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2024-03-10 13:53:47 +00:00
# Tigersay
## The dOvs Course ##
This last semester I've been following my university's course on
writing a compiler from scratch. The course uses the classic
[Modern Compiler Implementation in
ML](https://www.cs.princeton.edu/%7Eappel/modern/ml/), and thus our
input language is something called **Tiger**, a toy language designed
specifically for the book. The joke goes that Tiger is one of the
least used programming languages, but one of the most supported. It is
also weird. It's like if **C** and [Standard
ML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_ML) had a deformed baby:
Mutually inductive data types and functions? Sure! Primitives for both
functional and imperative coding styles? Great idea! Type inference
for variables, but not for functions. Perfect! A way to determine the
size of arrays at runtime? No, absolutely not!
![A small piece of Tiger code, demonstrating an implementation of a
linked list.](/website/images/tiger-example.png)
The reason for these weird idiosyncrasies is obvious: nobody is
supposed to write actual programs in Tiger. The features of
Tiger are designed to illustrate how to implement them, not
necessarily to form a coherent whole.
That said, some of the features work together to allow a strange
elegance in the way some programs can be written. Recursive functions
and structure types allow one to express linked lists and maps using
relatively little code. See [the example
above, for an implementation of a linked list, and a function for finding the sum of
the list, using a recursive helper function. I could just as easily
have implemented it using an imperative style.
<!-- TODO: Include link to tests. -->
While following the course, my group used a testing framework,
containing many programs similar in style to the above code sniplet,
ensuring our compiler's compliance with the language. These
tests were small, and rarely tested more than a few features at once.
The question "Is our compiler actually capable of translating a _real_
program?" arose, and this lead me down the road of actually writing a
"real" program in Tiger, using its weird feature set.
## Tigersay ##
![A badly drawn tiger explains its own existence: "Once upon a time,
there was a programming language named Tiger, and nobody used it. Then
some stupid student made a clone of cowsay, and that is how I was
**Tigersay** is an implementation of the classic Perl program
[Cowsay](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cowsay), written in the Tiger
programming language, a toy language originating from the [Modern
Compiler Implementation in
ML/C/Java](https://www.cs.princeton.edu/%7Eappel/modern/ml/) series of
It does not come compiled, nor does it come with a **Tiger** compiler.
The only way to experience the wonder that is **Tigersay** is to use
your own **Tiger** compiler. (Or find one on the internet, but that's
The standard version of Tiger is limited in its ability to interact
with the command-line, and as a result, so is Tigersay. The only way
to interact with Tigersay is to pipe the desired text into Tigersay:
echo "Hello World" | tigersay
Unfortunately this also means Tigersay only supports a single face,
the default tiger one, due to having no support for command-line
Tigersay responds to certain strings in silly ways, the most useful
ones being _help_ and _version_. Additionally it interfaces nicely
with [fortune](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortune_(Unix\)).
![The badly drawn tiger exclaim: "I never made a mistake in my life.
I thought I did once, but I was wrong. -- Lucy Van
If you'd like to play around with Tigersay yourself, you can find the source
code in the [Gitfub repository](https://gitfub.space/Jmaa/tigersay)