Jon Michael Aanes 87b12e15b2 Fixed issues with analýse_structure.lua
The most significant was a misclassification of tables with number
exclusive keys, with huge jumps between each one.
Example: { 1, [300] = 300 }

This was caused by logic faults in `get_table_info`, which has been fixed.

When solving above issue, a two new issues appeared:

1.	Due to a logic fault, the count of number of elements in a table was wrong,
	leading to issues with tables with boolean keys. This was fixed with simple
	logic changes.
2.	Some very small tables (1 element) would be classified as sets, and thus
	rendered wrongly. This was fixed by adding a MINIMUM_NUMBER_OF_SET_ELEMENTS
2017-04-14 13:06:43 +02:00

420 lines
9.1 KiB

local SUITE = require('TestSuite').new('pretty')
format = require('pretty')
Approximate strings not similar enough:
Should match: %s
Gotten: %s
local HAS_ADV_GETLOCAL = not not debug.getinfo(1, 'u').nparams -- Lua 5.1 compat
if not loadstring then loadstring = load end -- Lua 5.3 compat
local function format_test (t)
if t.longterm then return end
if t.adv_getlocal and not HAS_ADV_GETLOCAL then return end
SUITE:addTest(t.name or t.expect:gsub('[ \n\t]+', ' '), function ()
local actual_result = format(t.input, t.options)
if not t.approx or type(actual_result) ~= 'string' then
assert_equal(t.expect, actual_result)
if not actual_result:match(t.expect) then
error(ASSERT_ERROR_APPROX:format(t.expect, actual_result))
end, { line = debug.getinfo(2).currentline })
-- Strings
format_test {
input = 'Hello World',
expect = '\'Hello World\'',
format_test {
input = 'Hello \'World\'',
expect = '\"Hello \'World\'\"',
format_test {
input = 'Hello \"World\"',
expect = '\'Hello \"World\"\'',
format_test {
input = 'Hello [[World]]',
expect = '\'Hello [[World]]\'',
format_test {
input = '\'Hello\' [[World]]',
expect = '\"\'Hello\' [[World]]\"',
format_test {
input = '\'Hello\' \"there\" [[World]]',
expect = '[=[\'Hello\' \"there\" [[World]]]=]',
format_test {
input = '\'Hello\' \"there\" [=[World]=]',
expect = '[[\'Hello\' \"there\" [=[World]=]]]',
format_test {
input = '\nHello World',
expect = '\'\\nHello World\'',
format_test {
input = '\'\"\n',
expect = '[[\n\'\"\n]]',
format_test {
input = '\n',
expect = '\'\\n\'',
format_test {
input = '\\',
expect = '\'\\\\\'',
format_test {
input = '\000',
expect = '\'\\000\'',
format_test {
input = '\a\b\v\r\f',
expect = '\'\\a\\b\\v\\r\\f\'',
format_test {
input = 'ø',
expect = '\'ø\'',
-- Primitive types
format_test {
input = nil,
expect = 'nil',
format_test {
input = true,
expect = 'true',
format_test {
input = false,
expect = 'false',
-- Userdata printing
-- TODO. First off figure out a way to test this stuff.
-- Maybe look into using the one available debug.getupvalue(pairs, 1)
-- Thread printing
local suspended_coroutine = coroutine.create(function () end)
format_test {
input = suspended_coroutine,
approx = true,
expect = 'suspended coroutine: 0x%x+',
local dead_coroutine = coroutine.create(function () end)
format_test {
input = dead_coroutine,
approx = true,
expect = 'dead coroutine: 0x%x+',
-- Single-line tables
format_test {
input = {},
expect = '{}',
format_test {
input = {1, 2, 3},
expect = '{ 1, 2, 3 }',
format_test {
input = { 'Hello', 'World' },
expect = '{ \'Hello\', \'World\' }',
format_test {
input = { a = 1, b = 2 },
expect = '{ a = 1, b = 2 }',
format_test {
input = { __hello = true },
expect = '{ __hello = true }',
format_test {
input = { [']]'] = true },
expect = '{ [\']]\'] = true }',
format_test {
input = { ['and'] = true },
expect = '{ [\'and\'] = true }',
format_test {
input = { [false] = false, [true] = true },
expect = '{ [false] = false, [true] = true }',
format_test { -- Order does not matter
input = { b = 1, a = 2 },
expect = '{ a = 2, b = 1 }',
format_test { -- Can include empty tables
input = { {}, {}, {} },
expect = '{ {}, {}, {} }',
format_test { -- Can include very small tables
input = { {1}, {2}, {3} },
expect = '{ { 1 }, { 2 }, { 3 } }',
-- Multi-line tables
format_test {
input = { {1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6} },
expect = '{ { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
input = { a = {1, 2, 3}, b = {4, 5, 6} },
expect = '{\n\ta = { 1, 2, 3 },\n\tb = { 4, 5, 6 }\n}',
format_test {
input = { [100] = 'Hi', [300] = 'Hello' },
expect = '{ [100] = \'Hi\', [300] = \'Hello\' }',
format_test {
input = { 'Hi', [300] = 'Hello' },
expect = '{ [1] = \'Hi\', [300] = \'Hello\' }',
format_test {
input = { { {} } },
expect = '{ { {} } }',
format_test {
input = { [{ 1, 2 }] = { 2, 1 } },
expect = '{ [{ 1, 2 }] = { 2, 1 } }',
format_test {
input = { { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }, {5, 6} },
expect = '{ { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }, { 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
input = { { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }, {5, 6} },
options = { max_depth = 0 },
expect = '{...}',
format_test {
input = { { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }, {5, 6} },
options = { max_depth = 1 },
expect = '{ {...}, {...} }',
format_test {
input = { { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }, {5, 6} },
options = { max_depth = 2 },
expect = '{ { {...}, {...} }, { 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
input = { { {1, 2}, {3, 4} }, {5, 6} },
options = { max_depth = 3 },
expect = '{ { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }, { 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
input = { [{ {1,2}, {3,4} }] = 'Hello World' },
expect = '{ [{...}] = \'Hello World\' }',
format_test {
input = { a = {1,2}, bcdefg = {3,4} },
expect = '{\n\ta = { 1, 2 },\n\tbcdefg = { 3, 4 }\n}',
format_test {
input = { [true] = 1, [1] = false },
expect = '{ [1] = false, [true] = 1 }',
format_test {
-- Proper indent
input = { [1] = 1, ['whatever'] = false },
expect = '{ [1] = 1, [\'whatever\'] = false }',
format_test {
-- Table view, with indent.
input = { { a = 'hello', b = 'hi' }, { a = 'hi', b = 'hello' } },
expect = '{\n\t{ a = \'hello\', b = \'hi\' },\n\t{ a = \'hi\', b = \'hello\' }\n}',
-- Table recursion
local recursive = {}
recursive[1] = recursive
format_test {
input = recursive,
options = { max_depth = 5 },
expect = '{ {...} }',
format_test {
input = recursive,
options = { max_depth = 5, recursion = 'ignore' },
expect = '{ {...} }',
format_test {
input = recursive,
options = { max_depth = 5, recursion = 'marked' },
expect = '<1>{ <1>{...} }',
local a = {}
local b = { a }
a[1] = b
local rec = { a = a, b = b }
format_test {
name = 'Top layers should be expanded, rather than lower layers.',
input = rec,
options = { max_depth = 5 },
expect = '{\n\ta = { {...} },\n\tb = { {...} }\n}',
-- Table Sorting
format_test {
input = { 'c', 'b', 'a' },
expect = '{ \'c\', \'b\', \'a\' }',
format_test {
input = { a = 1, a1 = 0 },
expect = '{ a = 1, a1 = 0 }',
format_test {
input = { a10 = 1, a1 = 0 },
expect = '{ a1 = 0, a10 = 1 }',
format_test {
input = { a00 = 0, a1 = 1 },
expect = '{ a00 = 0, a1 = 1 }',
format_test {
input = { a = {}, b = true },
expect = '{ b = true, a = {} }',
format_test {
input = { a = {}, b = true, b1 = false },
expect = '{ b = true, b1 = false, a = {} }',
format_test {
input = { {}, true, false, 5 },
expect = '{ {}, true, false, 5 }',
format_test {
input = { [1] = {}, [2] = {}, [3] = {}, ['down_info'] = {}, ['up_info'] = {} },
expect = '{\n\t[1] = {},\n\t[2] = {},\n\t[3] = {},\n\t[\'down_info\'] = {},\n\t[\'up_info\'] = {}\n}',
format_test {
input = { 'hello', 123, {}, true },
expect = '{ \'hello\', 123, {}, true }',
format_test {
name = 'Small sequence holes should be filled with nil',
input = { 1, nil, 3 },
expect = '{ 1, nil, 3 }',
-- TODO: Add more tests for sorting.
-- TODO: Add more advanced understanding of cdata.
if type(jit) == 'table' then
local ffi = require('ffi')
int poll(struct pollfd *fds, unsigned long nfds, int timeout);
format_test {
input = ffi.C.poll,
approx = true,
expect = 'cdata<.+>: 0x%x+',
format_test {
input = ffi.new('int[10]'),
approx = true,
expect = 'cdata<.+>: 0x%x+',
return SUITE