
193 lines
6.4 KiB

import sys
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List, Tuple
import cv2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.exceptions import DataConversionWarning
import runner
from util import load_classifier, PIECE, COLOR, POSITION, Board, Squares, PieceAndColor, OUR_PIECES
warnings.filterwarnings(action='ignore', category=DataConversionWarning)
def identify_piece(image: np.ndarray, position: POSITION, sift: cv2.xfeatures2d_SIFT) -> PieceAndColor:
centers = np.load("training_data/centers.npy")
best = 0
probs = { {} for p in OUR_PIECES}
best_piece = best_color = None
for piece in OUR_PIECES:
for color in COLOR:
#color = runner.compute_color(file, rank)
#classifier = load_classifier(f"classifiers/neural_net_{piece}/{color}.pkl")
classifier = load_classifier(f"classifiers/classifier_{piece}/{color}.pkl")
features = runner.generate_bag_of_words(image, centers, sift)
prob = classifier.predict_proba(features)
#image = cv2.resize(image, (172, 172))
#data = np.reshape(image, (1, np.product(image.shape)))
#prob = classifier.predict_proba(data)
probs[][] = prob[0, 1]
print(f"{piece}, {color}, {prob[0, 1]}")
#if prob[0, 1] > best and color == position.color: # can only be best if correct color. Iterating through both colors for debugging only
if prob[0, 1] > best:
best = prob[0, 1]
best_piece, best_color = piece, color
return best_piece, best_color
def pred_test(position: POSITION, mystery_image=None, empty_bias=False):
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
if mystery_image is None:
mystery_image = cv2.imread("training_images/rook/white/rook_training_D4_2.png")
probs = identify_piece(mystery_image, position, sift)
return probs
def pre_process_and_train() -> None:
def build_board_from_squares(squares: Squares) -> Board:
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
board = Board()
counter = 0
for position, square in squares.values():
likely_piece = identify_piece(square, position, sift)
board[position] = likely_piece
if likely_piece != PIECE.EMPTY:
counter += 1
return board
def test_entire_board() -> None:
board_img = cv2.imread("homo_pls_fuck.jpg")
warped = runner.warp_board(board_img)
squares = runner.get_squares(warped)
board = build_board_from_squares(squares)
def predict_empty(square: np.ndarray, position: POSITION) -> PIECE:
y, x = np.histogram(square.ravel(), bins=32, range=[0, 256])
left, right = x[:-1], x[1:]
X = np.array([left, right]).T.flatten()
Y = np.array([y, y]).T.flatten()
area = sum(np.diff(x) * y)
plt.plot(X, Y)
#for color in COLOR:
empty_classifier = load_classifier(f"classifiers/classifier_empty/white_piece_on_{position.color}_square.pkl")
prob = empty_classifier.predict_proba(np.array(y).reshape(1, -1))
#print(f"{position}, {position.color}: {prob[0, 1]}")
if prob[0, 1] > 0.95:
# print(f"{position} is empty")
return None
def remove_most_empties(warped):
empty = 0
non_empties = []
for position in POSITION:
counter = 0
img_src = runner.get_square(warped, position)
width, height, _ = img_src.shape
src = img_src[width // 25:, height // 25:]
# src = src[:-width//200, :-height//200]
segmentator = cv2.ximgproc.segmentation.createGraphSegmentation(sigma=0.8, k=150, min_size=700)
segment = segmentator.processImage(src)
mask = segment.reshape(list(segment.shape) + [1]).repeat(3, axis=2)
masked =, fill_value=0)
pls = []
for i in range(np.max(segment)):
masked.mask = mask != i
y, x = np.where(segment == i)
top, bottom, left, right = min(y), max(y), min(x), max(x)
dst = masked.filled()[top: bottom + 1, left: right + 1]
cv2.imwrite(f"tmp_seg/segment_{datetime.utcnow().timestamp()}_{position}.png", dst)
if np.max(segment) > 0 and not np.all([x < (164 ** 2) * 0.2 for x in pls]) and (
np.max(segment) >= 3 or np.all([x < (164 ** 2) * 0.9469 for x in pls])):
#print(f"{position} is nonempty")
non_empties.append([position, img_src])
empty += 1
#print(64 - empty)
return non_empties
def find_occupied_squares(warped: np.ndarray) -> Squares:
non_empties = remove_most_empties(warped)
completely_non_empties = {}
for position, square in non_empties:
if predict_empty(square, position) != PIECE.EMPTY:
completely_non_empties[position] = square
return completely_non_empties
if __name__ == '__main__':
board = cv2.imread("whole_boards/boards_for_empty/board_1554288891.129901_rank_8.png")
#board = cv2.imread("whole_boards/boards_for_empty/board_1554286515.323962_rank_3.png")
warped = runner.warp_board(board)
tmp = find_occupied_squares(warped)
for pos, square in tmp:
cv2.imshow(f"{pos}", square)
rook_square = runner.get_square(warped, POSITION.H3)
knight_square = runner.get_square(warped, POSITION.D3)
cv2.imshow("lel", rook_square)
cv2.imshow("lil", knight_square)
#rook_out = cv2.Canny(rook_square, 50, 55, L2gradient=True)
knight_out = cv2.Canny(knight_square, 50, 55, L2gradient=True)
knight_out_l = cv2.Canny(knight_square, 50, 55, L2gradient=False)
cv2.imshow("lal", knight_out)
cv2.imshow("lul", knight_out_l)
occupied = find_occupied_squares(warped)
sift = cv2.xfeatures2d.SIFT_create()
for position, square in occupied:
piece, color = identify_piece(square, position, sift)
print(f"{piece} on {position}")
text_color = 255 if color == COLOR.WHITE else 0
cv2.putText(square, f"{position} {}", (0, 50), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, fontScale=1, color=(text_color,)*3, thickness=3)
cv2.imshow(f"{position}", square)