Moved to doing seperator fixing just before returning from pretty.

This commit is contained in:
Jon Michael Aanes 2017-04-14 14:01:01 +02:00
parent f29004fe17
commit 0f26759ee2
3 changed files with 30 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ return function (value, options, depth, l, format_value)
-- Include function modifier, and alignment info.
l[#l+1] = info.builtin and 'builtin ' or ''
l[#l+1] = { #l[#l], 'func_mod'}
l[#l+1] = { 'align', 'func_mod', #l[#l]}
-- Build rest of function signature
l[#l+1] = 'function ('
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ return function (value, options, depth, l, format_value)
for _, param in ipairs(info.params) do l[#l+1], l[#l+2] = param, ', ' end
if l[#l] == ', ' then l[#l] = nil end
l[#l+1] = ')'
l[#l+1] = { width_of_strings_in_l(l, top_before), 'func_def' }
l[#l+1] = { 'align', 'func_def', width_of_strings_in_l(l, top_before) }
-- Cleanup and finish
if not options.more_function_info or depth ~= 0 then
@ -245,7 +245,8 @@ return function (value, options, depth, l, format_value)
if options._all_function_info then
-- NOTE: This is for testing/debugging/experimentation purposes.
-- NOTE: This is for testing/debugging/experimentation purposes, and is
-- not designed to be pretty.
l[#l+1] = indent
l[#l+1] = '--[[ Function Body:\n\t'

View File

@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ end
local function ignore_alignment_info (l, start_i, stop_i)
for i = start_i or 1, stop_i or #l do
if type(l[i]) == 'table' then
if type(l[i]) == 'table' and l[i][1] == 'align' then
l[i] = ''
@ -234,29 +234,34 @@ local function fix_alignment (l, start_i, stop_i)
-- Find maximums
local max = {}
for i = start_i, stop_i do
if type(l[i]) == 'table' then
max[ l[i][2] ] = math.max( l[i][1], max[ l[i][2] ] or 0 )
if type(l[i]) == 'table' and l[i][1] == 'align' then
max[ l[i][2] ] = math.max( l[i][3], max[ l[i][2] ] or 0 )
-- Insert the proper whitespace
for i = start_i, stop_i do
if type(l[i]) == 'table' then
l[i] = string.rep(' ', max[ l[i][2] ] - l[i][1])
if type(l[i]) == 'table' and l[i][1] == 'align' then
l[i] = string.rep(' ', max[ l[i][2] ] - l[i][3])
local function replace_seperator_info (l, replace_with, indent_char, depth, start_i, stop_i)
for i = start_i or 1, stop_i or #l do
local function fix_seperator_info (l, indent_char, max_depth)
local depth, inline_depth = 0, nil
for i = 1, #l do
--print(i, l[i], depth, inline_depth)
if type(l[i]) ~= 'table' then
-- Do nothing
elseif l[i][1] == 'seperator' then
l[i] = replace_with .. indent_char:rep(depth)
l[i] = inline_depth and ' ' or ('\n' .. indent_char:rep(depth))
elseif l[i][1] == 'indent' then
l[i], depth = '', depth + 1
depth, inline_depth = depth + 1, inline_depth or l[i][3] == 'inline' and depth + 1 or nil
l[i] = l[i][2] .. (inline_depth and ' ' or ('\n' .. indent_char:rep(depth)))
elseif l[i][1] == 'unindent' then
l[i], depth = '', depth - 1
l[i] = (inline_depth and ' ' or ('\n' .. indent_char:rep(depth-1))) .. l[i][2]
depth, inline_depth = depth - 1, (depth ~= inline_depth) and inline_depth or nil
@ -300,7 +305,7 @@ local format_table, format_value
local function format_key_and_value_string_map (l, key, value, options, depth)
l[#l+1] = key
l[#l+1] = { #key, 'key' }
l[#l+1] = { 'align', 'key', #key }
l[#l+1] = ' = '
return format_value(value, options, depth, l)
@ -310,7 +315,7 @@ local function format_key_and_value_arbitr_map (l, key, value, options, depth)
l[#l+1] = '['
format_value(key, options, 'max', l) -- TODO: Outphase the usage of the "max" depth thingy.
l[#l+1] = ']'
l[#l+1] = { width_of_strings_in_l(l, index_before_key), 'key' }
l[#l+1] = { 'align', 'key', width_of_strings_in_l(l, index_before_key) }
l[#l+1] = ' = '
return format_value(value, options, depth, l)
@ -341,9 +346,7 @@ local function format_map (t, options, depth, l)
local pair_format_func = TABLE_TYPE_TO_PAIR_FORMAT[table_info.type]
local start_of_table_i = #l + 1
l[#l+1] = '{'
l[#l+1] = {'indent'}
l[#l+1] = {'seperator'}
l[#l+1] = {'indent', '{'}
for _, pair in ipairs(key_value_pairs) do
pair_format_func(l, pair[1], pair[2], options, depth + 1)
@ -352,19 +355,17 @@ local function format_map (t, options, depth, l)
if l[#l][1] == 'seperator' then l[#l-1], l[#l] = nil, nil end
l[#l+1] = {'unindent'}
l[#l+1] = {'seperator'}
l[#l+1] = '}'
l[#l+1] = {'unindent', '}'}
local table_width = width_of_strings_in_l(l, start_of_table_i)
--print('Table width: '..table_width)
if table_width <= MAX_WIDTH_FOR_SINGLE_LINE_TABLE then
-- Is short table: Ignore the "width of key"-shit
replace_seperator_info(l, ' ', '', 0, start_of_table_i)
l[start_of_table_i][3] = 'inline'
ignore_alignment_info(l, start_of_table_i)
-- Is long table: Fix whitespace alignment
replace_seperator_info(l, '\n', options.indent, depth, start_of_table_i)
fix_alignment(l, start_of_table_i)
@ -478,6 +479,8 @@ end
local DEBUG_OPTIONS = { _all_function_info = true }
_all_function_info = 'boolean',
cut_strings = 'boolean',
@ -510,6 +513,7 @@ local function pretty_format (value, options)
format_value(value, nil, 0, l)
-- If any alignment info still exists, ignore it
fix_seperator_info(l, l.options.indent, l.options.max_depth)
return table.concat(l, '')

View File

@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ format_test {
format_test {
input = { a = {1, 2, 3}, b = {4, 5, 6} },
expect = '{\n\ta = { 1, 2, 3 },\n\tb = { 4, 5, 6 }\n}',
expect = '{ a = { 1, 2, 3 }, b = { 4, 5, 6 } }',
format_test {
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ format_test {
format_test {
input = { a = {1,2}, bcdefg = {3,4} },
expect = '{\n\ta = { 1, 2 },\n\tbcdefg = { 3, 4 }\n}',
expect = '{ a = { 1, 2 }, bcdefg = { 3, 4 } }',
format_test {