local TERM_COLOR_CODE_WHITE = '\27[37;1m' local TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREEN = '\27[32;1m' local TERM_COLOR_CODE_RED = '\27[31;1m' local TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREY = '\27[30;0m' local ASSERT_ERROR_TYPE = [[ Types not compatible: Expected: %s (%s) Gotten: %s (%s) ]] local ASSERT_ERROR_VALUE = [[ Values of type '%s' not equal: Expected: %s Gotten: %s ]] local ASSERT_ERROR_TABLE_VALUE = [[ Values in tables not equal: For key: %s Expected: %s (%s) Gotten: %s (%s) ]] local function assert_equal (expected, gotten) if type(gotten) ~= type(expected) then error(ASSERT_ERROR_TYPE:format(tostring(gotten), type(gotten), tostring(expected), type(expected))) elseif type(expected) == 'table' and gotten ~= expected then for key, expected_value in pairs(expected) do if expected_value ~= gotten[key] then error(ASSERT_ERROR_TABLE_VALUE:format(key, expected_value, type(expected_value), gotten[key], type(gotten[key]))) end end elseif gotten ~= expected then error(ASSERT_ERROR_VALUE:format(type(gotten), gotten, expected)) end end local libraries_tests_and_wrappers = { assert_equal = assert_equal } for k, v in pairs(_G) do libraries_tests_and_wrappers[k] = v end local function indent_string (str, indent) return indent .. str:gsub('\n', '\n'..indent) end local TEST_SUITE_TRACEBACK = "\n\t\t[C]: in function 'xpcall'\n\t\t./TestSuite.lua" local function find_cutoff_index_for_traceback_string (str) local index = str:find(TEST_SUITE_TRACEBACK, 1, true) return index end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local TestSuite = {} TestSuite.__index = TestSuite function TestSuite.new (module_name) local new_test_suite = setmetatable({}, TestSuite) new_test_suite.name = module_name new_test_suite.submodules = {} new_test_suite.tests = {} new_test_suite.custom_env = {} return new_test_suite end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TestSuite:setEnviroment (new_enviroment) self.custom_env = new_enviroment end function TestSuite:createUniqueEnviroment () local new_enviroment = {} for k, v in pairs(libraries_tests_and_wrappers) do new_enviroment[k] = v end for k, v in pairs(self.custom_env) do new_enviroment[k] = v end return new_enviroment end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TestSuite:addModules (modules) for _, module in ipairs(modules) do table.insert(self.submodules, module) end end function TestSuite:addTest (test_name, extra_info, test_func) if type(extra_info) == 'function' then extra_info, test_func = test_func, extra_info end table.insert(self.tests, { name = test_name, test = test_func, extra_info = extra_info or {} }) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function TestSuite:runSubmodules (prefix, indent) local total_errors, total_tests = 0, 0 for _, module in ipairs(self.submodules) do local errors, tests = module:runTests(prefix, indent) total_errors, total_tests = total_errors + errors, total_tests + tests end return total_errors, total_tests end local function setup_debug_hooks (extra_info) assert(not (extra_info.max_time and extra_info.max_lines), "TEST CONFIG ERROR: Only one line hook allowed pr. test!") local trace if extra_info.max_time then local stop_time = os.clock() + extra_info.max_time trace = function (l) if os.clock() >= stop_time then debug.sethook(nil, 'l') error("Test timed out! This is usually symptom of an infinite loop!") end end elseif extra_info.max_lines then local line_countdown = 10 + extra_info.max_lines trace = function (l) line_countdown = line_countdown - 1 if line_countdown <= 0 then debug.sethook(nil, 'l') error("Test exteeded allowed number of lines! This is usually symptom of an infinite loop! (Or too low an estimate!)") end end end debug.sethook(trace, 'l') end function TestSuite:runTests (parent_prefix, parent_indent) local prefix, indent = self.name, (parent_indent or 0) + 2 if parent_prefix then prefix = parent_prefix .. '.' .. prefix else io.write('\n## Running tests ##\n\n') end local nr_errors, nr_tests = self:runSubmodules(prefix, indent) local function error_handler (err) return err..debug.traceback('', 4) end local function print_status (left, right, color) local term_width = 80 local color = color or '' io.write(TERM_COLOR_CODE_WHITE..left..': '..string.rep(' ', term_width + 1-#left-#right)..color..right..'\n'..TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREY) end for index, test in ipairs(self.tests) do nr_tests = nr_tests + 1 -- Setup Test Env, and name local ext_name = prefix .. '.' .. test.name local env = self:createUniqueEnviroment() setfenv(test.test, env) setup_debug_hooks(test.extra_info) -- Call tests local success, traceback = xpcall(test.test, error_handler) -- Unset line hook, if set earlier debug.sethook(nil, 'l') -- Write work (or not.) if success then print_status(ext_name, 'SUCCESS!', TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREEN) else print_status(ext_name, 'ERROR!', TERM_COLOR_CODE_RED) traceback = indent_string(traceback, '\t') local stop_index = find_cutoff_index_for_traceback_string(traceback) io.write('\n'..TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREY) io.write(traceback:sub(1, stop_index)) io.write('\n\n') nr_errors = nr_errors + 1 end end if nr_errors == 0 then print_status(prefix, 'NO ERRORS! WELL DONE!', TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREEN) elseif nr_errors == 1 then print_status(prefix, 'A SINGLE ERROR! ALMOST THERE!', TERM_COLOR_CODE_RED) else print_status(prefix, nr_errors..' ERRORS! GET TO WORK!', TERM_COLOR_CODE_RED) end if not parent_prefix then io.write(TERM_COLOR_CODE_WHITE) io.write('\n## All tests run! ##\n\n') local width_of_bar = 70 local size_of_red_bar = math.ceil( width_of_bar * nr_errors/nr_tests) local size_of_green_bar = width_of_bar-size_of_red_bar io.write('Status: ') io.write(nr_errors == 0 and TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREEN or TERM_COLOR_CODE_RED) io.write(string.rep('#', width_of_bar)) io.write(TERM_COLOR_CODE_WHITE) -- Get io.write('\n\nSummary: '..TERM_COLOR_CODE_GREEN..string.rep('#', size_of_green_bar)..TERM_COLOR_CODE_RED..string.rep('#', size_of_red_bar)..'\n\n') io.write(TERM_COLOR_CODE_WHITE) end return nr_errors, nr_tests end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_end_of_function (text, start_i) local indent, i, end_i = 0, start_i, text:len() while i <= end_i do if text:sub(i,i) == '"' then -- "style" strings i = text:find('"', i + 1) + 1 elseif text:sub(i,i) == "'" then -- 'style' strings i = text:find("'", i + 1) + 1 elseif text:sub(i,i+1) == '[[' then -- [[style]] strings i = text:find(']]', i) + 2 elseif text:sub(i,i+3) == '--[[' then -- multi line comments i = text:find(']]', i) + 2 elseif text:sub(i,i+1) == '--' then -- single line comments i = text:find('\n', i) + 1 elseif text:sub(i-1, i+8):find('%sfunction%s') or i == start_i and text:sub(i, i+7) == 'function' then indent, i = indent + 1, i + 8 elseif text:sub(i-1, i+5):find('%swhile%s') or i == start_i and text:sub(i, i+4) == 'while' then indent, i = indent + 1, i + 4 elseif text:sub(i-1, i+3):find('%sfor%s') or i == start_i and text:sub(i, i+2) == 'for' then indent, i = indent + 1, i + 2 elseif text:sub(i-1, i+2):find('%sif%s') or i == start_i and text:sub(i, i+1) == 'if' then indent, i = indent + 1, i + 2 elseif text:sub(i-1, i+3):find('%send%s') or (i == end_i - 2) and text:sub(i, i+2) == 'end' then indent, i = indent - 1, i + 2 if indent == 0 then return i end else i = i + 1 end end end function TestSuite.getLocalFunction (module_name, func_name) local file = io.open(module_name .. '.lua') local file_text = file:read('*a') file:close() local function_start_index = file_text:find('function '..func_name) local function_end_index = get_end_of_function(file_text, function_start_index) local new_text = file_text:sub(1, function_end_index):gsub('local function '..func_name, 'return function') assert(new_text ~= file_text, ('No function in module "%s" with name "%s" '):format(module_name, func_name)) local chunk, error_msg = load(new_text) if not chunk then error(('While loading function in module "%s" with name "%s":\n\n\t%s\n'):format(module_name, func_name, error_msg)) end assert(chunk, error) return chunk() end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return TestSuite