
307 lines
10 KiB

/* ## Tigersay ##
Implementation of cowsay in the Tiger programming language.
Does not come as a binary, nor with a Tiger compiler.
Compilation is left as an exercise for the reader.
## License ##
<jonjmaa@gmail.com> wrote this program. As long as you retain this notice you
can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
- Jon Michael Aanes
/* Constants */
var false := 0
var true := 1
var INDENT := " "
var MAXWIDTH := 40
var VERSION := "1.1.0 (02/12/2017)"
/* The cow is unused, and taken directly from the cowsay program. */
var COW := "\
\\\ ^__^ \n\
\ \\ (oo)\\_______ \n\
\ (__)\\ )\\/\\ \n\
\ ||----w | \n\
\ || ||"
/* The tiger is taken from http://www.ascii-art.de/ascii/t/tiger.txt */
var TIGER := "\
\\\ __,,,,_ \n\
\ \\ _ __..-;''`--/'/ /.',-`-. \n\
\ \\ (`/' ` | \\ \\ \\\\ / / / / .-'/`,_ \n\
\ /'`\\ \\ | \\ | \\| // // / -.,/_,'-, \n\
\ /<7' ; \\ \\ | ; ||/ /| | \\/ |`-/,/-.,_,/') \n\
\ / _.-, `,-\\,__| _-| / \\ \\/|_/ | '-/.;.\\' \n\
\ `-` f/ ; / __/ \\__ `/ |__/ | \n\
\ `-' | -| =|\\_ \\ |-' | \n\
\ __/ /_..-' ` ),' // \n\
\ ((__.-'((___..-'' \\__.' "
var VERSION_STRING := concat("I am Tigersay, version ",concat(VERSION,"."))
var HELP_STRING := concat("I am Tigersay, version ",concat(VERSION,". Fear my claws and dopy face. I was made by Jon Michael Aanes (aanes.xyz). I do not like command-line options. Instead, please feed me by pipe."))
var ASLAN_QUOTE := "Laugh and fear not, creatures. Now that you are no longer dumb and witless, you need not always be grave. For jokes as well as justice come in with speech. -- Aslan, The Chronicles of Narnia"
/* Utility */
/* I/O */
function getinput () : string =
let var l := "" /* Full output */
var c := "" /* Current char */
in while true do
( c := getchar()
; if c = "" then break /* Hit EOF */
; l := concat(l, c) )
; l
/* Number / Maths */
function min (a:int, b:int) : int =
if a < b then a else b
function max (a:int, b:int) : int =
if a > b then a else b
function modulo (num : int, mod : int) : int =
( while num >= mod do
num := num - mod
; num )
function exp (exponee : int, exponent : int) : int =
if exponent = 0 then 1
else exponee * exp(exponee, exponent - 1)
function get_digit (num : int, digit : int) : int =
modulo(num / exp(10, digit-1), 10)
function log10 (num : int) : int =
let var log10 := 1
in while num > 9 do
( num := num/10
; log10 := log10 + 1 )
; log10
/* String manipulation */
function concat3 (a:string, b:string, c:string) : string =
concat(a, concat(b, c))
function concat4 (a:string, b:string, c:string, d:string) : string =
concat(a, concat(b, concat(c, d)))
function indent_string (text : string, before : string, after:string) : string =
let var out := before
var char := ""
in for i := 0 to size(text) - 1 do
( char := substring (text, i, 1)
; out := concat(out, if char <> "\n"
then char
else concat3(after, char, before)));
concat(out, after)
function is_whitespace (char:string) : int =
(char = "" | char = "\n" | char = " " | char = "\t")
function substring_absolute (text:string, i1:int, i2:int) : string =
/* Uses absolute coordinates to determine substring */
if i2 < i1 then ""
else substring(text, i1, i2 - i1 + 1)
function count_substring_occurances (text:string, char:string) : int =
let var count := 0
var charwidth := size(char)
in for i := 0 to size(text) - charwidth do
if substring(text, i, charwidth) = char then
count := count + 1
; count
function strip (text:string) : string =
let var start_i := -1
var stop_i := 0
var char := ""
in for i := 0 to size(text) - 1 do
( char := substring(text, i, 1)
; if not(is_whitespace(char)) & start_i = -1 then
start_i := i
; if not(is_whitespace(char)) then
stop_i := i )
; if start_i = -1
then ""
else substring_absolute(text, start_i, stop_i)
function repeat_string (str:string, rep:int) : string =
let var out := ""
in for i := 1 to rep do
out := concat(out, str)
; out
function digit_to_s (n:int) :string =
if 0 <= n & n <= 9
then chr(48 + n)
else "?"
function int_to_s (num : int) : string =
let var l := ""
in for i := 1 to log10(num) do
l := concat(digit_to_s(get_digit(num, i)), l)
; l
function length_of_longest_line (text:string) : int =
let var longest := 0
var current := 0
in for i := 0 to size(text) - 1 do
if substring(text, i, 1) = "\n"
then ( longest := max(longest, current)
; current := 0)
else current := current + 1
; max(longest, current)
/* Linked Lists */
type stringll = { val: string, next: stringll }
function ll_new () : stringll =
stringll { val = "", next = nil }
function ll_append (ll:stringll, str:string) =
if ll.next = nil
then ll.next := stringll { val = str, next = nil }
else ll_append(ll.next, str)
function ll_to_s (ll:stringll) : string =
if ll <> nil
then concat(ll.val, ll_to_s(ll.next))
else ""
function ll_length (ll:stringll) : int =
if ll = nil
then 0
else 1 + ll_length(ll.next)
/* String operations using linked lists */
function split_words (text:string) : stringll =
let var out := ll_new()
var prev_word_start_i := 0
var char := ""
in for i := 0 to size(text) - 1 do
( char := substring(text, i, 1)
; if is_whitespace(char) & prev_word_start_i <> -1
then ll_append(out, substring_absolute(text, prev_word_start_i, i - 1))
else if not(is_whitespace(char)) & prev_word_start_i = -1
then prev_word_start_i := i
; if is_whitespace(char) then prev_word_start_i := -1
; ll_append(out, substring_absolute(text, prev_word_start_i, size(text) - 1))
; out
function insert_whitespace_between_words (words : stringll, linewidth:int) : stringll =
let function help (words:stringll, width:int) : stringll =
if words = nil
then nil
if width + size(words.val) > linewidth
then stringll { val = "\n", next = stringll { val = words.val, next = help(words.next, size(words.val)) } }
else stringll { val = " ", next = stringll { val = words.val, next = help(words.next, size(words.val) + width ) } }
in help(words, 0)
function wrap_string (text:string, linewidth: int) : string =
let var words := split_words(text)
var splitstr := insert_whitespace_between_words(words, linewidth)
ll_to_s( if ll_length(splitstr) > 2
then splitstr.next.next.next
else splitstr )
/* Fun stuff */
type map = { key: string, value: string, next: map }
type string_option = { some: string }
function map_lookup ( map : map, key : string ) : string_option =
( while map <> nil & key <> map.key do
map := map.next
; if map = nil then nil
else string_option { some = map.value } )
map { key = "", value = "Quiet type. Has the cat got your tongue?", next =
map { key = "aslan", value = ASLAN_QUOTE, next =
map { key = "Aslan", value = ASLAN_QUOTE, next =
map { key = "version", value = VERSION_STRING, next =
map { key = "help", value = HELP_STRING, next =
nil }}}}}
function is_moo (input : string) : string_option =
if size(input) <> 0
& (substring(input, 0, 1) = "M" | substring(input, 0, 1) = "m")
& count_substring_occurances(input, "o") = size(input) - 1 then
string_option {
some = concat( if "m" = substring(input, 0, 1) then "g" else "G"
, repeat_string("r", count_substring_occurances(input, "o"))) }
function get_reaction_or_text (input: string): string =
let var maybe_string := map_lookup(REACTIONS, input)
var maybe_moo := is_moo(input)
in if maybe_string <> nil
then maybe_string.some
else if maybe_moo <> nil
then maybe_moo.some
else input
/* Draw stuff */
function draw_textbubble (text:string) =
var textwidth := length_of_longest_line(text)
var textheight := count_substring_occurances(text, "\n") + 1
var bubblewidth := textwidth + 4
var after_text := concat3("\013\027[",int_to_s(bubblewidth-1),"C|")
in print(concat3(" ", repeat_string("_", bubblewidth - 2), " \n"))
; print(concat(indent_string(text, "| ", after_text), "\n"))
; print(concat3(" ", repeat_string("-", bubblewidth - 2), " \n"))
function draw_tiger () = print(indent_string(TIGER, INDENT, ""))
var text := get_reaction_or_text(strip(getinput()))
var wrappedtext := wrap_string(text, MAXWIDTH)