import dataclasses import datetime import logging import re from import Iterator import bs4 import requests_util import personal_data.html_util from personal_data import secrets from import DeduplicateMode, Scraper from .. import parse_util logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) URL_API_ROOT = '' URL_PROFILE = URL_API_ROOT + '{psn_id}' URL_USER_GAME_TROPHIES = URL_API_ROOT + 'trophies/{game_id}/{psn_id}' URL_GAMES_OVERVIEW = URL_API_ROOT + '{psn_id}' PSN_PROFILES_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=datetime.UTC def game_psnprofiles_id_from_url(relative_url: str) -> int: m = re.match(r'/(?:trophy|trophies)/(\d+)\-(?:[\w-]+)(/[\w-]*)?', relative_url) result = return int(result) MAX_NUMBER_GAMES_TO_PARSE = 10000 @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class PsnProfiles(Scraper): """Downloads all trophies for the given user. Individual game pages are cached for a period between 1 to 30 days, depending upon how recently you played them. """ dataset_name = 'games_played' deduplicate_mode = DeduplicateMode.BY_ALL_COLUMNS @staticmethod def requires_cfscrape() -> bool: return True def scrape(self): self._setup_cache() games_rows = list(self._scrape_games_overview()) games_ids = {row['psnprofiles.game_id']: row[''] for row in games_rows}'Found %d games from overview', len(games_rows)) for idx, (game_id, game_name) in enumerate(reversed(games_ids.items())): cache_duration = datetime.timedelta(days=min(idx + 1, 30)) yield from self._scrape_game_trophies(game_id, game_name, cache_duration) del game_id if idx >= MAX_NUMBER_GAMES_TO_PARSE: break'Found all trophies for playstation games') def _setup_cache(self): requests_util.setup_limiter( self.session, URL_API_ROOT, per_minute=5, ) def _scrape_games_overview(self) -> Iterator[dict]: for page_num in range(1, 1000):'Getting Overview (page %d)', page_num) url = URL_GAMES_OVERVIEW.format(psn_id=secrets.PLAYSTATION_PSN_ID) response = self.session.get(url, params={'page': page_num}) if 'page' not in response.url: msg = "Configuration error? made an redirection. This is possibly because your profile name wasn't exactly as expected. Please check it" raise RuntimeError(msg) response.raise_for_status() soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.text, 'lxml') soup = personal_data.html_util.normalize_soup_slightly(soup, classes=False) games_on_page = list(self._iterate_games_from_games_table(soup)) yield from games_on_page if len(games_on_page) == 0: return def _iterate_games_from_games_table(self, soup) -> Iterator[dict]: # Games table table_rows = soup.find(id='gamesTable').find_all('tr') assert len(table_rows) > 0, url if title := table_rows[0].h2: if title.get_text().strip() == 'No games found': return for row in table_rows: cells = row.find_all('td') # Check for pagination if re.match( r'show \d+ more games', cells[0].get_text().strip(), re.IGNORECASE, ): break game_name = cells[1].find(class_='title').get_text() psnprofiles_id = game_psnprofiles_id_from_url(cells[0].find('a')['href']) game_icon = cells[0].find('img')['src'] game_name = row.select_one('.title').get_text() game_platform = row.select_one('.platform').get_text() small_infos = cells[1].find_all('div') if len(small_infos) > 2: time_played_div = small_infos[2] time_played_div.sup.extract() time_played = parse_util.parse_date( time_played_div.get_text(), ) else: time_played = None d = { # Important fields '': game_name, # Secondary fields 'game.platform': game_platform, 'game.icon': game_icon, 'psnprofiles.game_id': psnprofiles_id, } if time_played: d['me.last_played_time'] = time_played yield d def _parse_game_release_date(self, soup: bs4.BeautifulSoup) -> table_rows ='table.gameInfo tr') for row in table_rows: cells ='td') if cells[0].get_text() in {'Release', 'Releases'}: text = cells[1].get_text() dates = re.findall(r'\w+\s+\d+,\s+\d{4}', text) return min(parse_util.parse_date(date) for date in dates) assert False, 'Could not find release date' def _scrape_game_trophies( self, psnprofiles_id: int, game_name: str, cache_duration: datetime.timedelta, ) -> Iterator[dict]: assert isinstance(psnprofiles_id, int), psnprofiles_id assert isinstance(game_name, str), game_name'Getting Game Trophies %s', psnprofiles_id) url = URL_USER_GAME_TROPHIES.format( psn_id=secrets.PLAYSTATION_PSN_ID, game_id=psnprofiles_id, ) response = self.session.get(url, expire_after=cache_duration) response.raise_for_status() # Parse data soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'lxml') # Normalize before parsing trophies soup = personal_data.html_util.normalize_soup_slightly(soup, classes=False) # Parse release year game_release_date = self._parse_game_release_date(soup) assert game_release_date # Remove redundant for redundant in'.wide-ad'): redundant.extract() for redundant in'div.col-xs-4'): redundant.extract() # Recent trophies. soup_tropies = ' > .row > div.col-xs table.zebra tr.completed', ) for row in soup_tropies: cells = row.find_all('td') trophy_name_a = cells[1].a if trophy_name_a is None: continue trophy_name = trophy_name_a.get_text().strip() trophy_name_a.extract() trophy_desc = cells[1].get_text().strip() trophy_icon = cells[0].img['src'] if 'Missing\nTimestamp' in cells[2].get_text().strip(): continue cells[2].span.span.nobr.sup.extract() gotten_at = parse_util.parse_time(cells[2].get_text(), timezone=PSN_PROFILES_DEFAULT_TIMEZONE) yield { '': game_name, 'game.release_date': game_release_date, 'me.last_played_time': gotten_at, # Trophy Data '': trophy_name, 'trophy.desc': trophy_desc, 'trophy.icon': trophy_icon, # Ids 'psnprofiles.game_id': psnprofiles_id, } del row, cells