String Builder is now an actual object, and can now be called to append.

This commit is contained in:
Jon Michael Aanes 2017-06-05 22:58:09 +02:00
parent 97ced3a173
commit 192575ded8

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@ -353,12 +353,10 @@ function format_table (t, options, depth, l)
if table_info.type == TABLE_TYPE.EMPTY then
-- Empty Map
l[#l+1] = '{}'
return l '{}'
elseif depth >= options.max_depth or already_visited then
-- Already visited or above max depth
l[#l+1] = '{...}'
return l '{...}'
-- Get key-value pairs, and possibly fill holes.
@ -475,6 +473,17 @@ function format_value (value, _, depth, l)
-- StringBuilder
local StringBuilder = {}
StringBuilder.__index = StringBuilder
StringBuilder.__call = function (l, s) l[#l+1] = s end
setmetatable(StringBuilder, {
__call = function() return setmetatable({}, StringBuilder) end
local DEBUG_OPTIONS = { _all_function_info = true }
@ -491,6 +500,7 @@ local KNOWN_OPTIONS = {
local function ensure_that_all_options_are_known (options)
assert(type(options) == 'table')
for option_name, option_value in pairs(options) do
if not KNOWN_OPTIONS[option_name] then
error(('[pretty]: Unknown option: %s. Was given value %s (%s)'):format(option_name, option_value, type(option_value)), 2)
@ -501,12 +511,19 @@ local function ensure_that_all_options_are_known (options)
local function pretty_format (value, options)
local l = { visited = { next_mark = 1 } }
l.options = options or {}
l.options.max_depth = l.options.max_depth or math.huge
l.options.indent = l.options.indent or '\t'
l.info = (type(value) == 'table') and analyze_structure(value) or {}
-- Error checking
options = options or {}
options.max_depth = options.max_depth or math.huge
options.indent = options.indent or '\t'
-- Setup StringBuilder
local l = StringBuilder()
l.visited = { next_mark = 1 }
l.options = options
l.info = (type(value) == 'table') and analyze_structure(value) or {}
-- Format value.
format_value(value, nil, 0, l)
-- If any alignment info still exists, ignore it