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2018-08-30 20:04:35 +00:00
(* * * * test.sml * * * *
* Small testing framework especially made for the Compiler course at Aarhus
* University.
* Should work on must systems where the compiler itself works. The VM should
* work, so should macOS and Arch Linux. TODO investigate.
* * Instructions * *
* 0. Copy this file into the compiler source directory.
* 1. Add any test files to the test directory.
* 2. Compile the compiler using `make sa ia` or similar.
* 3. Load the test framework with `use "test.sml";` in the interactive prompt.
* 4. Run tests with `Testing.perform_all_tests();` in the interactive prompt.
* Alternatively to `Testing.perform_all_tests: unit -> unit`, one can use
* `Testing.perform_tests: string -> unit`, which will only run tests with the
* given prefix.
* * Test types * *
* Must be located in the source directory of the relevant assignment. There
* must be a subdirectory with the name of `tests`, with the relevant files.
* The framework supports a large variety of test types:
* - *Basic Tiger tests*: Anything of the format `test_*.tig`. First line must
* indicate what the expected output is:
* * `/* output: x */` will indicate that the status code returned by the
* Tiger program must be `x`. These values must be in the range [0, 255]!
* * `/* print: |x| */` will indicate that the program must return errno 0,
* and must print the string `x`. `x` must not contain `|`, newlines, or
* certain other characters.
* * `/* nothing */` will indicate that the program must compile and run.
* * Anything else will result in a test that only expects to be compilable.
* Such a file will never be run.
2018-08-30 20:04:35 +00:00
* - *Counterexample tests*: Sometimes you might want to test that something
* is caught by the compiler. Of the format `test_x_*.tig`. Useful for
* Lexing, Parsing and Semant stages.
* The framework ignores any file not matching any of the above requirements.
* NOTE: All files must start with `test_`.
* Any slow tests can be renamed to `test_z_*`, and it'll be sorted last in the
* list.
* Please note that tests without any specified status codes are assumed to
* exit with a status of `0`.
* * Advanced usage * *
* TODO: Error numbers
* * Bugs * *
* Hard to escape SML once the testing has begun, as sigINT failes to trigger.
* * License * *
* Originally made by Jon Michael Aanes
* You are free to do whatever you want with it.
(* API *)
signature TESTING =
(* Running tests *)
val perform_tests : string -> unit;
val perform_all_tests : unit -> unit;
(* Structure *)
structure Testing :> TESTING =
(* Option constants *)
val TEST_DIR = "./tests/"
val TIGERC_POSTFIX = "" (*".tig"*)
(* Error constant *)
val num_errors = ref 0
(* General utility *)
infix ~>;
fun (input: 'a) ~> (func : 'a -> 'b) =
func input;
(* Test Types *)
datatype testType = IgnoreTest
| FailingTest
| CompileTest
(* Generic run test *)
| RunableTest of int option * string option
(* I/O utility -------------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun escape_command command = command
~> explode
~> map (valOf o String.fromString o Char.toString)
~> map (fn s => if s = "\"" then "\\\"" else s)
~> String.concat
fun sys_run command = OS.Process.system ( "/bin/bash -c \""
^ escape_command command
^ "\"")
fun read_entire_file filename : string =
let val ins = TextIO.openIn filename
val entire_str = (String.toString o TextIO.inputAll) ins
(TextIO.closeIn ins; entire_str)
fun write_file filename (content : string) =
let val fd = TextIO.openOut filename
val _ = TextIO.output (fd, content)
handle e => (TextIO.closeOut fd; raise e)
val _ = TextIO.closeOut fd
in () end
fun compile_test (testname:string) (test_bin_file:string) (tmpfile:string) =
let val compile_result = sys_run ( "./tigerc "
^ testname
^ TIGERC_POSTFIX(*" --out "
^ test_bin_file*)
^ " &> "
^ tmpfile)
(* Ensure file was actually compiled, clang is cheaty *)
in if compile_result <> 0
then compile_result
else if (not o OS.FileSys.access) (test_bin_file, [])
then 8
else 0
fun run_test binfile tmpfile =
sys_run ( "ulimit -v 1086373952; "
^ binfile
^ " &> "
^ tmpfile )
fun files_in_folder (foldername: string) : string list =
let fun helper stream a =
let val filename = OS.FileSys.readDir stream
in case filename
of NONE => ( OS.FileSys.closeDir
; ListMergeSort.sort String.> a )
| SOME(b) => helper stream (b::a)
in helper (OS.FileSys.openDir foldername) []
(* User "display" ----------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun repeat_str str amount =
(String.concat (List.tabulate (amount, fn _ => str)))
fun displ_current_test (status:string) (testname:string) =
let val whitespace = Int.max(0, 5 - String.size status)
in print ("\r["^status^"]"^repeat_str " " whitespace^"Test `" ^ testname ^ "`")
fun displ_result (testname:string) (expect_gotten_type_ls: (string * string * string) list) : bool =
case List.filter (fn (a, b, _) => a <> b) expect_gotten_type_ls
of [] => ( print ("\r[\027[32;1mOK\027[0m] Test `" ^ testname ^ "`\n")
; true )
| ls => let fun display_error (expected, gotten, type_of_expect) =
^ " should be "
^ (case expected of "" => "empty string" | _ => "\027[35m" ^ expected)
^ "\027[0m but was "
^ (case gotten of "" => "empty string" | _ => "\027[35m" ^ gotten)
^ "\027[0m"
val test_prefix = "\r[\027[31;1mFAIL\027[0m] Test `"
^ testname
^ "` "
val indent_amount = 7+4+2+2+String.size testname
in ( num_errors := !num_errors + 1
; print ( test_prefix
^ String.concatWith ("\n"^repeat_str " " indent_amount)
(map display_error ls)
^ "\n")
; false )
fun framework_error s =
print ("[\027[31;1m[TESTING FRAMEWORK]: Error, "^s^"\027[0m\n");
(* Perform testing ---------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun runTest (testname:string) (IgnoreTest) : bool = false
| runTest testname (testT as (RunableTest _ | FailingTest | CompileTest)) =
let val _ = displ_current_test "comp" testname
val tmpfile = OS.FileSys.tmpName ()
val binfile = "./out/"^testname^".bin" (*OS.FileSys.tmpName ()*)
val compiled = compile_test testname binfile tmpfile
val _ = displ_current_test "test" testname
2018-08-30 20:04:35 +00:00
in case (testT, compiled = 0, compiled = 7 orelse compiled = 0)
of (_, _, false) => ( num_errors := !num_errors + 1
; print ("\r[\027[31;1mFATA\027[0m] Test `" ^ testname ^ "` produced error code \027[35m"^Int.toString compiled^"\027[0m, which means that something terrible has happended:\n"^(valOf o String.fromString o read_entire_file) tmpfile^"\n")
; false )
| (FailingTest, true, _) => ( num_errors := !num_errors + 1
; print ("\r[\027[31;1mFAIL\027[0m] Test `" ^ testname ^ "`. \027[31mTest successedede when it should not have.\027[0m\n")
; false )
| (FailingTest, false, _) => displ_result testname [("","", "correct")]
| (_, false, _) => ( num_errors := !num_errors + 1
; print ("\r[\027[31;1mFAIL\027[0m] Test `" ^ testname ^ "`. \027[31mTest did not compile!\027[0m\n\n"^(valOf o String.fromString o read_entire_file) tmpfile^"\n")
; false )
| (RunableTest(status_expected, output_expected), true, _) =>
let val status = run_test binfile tmpfile
val expect_gotten_status =
case status_expected
of NONE => []
| SOME status_e => [(Int.toString status_e, Int.toString status, "status")]
val expect_gotten_output =
case output_expected
of NONE => []
| SOME output_e => [(output_e, read_entire_file tmpfile, "print output")]
in displ_result testname (expect_gotten_status@expect_gotten_output)
| (CompileTest, true, _) => displ_result testname [("","", "correct")]
| _ =>
( num_errors := !num_errors + 1
; print ("\r[\027[31;1mFAIL\027[0m] Test `" ^ testname ^ "`. \027[31mTest had an unknown type!\n")
; false )
(* File parsing util -------------------------------------------------------- *)
val is_tig_file = String.isSuffix ".tig"
val is_failing_test_file = String.isPrefix (TEST_DIR^"test_x_")
fun skip_ws (SOME (#" " ::ls)) = skip_ws (SOME ls)
| skip_ws (SOME (#"\n"::ls)) = skip_ws (SOME ls)
| skip_ws (SOME (#"\t"::ls)) = skip_ws (SOME ls)
| skip_ws no_matched = no_matched
fun skip_chars (ac::als) (SOME (bc::bls)) =
if ac = bc
then skip_chars als (SOME bls)
else NONE
| skip_chars ls (SOME []) = NONE
| skip_chars [] (SOME ls) = SOME ls
| skip_chars skip_chars NONE = NONE
fun skip_string str chars =
skip_chars (String.explode str) chars
fun parse_integer NONE: int option = NONE
| parse_integer (SOME chars) =
let fun recu (chars,rev_output) =
case chars
of (digit as ((#"0")|(#"1")|(#"2")|(#"3")|(#"4")|(#"5")|(#"6")|(#"7")|(#"8")|(#"9")))::chars =>
recu (chars, digit::rev_output)
| _ => List.rev rev_output
in (Int.fromString o String.implode o recu) (chars, [])
fun parse_until_char c NONE: string option = NONE
| parse_until_char c (SOME chars) =
let fun recu (head::chars, rev_output) =
if head = c
then rev_output
else recu(chars, head::rev_output)
| recu ([], rev_output) = rev_output
in (SOME o String.implode o List.rev o recu) (chars, [])
fun parse_test_info_comment filename (chars: char list) =
case (chars
~> skip_ws
~> skip_string "/*"
~> skip_ws)
of SOME ((#"o")::(#"u")::(#"t")::(#"p")::(#"u")::(#"t")::(#":")::chars) =>
(case ( parse_integer
o skip_ws
o SOME) chars
of SOME a => if 0 <= a andalso a < 256
then RunableTest(SOME a, NONE)
else ( framework_error ("Status test "^filename^" wanted status code "^Int.toString a^", but only integers from 0 to 255 are allowed; ignoring.")
; IgnoreTest)
| _ => ( framework_error ("Could not find expected status code for test "^filename^"; ignoring.")
; IgnoreTest ))
| SOME ((#"p")::(#"r")::(#"i")::(#"n")::(#"t")::(#":")::chars) =>
(case (parse_until_char #"|"
o skip_chars [#"|"]
o skip_ws
o SOME) chars
of SOME s => RunableTest(SOME 0, SOME s)
| NONE => ( framework_error ("Could not determine expected string output for "^filename^"; ignoring.")
; IgnoreTest))
| SOME((#"n")::(#"o")::(#"t")::(#"h")::(#"i")::(#"n")::(#"g")::_) =>
RunableTest (NONE, NONE)
| _ => CompileTest
fun determine_expected_result filename : testType =
let val ins = TextIO.openIn filename
val chars = (String.explode o String.toString o TextIO.inputAll) ins before TextIO.closeIn ins
in if is_failing_test_file filename
then FailingTest
else parse_test_info_comment filename chars
(* Application stuff -------------------------------------------------------- *)
fun stop_running_tests () =
if !num_errors = 0 then
(print "\n\n[\027[32;1mSuccess, well done!\027[0m]")
(print ("\n\n[\027[31;1mFound "^Int.toString (!num_errors)^" failing tests\027[0m]"))
fun sigint_handler (signal, times_signaled, continue) =
( print ("\n[TESTING FRAMEWORK]: Got SIGINT, will attempt exit!\n")
; stop_running_tests ()
; continue );
fun find_all_tests (required_prefix: string) =
(* Find all test files *)
val files_in_test_folder = (files_in_folder TEST_DIR)
~> List.filter (String.isPrefix "test_")
(* Find .tig tests: `test_*.tig` *)
val testlist_tig = files_in_test_folder
~> List.filter is_tig_file
~> map (fn f => (substring (f, 0, (size f - 4))))
~> map (fn f => (f, determine_expected_result (TEST_DIR ^ f ^ ".tig")))
~> List.filter (fn (_, r) => r <> IgnoreTest)
in List.filter (String.isPrefix required_prefix o #1)
2018-08-30 20:04:35 +00:00
fun perform_tests (required_prefix: string) =
let fun run_test (filename, expected_result): unit =
( ErrorMsg.reset
; runTest filename expected_result
; () )
2018-08-30 20:04:35 +00:00
in ( print "\n## Custom Tests ##\n\n"
; Signals.setHandler (Signals.sigINT, Signals.HANDLER sigint_handler)
; required_prefix ~> find_all_tests
~> map run_test
; print "\n\n"
; stop_running_tests() )
fun perform_all_tests () = perform_tests ""