using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class GPSScript : MonoBehaviour { private Transform earth; private Transform nose; private Transform shuttle; private Transform positionTest; private Matrix4x4 earthLocalToWorldInverse; private string printString; private Vector3 posOnEarth = new Vector3(); // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { earth = GameObject.Find("EarthTarget").transform; nose = GameObject.Find("NoseQuad").transform; shuttle = GameObject.Find("ShuttleTarget").transform; positionTest = GameObject.Find("PositionTest").transform; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { printString = ""; /* Possible solution. Under the assumption we hold the camera steadily, the earth stuff be done in the Start() function. This should be correct, according to slides. */ var shuttleLocalToWorld = shuttle.localToWorldMatrix; var earthWorldToLocal = Matrix4x4.Inverse(Matrix4x4.TRS(earth.position, earth.rotation,; var transMatrix = earthWorldToLocal * shuttleLocalToWorld; posOnEarth = transMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(nose.localPosition); printString += posOnEarth.ToString("F4") + "\n"; compareToNose(posOnEarth); } void compareToNose(Vector3 nosePosition) { print($"LossyScale: {earth.lossyScale}"); //var radius = new Vector2(earth.lossyScale.x, earth.lossyScale.z).magnitude / 2; var radius = earth.lossyScale.magnitude / 4; //var radius = (new Vector2(earth.lossyScale.x, earth.lossyScale.z)).magnitude; print($"Radius: {radius}"); var d = new Vector2(nosePosition.x, nosePosition.z).magnitude; print($"D: {d}"); if (d <= radius && nosePosition.y <= 4) { print("Within"); if (nosePosition.z >= 0) { printString += "North"; } else { printString += "South"; } } else { printString += "Outside"; } } void OnGUI() { GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 30, 200, 40), printString); } }