![Once upon a time, there were a programming language named Tiger, and nobody used it. Then some stupid student though 'lets write a clone of cowsay'. And that is how I was born](./example.png)
An implementation of the classic Perl program [cowsay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowsay) in the Tiger programming language from the [Modern Compiler Implementation in ML/C/Java](https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/modern/ml/) books. Does not come as a binary, nor with a Tiger compiler. Compilation is left as an exercise for the reader.
Written in November 2017, mostly for the kicks, but also for testing
my group's Tiger-compiler.
The framework we're using does not allow us to parse commandline-arguments, so the only way to interact with `tigersay` is to pipe into the compiled program. For example `echo "Grrrrr" | tigersay`. For the same reasons it does not support alternative faces.