# WARNING # # THIS IS AN AUTOGENERATED FILE. # # MANUAL CHANGES CAN AND WILL BE OVERWRITTEN. import re from setuptools import setup PACKAGE_NAME = 'secret_loader' PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION = """ # Secret Loader System. System for loading secrets from a variety of sources. Usage: ```python import secret_loader secrets = secret_loader.SecretLoader(env_key_prefix = 'MYAPP') db_username = secrets.load_or_fail('DATABASE_USERNAME') db_password = secrets.load_or_fail('DATABASE_PASSWORD') ``` Secret loading order: 0. Hardcoded values. **This is purely for debugging, prototyping, and for configuring below options.** 1. Files pointed to by environment variables. Docker friendly. 2. Secrets folder. Also Docker friendly. 3. [Pass: the standard unix password manager](https://www.passwordstore.org/). Most suited for personal usage; very unsuited for server environments. Requires `pass` installed locally, and configuration of the `PASS_STORE_SUBFOLDER` through one of the above methods. 4. Vault instance if configured. Suited for production environments. ## TODO - [ ] Avoid leakage to swap files. * Possibly Mlock? [Does not seem to work](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29524020/prevent-ram-from-paging-to-swap-area-mlock) * Alternatively use [mmap](https://docs.python.org/3/library/mmap.html) and [memoryview](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18655648/what-exactly-is-the-point-of-memoryview-in-python)?ยง - [ ] Wrap secrets in intelligent strings: * Instead of returning None on unloaded, return UnknownSecret, that produce error when formatted. * `repr(secret)` should not include contents, but only the secret and how it was loaded. * Methods on `Secret` should be kept minimal. - [ ] Vault: * [ ] Ensure vault code path works. * [ ] Document usage and requirements. ## License Copyright 2024 Jon Michael Aanes. All rights reserved.""" PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SHORT='System for loading secrets from a variety of sources.' def parse_version_file(text: str) -> str: match = re.match(r'^__version__\s*=\s*(["\'])([\d\.]+)\1$', text) if match is None: msg = 'Malformed _version.py file!' raise Exception(msg) return match.group(2) with open(PACKAGE_NAME + '/_version.py') as f: version = parse_version_file(f.read()) def parse_requirements(text: str) -> list[str]: return text.strip().split('\n') def read_requirements(path: str) -> list[str]: with open(path) as f: return parse_requirements(f.read()) REQUIREMENTS_MAIN = """ frozendict """ REQUIREMENTS_TEST = """ pytest """ setup( name=PACKAGE_NAME, version=version, description=PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION_SHORT, long_description=PACKAGE_DESCRIPTION, long_description_content_type='text/markdown', author='Jmaa', author_email='jonjmaa@gmail.com', url='https://gitfub.space/Jmaa/' + PACKAGE_NAME, packages=[PACKAGE_NAME], install_requires=parse_requirements(REQUIREMENTS_MAIN), extras_require={ 'test': parse_requirements(REQUIREMENTS_TEST), }, python_requires='>=3.9', )