using OpenCVForUnity.CoreModule; using OpenCVForUnity.ImgcodecsModule; using OpenCVForUnity.ImgprocModule; using System; using UnityEngine; public struct MatDisplaySettings { public static float DEFAULT_SIZE = 0.75f; public static MatDisplaySettings FULL_BACKGROUND = new MatDisplaySettings(0,0,2,true); public static MatDisplaySettings BOTTOM_LEFT = new MatDisplaySettings(-1, -1, DEFAULT_SIZE, false); public static MatDisplaySettings BOTTOM_RIGHT = new MatDisplaySettings(1, -1, DEFAULT_SIZE, false); public static MatDisplaySettings TOP_LEFT = new MatDisplaySettings(-1, 1, DEFAULT_SIZE, false); public static MatDisplaySettings TOP_RIGHT = new MatDisplaySettings(1, 1, DEFAULT_SIZE, false); public float x, y, size; public bool background; public MatDisplaySettings(float x,float y,float size,bool background) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.size = size; this.background = background; } public MatDisplaySettings(float x,float y,float size) : this(x,y,size,false) { } } internal class MatDrawer { public bool active = false; public MatDisplaySettings properties; public int channels; public Texture2D texture = null; public bool flipY = false; public void Activate(MatDisplaySettings properties) { active = true; = properties; } public void Draw(Material material) { if (active) { material.mainTexture = texture; material.SetPass(0); float height = properties.size; float width = height; if (texture != null) width *= (float)texture.width / texture.height; width *= ((float)Screen.height / Screen.width); float x = properties.x - width * 0.5f; float y = properties.y - height * 0.5f; if (x < -1) x = -1; if (x > 1 - width) x = 1 - width; if (y < -1) y = -1; if (y > 1 - height) y = 1 - height; float y1 = flipY ? y : y + height; float y2 = flipY ? y + height : y; GL.Begin(GL.TRIANGLE_STRIP); GL.Color(Color.white); GL.TexCoord(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); GL.Vertex(new Vector3(x, y1, 0)); GL.Color(Color.white); GL.TexCoord(new Vector3(1, 0, 0)); GL.Vertex(new Vector3(x + width, y1, 0)); GL.Color(Color.white); GL.TexCoord(new Vector3(0, 1, 0)); GL.Vertex(new Vector3(x, y2, 0)); GL.Color(Color.white); GL.TexCoord(new Vector3(1, 1, 0)); GL.Vertex(new Vector3(x + width, y2, 0)); GL.End(); } } } public class MatDisplay : MonoBehaviour { private static MatDisplay instance; public static bool SAFE_MODE = false; public static bool X86 = false; private static bool started = false; private static bool error = false; private static byte[] convData = new byte[2048 * 2048 * 4]; private static Mat convertMat; private static Mat flipMat = new Mat(); private static MatDrawer[] matDisplays = new MatDrawer[64]; private static MatDrawer[] texDisplays = new MatDrawer[64]; private static int texDisplayCount = 0; private static bool awaitRender = false; public Material material; private Material foregroundMaterial; private Material backgroundMaterial; private Camera cam; void Start () { cam = GetComponent(); if(cam==null) { cam = GameObject.FindObjectOfType(); } if(cam==null) { Debug.LogError("No camera found"); } if(material==null) { material = new Material(Shader.Find("AR/MatDisplay")); } foregroundMaterial = new Material(material); foregroundMaterial.renderQueue = 4005; backgroundMaterial = new Material(material); backgroundMaterial.renderQueue = 500; for (int i = 0;i(); if (instance == null) { Camera cam = Camera.main; if (cam == null) { Debug.LogError("No camera found"); error = true; return false; }else { instance = cam.gameObject.AddComponent(); } } } if (!started) return false; return true; } } public static void SetCameraFoV(float fov = 41.5f) { GameObject.FindObjectOfType().fieldOfView = fov; } void Update() { cam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Depth; if (awaitRender) { Clear(); } awaitRender = true; GameObject backgroungPlane = GameObject.Find("BackgroundPlane"); if (backgroungPlane != null) { backgroungPlane.SetActive(false); } } internal static TextureFormat ChannelsToFormat(int channels) { switch (channels) { case 1: return TextureFormat.RGB24; case 3: return TextureFormat.RGB24; case 4: return TextureFormat.RGBA32; default: throw new Exception("Invalid channel number: "+channels); } } public static unsafe void DisplayImageData(IntPtr ptr, int width,int height,int channels,MatDisplaySettings properties) { if(width * height <= 0) throw new Exception("[MatDisplay] invalid extends: width="+width+", height="+height); if (!isValid) return; int len = width * height * channels; TextureFormat format = ChannelsToFormat(channels); MatDrawer uDispl = null; //Reuse displ foreach(MatDrawer displ in matDisplays) { if(! { if (displ.texture != null && format == displ.texture.format && height == displ.texture.height && width == displ.texture.width) { uDispl = displ; } } } if (uDispl == null) { //Find new display foreach (MatDrawer displ in matDisplays) { if (displ.texture==null) { uDispl = displ; displ.texture = new Texture2D(width,height, format, false); displ.channels = channels; break; } } } if (uDispl == null) { Debug.LogError("Too many mat displays"); return; } //Update texture data uDispl.flipY = false; uDispl.texture.LoadRawTextureData(ptr, len); uDispl.texture.Apply(); //Activate display for rendering uDispl.Activate(properties); } public unsafe static void DisplayImageData(byte[] data, int width, int height, int channels, MatDisplaySettings properties) { int len = width * height * channels; if (channels == 1) { int cI = 0; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { byte val = data[i]; convData[cI++] = val; convData[cI++] = val; convData[cI++] = val; } data = convData; channels = 3; } fixed (byte* ptr = data) { DisplayImageData(new IntPtr(ptr), width, height, channels, properties); } } public static void DisplayMat(Mat mat, MatDisplaySettings properties) { if (!isValid) return; Mat uMat = PrepareMatData(mat); DisplayImageData(new IntPtr(uMat.dataAddr()), uMat.width(), uMat.height(), uMat.channels(), properties); } public unsafe static void MatToTexture(Mat srcMat, ref Texture2D targetTexture) { Mat uMat = PrepareMatData(srcMat); Core.flip(uMat,flipMat,0); //uMat = flipMat; TextureFormat format = ChannelsToFormat(uMat.channels()); if (targetTexture !=null && (targetTexture.width != uMat.width() || targetTexture.height != uMat.height() || targetTexture.format != format || targetTexture.mipmapCount>1)) { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid texture given. Pass uninitialized or valid texture. Deleting and recreating texture."); targetTexture = null; } if (targetTexture==null) targetTexture = new Texture2D(srcMat.width(), srcMat.height(), format, false); targetTexture.LoadRawTextureData(new IntPtr(flipMat.dataAddr()), uMat.width()*uMat.height()*uMat.channels()); targetTexture.Apply(); } /* public unsafe static void MatToTexture(Mat srcMat, Texture targetTexture) { if (!(targetTexture is Texture2D)) throw new Exception("Invalid texture"); Texture2D tex = (Texture2D)targetTexture; MatToTexture(srcMat,ref tex); }*/ private unsafe static Mat PrepareMatData(Mat mat) { Mat uMat = mat; if (mat.channels() == 1) { Imgproc.cvtColor(mat, convertMat, Imgproc.COLOR_GRAY2RGB); uMat = convertMat; } return uMat; } void Clear() { if (matDisplays != null) { foreach (MatDrawer matDispl in matDisplays) { if (matDispl != null) = false; } } if(texDisplays!=null) { foreach (MatDrawer texDisplay in texDisplays) { if (texDisplay != null) { texDisplay.texture = null; = false; } } } texDisplayCount = 0; } void OnPreRender() { if (cam == null) return; GL.LoadProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4.identity); Matrix4x4 prevModelView = GL.modelview; GL.Viewport(new UnityEngine.Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height)); GL.modelview = Matrix4x4.identity; foreach (MatDrawer displ in matDisplays) { if ( displ.Draw(backgroundMaterial); } for (int i = 0; i < texDisplayCount; i++) { if (texDisplays[i].properties.background) texDisplays[i].Draw(backgroundMaterial); } GL.modelview = prevModelView; GL.LoadProjectionMatrix(cam.projectionMatrix); } void OnPostRender () { if (cam == null) return; GL.LoadProjectionMatrix(Matrix4x4.identity); Matrix4x4 prevModelView = GL.modelview; GL.Viewport(new UnityEngine.Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height)); GL.modelview = Matrix4x4.identity; foreach(MatDrawer displ in matDisplays) { if(! displ.Draw(foregroundMaterial); } for(int i=0;i=target.size().height) throw new Exception("Your mat of point is not big enough. Use alloc(capacity) before setting elements."); target.put(index, 0, x, y); } public static void PutPoint2f(MatOfPoint2f target, int index, Vector2 point) { PutPoint2f(target,index,point.x,point.y); } public static Mat LoadRGBATexture(string textureFilename) { string fn = "Assets/" + textureFilename; Mat loadMat = Imgcodecs.imread(fn); Mat result = new Mat(); if (loadMat.width() > 0) { Imgproc.cvtColor(loadMat, result, Imgproc.COLOR_BGRA2RGBA); } else return null; return result; } private static double[] tempDouble = new double[1]; private static float[] tempFloat = new float[1]; public static Vector3 MatColumnToVector3(Mat mat, int column) { Vector3 result = new Vector3(); if(mat.type() == CvType.CV_64F) { mat.get(0, column, tempDouble); result.x = (float)tempDouble[0]; mat.get(1, column, tempDouble); result.y = (float)tempDouble[0]; mat.get(2, column, tempDouble); result.z = (float)tempDouble[0]; } else { mat.get(0, column, tempFloat); result.x = tempFloat[0]; mat.get(1, column, tempFloat); result.y = tempFloat[0]; mat.get(2, column, tempFloat); result.z = tempFloat[0]; } return result; } }