if x < 0 else 0 for x in board]
board[0] = board[0] / 2
board[25] = board[25] / 2
board = [board[x] if x == 0 or 25 else board[x] / 15 for x in range(0, 26)]
board.append(15 - sum(positives))
board.append(-15 - sum(negatives))
board += ([1, 0] if np.sign(player) > 0 else [0, 1])
return np.array(board).reshape(1,30)
# tesauro
def board_features_tesauro(board, cur_player):
def ordinary_trans(val, player):
abs_val = val * player
if abs_val <= 0: return (0,0,0,0)
elif abs_val == 1: return (1,0,0,0)
elif abs_val == 2: return (1,1,0,0)
elif abs_val == 3: return (1,1,1,0)
else: return (1,1,1, (abs_val - 3) / 2)
def bar_trans(board, player):
if player == 1: return (abs(board[0]/2),)
elif player == -1: return (abs(board[25]/2),)
# def ordinary_trans_board(board, player):
# return np.array(
# [ordinary_trans(x, player) for x in board[1:25]]
# ).flatten()
board_rep = []
for player in [1,-1]:
for x in board[1:25]:
board_rep += ordinary_trans(x, player)
board_rep += bar_trans(board, player)
board_rep += (15 - Board.num_of_checkers_for_player(board, player),)
board_rep += ([1,0] if cur_player == 1 else [1,0])
return np.array(board_rep).reshape(1,198)
def board_features_tesauro_wrong(board, cur_player):
features = []
for player in [-1,1]:
sum = 0.0
for board_range in range(1,25):
pin = board[board_range]
feature = [0.0]*4
if np.sign(pin) == np.sign(player):
sum += abs(pin)
for i in range(min(abs(pin), 3)):
feature[i] = 1
if (abs(pin) > 3):
feature[3] = (abs(pin)-3)/2
features += feature
# Append the amount of men on the bar of the current player divided by 2
features.append((board[0] if np.sign(player) < 0 else board[25]) / 2.0)
# Calculate how many pieces there must be in the home state and divide it by 15
features.append((15 - sum) / 15)
features += ([1,0] if np.sign(cur_player) > 0 else [0,1])
test = np.array(features)
return test.reshape(1,198)
def is_move_valid(board, player, face_value, move):
return quack.is_move_valid(board, player, face_value, move)
def any_move_valid(board, player, roll):
for die in roll:
idxs = Board.idxs_with_checkers_of_player(board, player)
for idx in idxs:
if Board.is_move_valid(board, player, die,
(idx, idx + (die * player))):
return True
return False
def num_of_checkers_for_player(board,player):
return player * sum([board[idx] for idx in Board.idxs_with_checkers_of_player(board, player)])
def outcome(board):
def all_checkers_in_first_quadrant(player):
checker_idxs = Board.idxs_with_checkers_of_player(board, player)
if player == 1:
return all([(idx <= 6) for idx in checker_idxs])
return all([(idx >= 19) for idx in checker_idxs])
winner = None
for player in [1, -1]:
if Board.idxs_with_checkers_of_player(board, player) == []:
winner = player
if winner == None:
return None
#backgammon = all_checkers_in_first_quadrant(-winner)
gammon = Board.num_of_checkers_for_player(board, -winner) == 15
score = 2 if gammon else 1
return {winner: score, -winner: -score}
def apply_moves_to_board(board, player, move):
from_idx = move[0]
to_idx = move[1]
board = list(board)
board[from_idx] -= player
if (to_idx < 1 or to_idx > 24):
if (board[to_idx] * player == -1):
if (player == 1):
board[25] -= player
board[0] -= player
board[to_idx] = 0
board[to_idx] += player
return tuple(board)
def calculate_legal_states(board, player, roll):
# Find all points with checkers on them belonging to the player
# Iterate through each index and check if it's a possible move given the roll
# TODO: make sure that it is not possible to do nothing on first part of
# turn and then do something with the second die
def calc_moves(board, face_value):
if face_value == 0:
return [board]
return quack.calc_moves(board, player, face_value)
# Problem with cal_moves: Method can return empty list (should always contain at least same board).
# *Update*: Seems to be fixed.
# ------------------
# 1. Determine if dice have identical face value
# 2. Iterate through remaining dice
legal_moves = set()
if not Board.any_move_valid(board, player, roll):
return { board }
dice_permutations = list(itertools.permutations(roll)) if roll[0] != roll[1] else [[roll[0]]*4]
# print("Dice permuts:",dice_permutations)
for roll in dice_permutations:
# Calculate boards resulting from first move
#print("initial board: ", board)
#print("roll:", roll)
#print("Rest of roll:",roll[1:])
boards = calc_moves(board, roll[0])
#print("boards after first die: ", boards)
for die in roll[1:]:
# Calculate boards resulting from second move
nested_boards = [calc_moves(board, die) for board in boards]
#print("nested boards: ", nested_boards)
boards = [board for boards in nested_boards for board in boards]
# What the fuck
#for board in boards:
# print(board)
# print("type__:",type(board))
# Add resulting unique boards to set of legal boards resulting from roll
#print("printing boards from calculate_legal_states: ", boards)
legal_moves = legal_moves | set(boards)
# print("legal moves: ", legal_moves)
if len(legal_moves) == 0:
legal_moves = { tuple(board) }
return legal_moves
def pretty(board):
def black(count):
return "\033[0;30m\033[47m{}\033[0m\033[47m".format(count)
def white(count):
return "\033[0;31m\033[47m{}\033[0m\033[47m".format(count)
temp = []
for x in board:
if x > 0:
temp.append(" {}".format(x))
elif x < 0:
else: temp.append(" ")
return """
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
| {13}| {14}| {15}| {16}| {17}| {18}| bar -1: {25} | {19}| {20}| {21}| {22}| {23}| {24}| end 1: TODO|
|---|---|---|---|---|---|------------|---|---|---|---|---|---| |
| {12}| {11}| {10}| {9}| {8}| {7}| bar 1: {0} | {6}| {5}| {4}| {3}| {2}| {1}| end -1: TODO|
12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
def do_move(board, player, move):
# Implies that move is valid; make sure to check move validity before calling do_move(...)
return quack.do_move(board, player, move)
def flip(board):
return tuple((-x for x in reversed(board)))