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local SUITE = require('TestSuite').new('function')
format = require('pretty')
local HAS_ADV_GETLOCAL = not not debug.getinfo(1, 'u').nparams -- Lua 5.1 compat
if not loadstring then loadstring = load end -- Lua 5.3 compat
local function format_test (t)
if t.longterm then return end
if t.adv_getlocal and not HAS_ADV_GETLOCAL then return end
2017-04-03 11:49:18 +00:00
SUITE:addTest(t.name or t.expect, function ()
local input_value = t.input
local input_options = t.options
local expected_result = t.expect
local actual_result = format(input_value, input_options)
if not t.approx or type(actual_result) ~= 'string' then
assert_equal(expected_result, actual_result)
if not actual_result:match(expected_result) then
error(ASSERT_ERROR_APPROX:format(expected_result, actual_result))
2017-04-12 13:15:03 +00:00
end, { line = debug.getinfo(2).currentline })
local function curline (delta)
return debug.getinfo(2).currentline + (delta or 0)
-- Function printing
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
input = function () end,
expect = 'function () ... end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
input = function (a) end,
expect = 'function (a) ... end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
input = function (a, b) end,
expect = 'function (a, b) ... end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
input = function (...) end,
expect = 'function (...) ... end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
input = function (a, b, ...) end,
expect = 'function (a, b, ...) ... end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
input = function () l = SOME_RANDOM_UPVALUE end,
expect = 'function () ... end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
input = function () SOME_RANDOM_UPVALUE = true end,
expect = 'function () ... end',
format_test {
-- More function info is ignored if not at depth 0.
adv_getlocal = true,
input = { a = function () SOME_RANDOM_UPVALUE = true end },
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = '{ a = function () ... end }',
local func_line = curline(2) -- Must be exactly 2 lines above function
format_test {
input = function () l = SOME_RANDOM_UPVALUE end,
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'function ()\n -- source_file: \'./test/test_function.lua\' [Line: '..func_line..']\n -- up_values: { SOME_RANDOM_UPVALUE = false }\n\n ...\nend'
local func_line = curline(2) -- Must be exactly 2 lines above function
format_test {
input = function () SOME_RANDOM_UPVALUE = true end,
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'function ()\n -- source_file: \'./test/test_function.lua\' [Line: '..func_line..']\n -- up_values: { SOME_RANDOM_UPVALUE = false }\n\n ...\nend'
local func_line = curline(2) -- Must be exactly 2 lines above function
format_test {
input = function () end,
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'function ()\n -- source_file: \'./test/test_function.lua\' [Line: '..func_line..']\n\n ...\nend'
local index = 0
format_test {
input = function () index = index + 1; return index end,
adv_getlocal = true,
expect = 'function () ... end'
local func_line = curline(2) -- Must be exactly 2 lines above function
format_test {
input = function () index = index + 1; return index end,
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'function ()\n -- source_file: \'./test/test_function.lua\' [Line: '..func_line..']\n -- up_values: { index = 0 }\n\n ...\nend'
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
2017-06-11 11:53:06 +00:00
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
input = loadstring('return function () end')(),
expect = 'function () end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
2017-06-11 11:53:06 +00:00
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
input = loadstring('return function () return function () end end')(),
expect = 'function () return function () end end',
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
2017-06-11 11:53:06 +00:00
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
input = loadstring('return function () return function () end\nend')()(),
expect = 'function () end',
format_test {
-- NOTE: This is HARD to fix. It's thus longerterm
adv_getlocal = true,
2017-06-11 11:53:06 +00:00
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
input = loadstring('return function () return function () end end')()(),
expect = 'function () end',
format_test {
-- More function info allows one to even get the function whole, if it was defined in a string.
input = loadstring('return function (a, b) return a + b end')(),
2017-06-11 11:53:06 +00:00
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
expect = 'function (a, b) return a + b end',
format_test {
-- More function info allows one to even get the function whole, if it was defined in a string.
input = loadstring('return function (a, b)\n return a + b\nend')(),
2017-06-11 11:53:06 +00:00
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
expect = 'function (a, b)\n return a + b\nend',
local func_line = curline(2) -- Must be exactly 2 lines above function
format_test {
input = function ()
-- NOTE: This function must cover 3 lines of code!
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'function ()\n -- source_file: \'./test/test_function.lua\' [Lines: '..func_line..' - '..(func_line+2)..']\n\n ...\nend',
local func_line = curline(2) -- Must be exactly 2 lines above function
format_test {
input = function () --[[ NOTE: This function must cover a single line of code! ]] end,
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'function ()\n -- source_file: \'./test/test_function.lua\' [Line: '..func_line..']\n\n ...\nend',
format_test {
input = math.abs,
expect = 'builtin function (x) ... end',
format_test {
input = math.abs,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'builtin function (x)\n -- math.abs\n -- Returns the absolute value of x.\n\n ...\nend',
format_test {
input = math.random,
expect = 'builtin function ([m [, n]) ... end',
format_test {
input = math.random,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'builtin function ([m [, n])\n -- math.random\n -- When called without arguments, returns a uniform pseudo-random real number in the range [0,1). When called with an integer number m, math.random returns a uniform pseudo-random integer in the range [1, m]. When called with two integer numbers m and n, math.random returns a uniform pseudo-random integer in the range [m, n].\n\n ...\nend',
format_test {
input = string.byte,
options = { more_function_info = true },
expect = 'builtin function (s [, i [, j]])\n -- string.byte\n -- Returns the internal numerical codes of the characters s[i], s[i+1], ..., s[j]. The default value for i is 1; the default value for j is i.\n -- Note that numerical codes are not necessarily portable across platforms.\n\n ...\nend',
2017-04-03 11:49:18 +00:00
-- short_builtins option: If an builtin is expected to be available by some name
-- in a standard enviroment, return that name, instead of other complex info.
format_test {
input = math.random,
options = { short_builtins = true },
expect = 'math.random',
format_test {
input = { math.cos, math.sin, math.abs },
options = { short_builtins = true },
expect = '{ math.cos, math.sin, math.abs }',
2017-04-03 11:49:18 +00:00
-- Closure creation
-- include_closure option: If a function uses upvalues, return code that creates
-- a closure for that function, including the function code.
-- NOTE: Without AST traversal, it's impossible to garentee that values refered
-- by multiple recursive closures are the same, because they can actually refer
-- to different variables with the same name, as the following example shows:
-- local val_a = 1
-- local func_a = function () return val_a end
-- local val_a = 2
-- local func_c = function () return func_a() + val_a end
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
input = function (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end,
expect = 'function (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end',
local input_func = (function ()
local i = 0
return function (a) i = i + a; return i end
for i = 1, 10 do input_func(1) end
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
input = input_func,
expect = '(function () local i = 10; return function (a) i = i + a; return i end end)()',
local input_func = loadstring([[
return function ()
local i = 0
return function (a) i = i + a; return i end
for i = 1, 10 do input_func(1) end
format_test {
name = 'Can include variables in closure',
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
input = input_func,
expect = '(function () local i = 10; return function (a) i = i + a; return i end end)()',
format_test {
name = 'Can include functions in closure',
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
input = (function ()
local custom_max = function (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end
return function (a, b) return custom_max(a, b) + 2 end
expect = '(function () local custom_max = function (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end; return function (a, b) return custom_max(a, b) + 2 end end)()',
format_test {
name = 'Can include functions defined with `function <name> () ...` style',
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
input = (function ()
local function custom_max (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end
return function (a, b) return custom_max(a, b) + 2 end
expect = '(function () local custom_max = function (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end; return function (a, b) return custom_max(a, b) + 2 end end)()',
local custom_max = function (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end
format_test {
name = 'Can include functions from outside scope into closure',
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
input = (function ()
return function (a, b) return custom_max(a, b) + 2 end
expect = '(function () local custom_max = function (a, b) return (a > b) and a or b end; return function (a, b) return custom_max(a, b) + 2 end end)()',
local a_func = function (x) return x + 2 end
local b_func = function (x) return a_func(x) * a_func(x) end
local c_func = function (x) return b_func(a_func(x)) end
format_test {
name = 'Can support recursive closures',
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
input = c_func,
expect = '(function () local b_func = (function () local a_func = function (x) return x + 2 end; return function (x) return a_func(x) * a_func(x) end end)(); local a_func = function (x) return x + 2 end; return function (x) return b_func(a_func(x)) end end)()',
2017-04-03 11:56:06 +00:00
format_test {
name = 'Closures do not affect builtins',
input = math.abs,
options = { more_function_info = true, include_closure = true },
expect = 'builtin function (x)\n -- math.abs\n -- Returns the absolute value of x.\n\n ...\nend',
2017-04-03 11:56:06 +00:00
2017-04-03 11:49:18 +00:00
-- Indent functions nicely
format_test {
-- The tail part should align, letting people focus on the important aspects.
input = { random = math.random, abs = math.abs },
expect = '{\n abs = builtin function (x) ... end,\n random = builtin function ([m [, n]) ... end\n}',
format_test {
-- The function part should align, if some are builtin and some are not.
adv_getlocal = true,
input = { random = math.random, abs = function (x) return x < 0 and -x or x end },
expect = '{\n abs = function (x) ... end,\n random = builtin function ([m [, n]) ... end\n}',
2017-06-11 11:53:06 +00:00
format_test {
-- The function part should align, even if one is loaded from a string.
adv_getlocal = true,
input = { random = math.random, abs = loadstring('return function () return 1 end')() },
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
expect = '{\n abs = function () return 1 end,\n random = builtin function ([m [, n]) ... end\n}',
format_test {
-- The end part should align when both are loaded from strings.
adv_getlocal = true,
input = { a = loadstring'return function(a) return a end'(), b = loadstring'return function (...) return ... end'() },
options = { embed_loaded_funcs = true },
expect = '{\n a = function (a) return a end,\n b = function (...) return ... end\n}',
format_test {
-- No special indent if no special function modifier.
adv_getlocal = true,
input = { max = function(a, b) return a > b and a or b end,
abs = function (x) return x < 0 and -x or x end
expect = '{\n abs = function (x) ... end,\n max = function (a, b) ... end\n}',
2017-04-03 11:49:18 +00:00
2017-04-03 11:49:18 +00:00
format_test {
adv_getlocal = true,
options = { more_function_info = true, _all_function_info = true, max_depth = 2 },
input = function() end,
expect = '',
return SUITE