local SUITE = require('TestSuite').new('resilience') SUITE:setEnviroment{ --format = require('pretty') } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUITE:addTest('no_std_lib', function () -- This tests whether one could load the library with an empty env, without -- an error. local chunk = loadfile('./library.lua') setfenv(chunk, {}) local library = chunk() for func, func_info in pairs(library) do error(('For some reason %s is defined in the library'):format(func_info.name)) end end) SUITE:addTest('a_very_small_part_of_math', function () -- This tests whether one could load the library with an empty env, without -- an error. local chunk = loadfile('./library.lua') setfenv(chunk, { math = { abs = math.abs } }) local library = chunk() assert( library[math.abs], 'Why is math.abs not defined in the library?' ) end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return SUITE