2017-12-11 11:04:11 +01:00

435 lines
12 KiB

local SUITE = require 'TestSuite' 'pretty'
format = require('pretty')
Approximate strings not similar enough:
Should match: %s
Gotten: %s
-- Compat
if not loadstring then loadstring = load end -- Lua 5.3 compat
local HAS_ADV_GETLOCAL = not not debug.getinfo(1, 'u').nparams -- Lua 5.1 compat
local HAS_UNICODE_IDEN = not not loadstring 'local ϕ = 1; return ϕ' -- Lua 5.1 compat
local HAS_JIT_LIBRARY = type(rawget(_G, 'jit')) == 'table' -- Non-LuaJIT compat
local function format_test (t)
if t.longterm then return end
if t.adv_getlocal and not HAS_ADV_GETLOCAL then return end
SUITE:addTest(t.name or t.expect, function ()
local actual_result = format(t.input, t.options)
if not t.approx or type(actual_result) ~= 'string' then
assert_equal(t.expect, actual_result)
if not actual_result:match(t.expect) then
error(ASSERT_ERROR_APPROX:format(t.expect, actual_result))
end, { line = debug.getinfo(2).currentline })
local function format_parsable_test (t)
local stripped = t.text:match '^%s*(.-)%s*$'
return format_test {
name = t.name,
input = loadstring('return '..stripped)(),
expect = stripped
-- Primitive types
format_test {
input = nil,
expect = 'nil',
format_test {
input = true,
expect = 'true',
format_test {
input = false,
expect = 'false',
-- Userdata printing
-- TODO: Figure out a way to print userdata.
-- Maybe look into using the one available debug.getupvalue(pairs, 1)
-- Thread printing
local suspended_coroutine = coroutine.create(function () end)
format_test {
input = suspended_coroutine,
approx = true,
expect = 'suspended coroutine: 0x%x+',
local dead_coroutine = coroutine.create(function () end)
format_test {
input = dead_coroutine,
approx = true,
expect = 'dead coroutine: 0x%x+',
-- Single-line tables
format_test {
input = {},
expect = '{}',
format_test {
input = {1, 2, 3},
expect = '{ 1, 2, 3 }',
format_test {
input = { 'Hello', 'World' },
expect = '{ \'Hello\', \'World\' }',
format_test {
input = { a = 1, b = 2 },
expect = '{ a = 1, b = 2 }',
format_test {
input = { __hello = true },
expect = '{ __hello = true }',
format_test {
input = { [']]'] = true },
expect = '{ [\']]\'] = true }',
format_test {
input = { ['and'] = true },
expect = '{ [\'and\'] = true }',
format_test {
input = { [false] = false, [true] = true },
expect = '{ [false] = false, [true] = true }',
format_test { -- Order does not matter
input = { b = 1, a = 2 },
expect = '{ a = 2, b = 1 }',
format_test { -- Can include empty tables
input = { {}, {}, {} },
expect = '{ {}, {}, {} }',
format_test { -- Can include very small tables
input = { {1}, {2}, {3} },
expect = '{ { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 } }',
-- Multi-line tables
format_test {
input = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} },
expect = '{ { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
input = { a = {1, 2, 3}, b = {4, 5, 6} },
expect = '{ a = { 1, 2, 3 }, b = { 4, 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
name = 'Unicode characters can be used as string keys in tables',
input = { ['a'] = 1, ['ψ'] = 2 },
expect = '{ a = 1, ψ = 2 }',
format_test {
input = { [100] = 'Hi', [300] = 'Hello' },
expect = '{ [100] = \'Hi\', [300] = \'Hello\' }',
format_test {
input = { 'Hi', [300] = 'Hello' },
expect = '{ [1] = \'Hi\', [300] = \'Hello\' }',
format_test {
input = { { {} } },
expect = '{ { {} } }',
format_test {
input = { [{ 1, 2 }] = { 2, 1 } },
expect = '{ [{ 1, 2 }] = { 2, 1 } }',
format_test {
input = { { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }, {5, 6} },
expect = '{ { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }, { 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
input = { [{ {1,2}, {3,4} }] = 'Hello World' },
expect = '{ [{...}] = \'Hello World\' }',
format_test {
input = { a = {1,2}, bcdefg = {3,4} },
expect = '{ a = { 1, 2 }, bcdefg = { 3, 4 } }',
format_test {
input = { [true] = 1, [1] = false },
expect = '{ [1] = false, [true] = 1 }',
format_test {
-- Proper indent
input = { [1] = 1, ['whatever'] = false },
expect = '{ [1] = 1, [\'whatever\'] = false }',
format_test {
name = 'Proper alignment when using unicode characters as keys',
input = {
['djævle'] = 'dyr?',
['europa'] = 'måne',
['øå'] = 'en å på en ø?',
expect = '{\n djævle = \'dyr?\',\n europa = \'måne\',\n øå = \'en å på en ø?\'\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Proper alignment when using zero-width unicode characters as keys',
input = {
['hello_world_1'] = 'dyr?',
['hello_world_2'] = 'dyr!',
['hello\204\133_wo\204\133rld_3'] = 'dyr.',
expect = '{\n hello_world_1 = \'dyr?\',\n hello_world_2 = \'dyr!\',\n hello\204\133_wo\204\133rld_3 = \'dyr.\'\n}',
-- Depth Tests
format_test {
name = 'Tables with a mix of values don\'t expand subtables',
input = {
a = 'hello',
b = {1, 2, 3},
c = {1, 2, 3},
d = {1, 2, 3},
expect = '{\n a = \'hello\',\n b = {...},\n c = {...},\n d = {...}\n}',
-- Pattern specific table display.
format_test {
name = 'Column style',
input = {
'hello', 'world', 'how',
'is', 'it', 'going?',
'Im', 'doing great', 'thanks',
'that', 'was', 'what',
'I', 'were', 'expecting'
expect = '{\n \'hello\', \'world\', \'how\',\n \'is\', \'it\', \'going?\',\n \'Im\', \'doing great\', \'thanks\',\n \'that\', \'was\', \'what\',\n \'I\', \'were\', \'expecting\'\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Column style with trailing last row',
input = {
'hello', 'world', 'how',
'is', 'it', 'going?',
'Im', 'doing great', 'thanks',
'that', 'was', 'what',
expect = '{\n \'hello\', \'world\', \'how\',\n \'is\', \'it\', \'going?\',\n \'Im\', \'doing great\', \'thanks\',\n \'that\', \'was\', \'what\',\n \'I\'\n}',
format_parsable_test {
name = 'Column style with aligned numbers',
text = [[
200, -522, 423, 516, 523, 126, 2912,
523, -620, 0, 0, 0, -5, 2,
72, 6
]] }
format_test {
name = 'Tabular style with strings left aligned',
input = {
{ a = 'hello', b = 'hi' },
{ a = 'hi', b = 'hello' },
{ a = 'hi', b = 'hi' },
expect = '{\n { a = \'hello\', b = \'hi\' },\n { a = \'hi\', b = \'hello\' },\n { a = \'hi\', b = \'hi\' }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Tabular style with subtables in keys',
input = {
[false] = { a = 'hi', b = 'hello' },
[true] = { a = 'hello', b = 'hi' }
expect = '{\n [false] = { a = \'hi\', b = \'hello\' },\n [true] = { a = \'hello\', b = \'hi\' }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Tabular style also works with strange keys',
input = {
{ [false] = 'hi', [true] = 'hello', },
{ [false] = 'hello', [true] = 'hi', }
expect = '{\n { [false] = \'hi\', [true] = \'hello\' },\n { [false] = \'hello\', [true] = \'hi\' }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Tabular style also works with lists',
input = {
{ 'hello', 'world', 'how is things?' },
{ 'hi', 'planetdroid', 'sup?' }
expect = '{\n { \'hello\', \'world\', \'how is things?\' },\n { \'hi\', \'planetdroid\', \'sup?\' }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Tabular style with numbers right aligned',
input = {
{ x = 140, y = 72, z = 31 },
{ x = 5010, y = 1, z = 314 }
expect = '{\n { x = 140, y = 72, z = 31 },\n { x = 5010, y = 1, z = 314 }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Tabular style with small subtables',
input = {
{ a = 'hel', x = {b = 'abc', c = 'yo' } },
{ a = 'hi', x = {b = 'yo', c = 'abc' } }
expect = '{\n { a = \'hel\', x = { b = \'abc\', c = \'yo\' } },\n { a = \'hi\', x = { b = \'yo\', c = \'abc\' } }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Pseudo-Tabular style with justification',
input = {
{ st = 'ita', tx = 'annah', },
{ st = 'bld', tx = 'tommy', sz = 20 },
{ st = 'unl', tx = 'mike', },
expect = '{\n { st = \'ita\', tx = \'annah\' },\n { st = \'bld\', tx = \'tommy\', sz = 20 },\n { st = \'unl\', tx = \'mike\' }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Pseudo-Tabular style with extreme justification',
input = {
{ st = 'ita', tx = 'annah', },
{ st = 'bld', tx = 'tommy', sz = 20 },
{ st = 'unl', tx = 'mike', sy = 21 },
expect = '{\n { st = \'ita\', tx = \'annah\' },\n { st = \'bld\', tx = \'tommy\', sz = 20 },\n { st = \'unl\', tx = \'mike\', sy = 21 }\n}',
format_test {
name = 'Pseudo-Tabular style without justification',
input = {
{ st = 'ita', tx = 'annah', sx = 19 },
{ st = 'bld', tx = 'tommy', sz = 20 },
{ st = 'unl', tx = 'mike', sy = 21 },
{ st = 'ita', tx = 'milo' },
{ st = 'bld', tx = 'yota' },
{ st = 'unl', tx = 'kilo' },
expect = '{\n { st = \'ita\', tx = \'annah\', sx = 19 },\n { st = \'bld\', tx = \'tommy\', sz = 20 },\n { st = \'unl\', tx = \'mike\', sy = 21 },\n { st = \'ita\', tx = \'milo\' },\n { st = \'bld\', tx = \'yota\' },\n { st = \'unl\', tx = \'kilo\' }\n}',
-- Table recursion
SUITE:addTest('Avoid infinite loops in recursion', function ()
local rec = {}
rec[1] = rec
assert(true) -- We don't care about the output.
-- TODO: This is a very complex topic, and will expanded upon after 1.0.0.
-- General
SUITE:addTest('UseCase: Can print global enviroment', function ()
SUITE:addTest('UseCase: Can print value with __tostring returning unusual values', function ()
format( setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function() end}) )
SUITE:addTest('UseCase: Can load function from file that is shortly deleted', function ()
local module_name = 'tmp_'..os.time()
-- Create module
local file = io.open('./'..module_name..'.lua', 'w')
file:write '\nlocal function yo ()\n -- Hello World\n return math.random()\nend\n\nreturn yo\n'
-- Load module
local yo = require(module_name)
-- Remove module
package.loaded[module_name] = nil
-- Format the function, even though the module it came from is gone.
return {
[0] = 21082, [1] = 696,
[96] = 62, [97] = 334,
[98] = 119, [99] = 217,
[100] = 261
SUITE:addTest('UseCase: Big Example Table', function ()
assert_equal(BIG_EXAMPLE_TABLE, 'return '..format(loadstring(BIG_EXAMPLE_TABLE)()))
return SUITE