Update parser.

This commit is contained in:
cfreksen 2017-10-29 13:46:12 +01:00
parent b6a7eefc94
commit 34964c186b
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: EAC13EE101008978

View File

@ -5,12 +5,55 @@ from collections import namedtuple
import ply.lex as lex
import ply.yacc as yacc
from enum import Enum
class SimpleType(Enum):
Void = 1
I1 = 2
I8 = 3
I32 = 4
I64 = 5
# Namedtuples for storing AST
Program = namedtuple('Program', ['tdecls', 'gdecls', 'fdecls'])
TypeDec = namedtuple('TypeDec', ['name', 'body'])
PointerType = namedtuple('PointerType', ['inner_ty'])
StructType = namedtuple('StructType', ['fields'])
ArrayType = namedtuple('ArrayType', ['length', 'inner_ty'])
FunctionType = namedtuple('FunctionType', ['return_ty', 'parameters'])
NamedType = namedtuple('NamedType', ['other_name'])
GlobalDec = namedtuple('GlobalDec', ['name', 'ty', 'body'])
GNull = namedtuple('GNull', [])
GGid = namedtuple('GGid', ['val'])
GInt = namedtuple('GInt', ['val'])
GString = namedtuple('GString', ['val'])
GArray = namedtuple('GArray', ['entries'])
GStruct = namedtuple('GStruct', ['fields'])
FunctionDec = namedtuple('FunctionDec', ['return_type', 'name', 'parameters', 'body'])
FunctionBody = namedtuple('FunctionBody', ['first_block', 'named_blocks'])
Block = namedtuple('Block', ['insns', 'terminator'])
Binop = namedtuple('Binop', ['bop', 'ty', 'left', 'right'])
Alloca = namedtuple('Alloca', ['ty'])
Load = namedtuple('Load', ['ty', 'oper'])
Store = namedtuple('Store', ['ty', 'value', 'location'])
Icmp = namedtuple('Icmp', ['cnd', 'ty', 'left', 'right'])
Call = namedtuple('Call', ['return_ty', 'callee', 'arguments'])
Bitcast = namedtuple('Bitcast', ['from_ty', 'oper', 'to_ty'])
Gep = namedtuple('Gep', ['base_ty', 'oper_ty', 'oper', 'steps'])
Zext = namedtuple('Zext', ['from_ty', 'oper', 'to_ty'])
Ptrtoint = namedtuple('Ptrtoint', ['pointer_ty', 'oper', 'to_ty'])
Ret = namedtuple('Ret', ['ty', 'oper'])
Br = namedtuple('Br', ['label'])
Cbr = namedtuple('Cbr', ['ty', 'oper', 'then_label', 'else_label'])
class LLVMParser(object):
# Lexer
@ -22,10 +65,6 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
reserved = {
'if': 'IF',
'then': 'THEN',
'else': 'ELSE',
'while': 'WHILE',
'add': 'ADD',
'sub': 'SUB',
'mul': 'MUL',
@ -70,8 +109,7 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
'PercentID', 'AtID', 'ID',
'PercentID', 'AtID', 'ID'
t_ignore = ' \t'
@ -87,18 +125,15 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
t_COLON = r':'
t_COMMA = r','
def t_COMMENT(self, t):
def t_newline(self, t):
t.lexer.lineno += len(t.value)
self.line_begin = t.lexpos
def t_string_newline(self, t):
print("{}:{}: Newline is not allowed inside strings."
@ -106,7 +141,6 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
t.lexer.lineno += 1
self.line_begin = t.lexpos
def t_INT(self, t):
t.value = int(t.value)
@ -121,24 +155,20 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
self.current_string += '"'
def t_string_backslash(self, t):
self.current_string += '\\'
def t_string_hex(self, t):
code = int(t.value[1:], 16)
self.current_string += chr(code)
def t_string_singlebackslash(self, t):
print("{}:{}: Single backslash is not allowed inside strings."
.format(t.lineno, t.lexpos - self.line_begin))
def t_string_end(self, t):
t.value = self.current_string
@ -147,18 +177,15 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
return t
def t_string_meat(self, t):
self.current_string += t.value
def t_ID(self, t):
t.type = self.reserved.get(t.value, 'ID')
return t
def t_PercentID(self, t):
t.value = t.value[1:]
@ -169,43 +196,159 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
t.value = t.value[1:]
return t
def t_ANY_error(self, t):
print("{}:{}: Illegal character '{}'"
.format(t.lineno, t.lexpos - self.line_begin, t.value[0]))
# Parser
def handle_top_decs(self, smth):
# TODO: Implement
return [], [], smth
tdecs = {}
gdecs = {}
fdecs = {}
for top_dec in smth:
name = top_dec.name
if isinstance(top_dec, FunctionDec):
if name in fdecs.keys():
print('ERROR: Function {} is declared more than once'
fdecs[name] = top_dec
elif isinstance(top_dec, TypeDec):
if name in tdecs.keys():
print('ERROR: Type {} is declared more than once'
tdecs[name] = top_dec
elif isinstance(top_dec, GlobalDec):
if name in gdecs.keys():
print('ERROR: Global {} is declared more than once'
gdecs[name] = top_dec
print('Parser Error: Unknown top level declaration {}'
return tdecs, gdecs, fdecs
def p_program(self, p):
'program : top_decs'
tdecls, gdecls, fdecls = self.handle_top_decs(p[1])
p[0] = Program(tdecls, gdecls, fdecls)
def p_topdecs_fdec(self, p):
'top_decs : fdec top_decs'
def p_topdecs_some(self, p):
'''top_decs : tdec top_decs
| gdec top_decs
| fdec top_decs'''
p[0] = [p[1]] + p[2]
def p_topdecs_empty(self, p):
'top_decs : '
p[0] = []
def p_tdec(self, p):
'tdec : PercentID ASSIGN TYPE ty'
p[0] = TypeDec(p[1], p[4])
def p_ty_void(self, p):
'ty : VOID'
p[0] = SimpleType.Void
def p_ty_i1(self, p):
'ty : I1'
p[0] = SimpleType.I1
def p_ty_i8(self, p):
'ty : I8'
p[0] = SimpleType.I8
def p_ty_i32(self, p):
'ty : I32'
p[0] = SimpleType.I32
def p_ty_i64(self, p):
'ty : I64'
p[0] = SimpleType.I64
def p_ty_ptr(self, p):
'ty : ty ASTERIX'
p[0] = PointerType(p[1])
def p_ty_struct(self, p):
'ty : LBRACE ty_list RBRACE'
p[0] = StructType(p[2])
def p_ty_array(self, p):
if p[3] == 'x':
p[0] = ArrayType(p[2], p[4])
print('Invalid name in array definition: {}\n It should have been an x.'
raise SyntaxError
def p_ty_fun(self, p):
'ty : ty LPAREN ty_list RPAREN'
p[0] = FunctionType(p[1], p[3])
def p_ty_id(self, p):
'ty : PercentID'
p[0] = NamedType(p[1])
def p_ty_list_single(self, p):
'ty_list : ty'
p[0] = [p[1]]
def p_ty_list_multiple(self, p):
'ty_list : ty COMMA ty_list'
p[0] = [p[1]] + p[3]
def p_ty_list_empty(self, p):
'ty_list : '
p[0] = []
def p_gdec(self, p):
'gdec : AtID ASSIGN GLOBAL ty ginit'
p[0] = GlobalDec(p[1], p[4], p[5])
def p_ginit_null(self, p):
'ginit : NULL'
p[0] = GNull()
def p_ginit_id(self, p):
'ginit : AtID'
p[0] = GGid(p[1])
def p_ginit_int(self, p):
'ginit : INT'
p[0] = GInt(p[1])
def p_ginit_string(self, p):
'ginit : STRING'
p[0] = GString(p[1])
def p_ginit_array(self, p):
'ginit : LBRACK ty_ginit_list RBRACK'
# TODO This syntax seems weird
p[0] = GArray(p[2])
def p_ginit_struct(self, p):
'ginit : LBRACE ty_ginit_list RBRACE'
p[0] = GStruct(p[2])
def p_ty_ginit_list_single(self, p):
'ty_ginit_list : ty ginit'
p[0] = [(p[1], p[2])]
def p_ty_ginit_list_multiple(self, p):
'ty_ginit_list : ty ginit COMMA ty_ginit_list'
p[0] = [(p[1], p[2])] + p[4]
def p_ty_ginit_list_empty(self, p):
'ty_ginit_list : '
p[0] = []
def p_fdec(self, p):
'fdec : DEFINE ty AtID LPAREN ty_id_list RPAREN LBRACE fbody RBRACE'
p[0] = FunctionDec(p[2], p[3], p[5], p[8])
def p_ty_simple(self, p):
'''ty : VOID
| I1
| I8
| I32
| I64'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_ty_id_list_single(self, p):
'ty_id_list : ty PercentID'
p[0] = [(p[1], p[2])]
@ -218,25 +361,155 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
'ty_id_list : '
p[0] = []
def p_fbody_multiple_blocks(self, p):
'fbody : block named_block_list'
p[0] = FunctionBody(p[1], p[2])
def p_fbody_one_block(self, p):
'fbody : block'
p[0] = FunctionBody(p[1], [])
def p_block_insns_terminator(self, p):
'block : insns terminator'
p[0] = Block(p[1], p[2])
def p_block_terminator(self, p):
'block : terminator'
p[0] = Block([], p[1])
def p_insns_single(self, p):
'insns : optionally_named_insn'
p[0] = [p[1]]
def p_insns_multiple(self, p):
'insns : optionally_named_insn insns'
p[0] = [p[1]] + p[2]
def p_optionally_named_insn_some(self, p):
'optionally_named_insn : PercentID ASSIGN insn'
p[0] = (p[1], p[3])
def p_optionally_named_insn_none(self, p):
'optionally_named_insn : insn'
p[0] = (None, p[1])
def p_insn_bop(self, p):
'insn : bop ty operand COMMA operand'
p[0] = Binop(p[1], p[2], p[3], p[5])
def p_insn_alloca(self, p):
'insn : ALLOCA ty'
p[0] = Alloca(p[2])
def p_insn_load(self, p):
'insn : LOAD ty COMMA ty operand'
p[0] = Load(p[2], p[5])
def p_insn_store(self, p):
'insn : STORE ty operand COMMA ty operand'
p[0] = Store(p[2], p[3], p[6])
def p_insn_icmp(self, p):
'insn : ICMP cnd ty operand COMMA operand'
p[0] = Icmp(p[2], p[3], p[4], p[6])
def p_insn_call(self, p):
'insn : CALL ty operand LPAREN ty_operand_list RPAREN'
p[0] = Call(p[2], p[3], p[5])
def p_insn_call_empty(self, p):
'insn : CALL ty operand LPAREN RPAREN'
p[0] = Call(p[2], p[3], [])
def p_insn_bitcast(self, p):
'insn : BITCAST ty operand TO ty'
p[0] = Bitcast(p[2], p[3], p[5])
def p_insn_gep(self, p):
'insn : GETELEMENTPTR ty COMMA ty operand COMMA ty_operand_list'
p[0] = Gep(p[2], p[4], p[5], p[7])
def p_insn_gep_empty(self, p):
'insn : GETELEMENTPTR ty COMMA ty operand'
p[0] = Gep(p[2], p[4], p[5], [])
def p_insn_zext(self, p):
'insn : ZEXT ty operand TO ty'
p[0] = Zext(p[2], p[3], p[4])
def p_insn_ptrtoint(self, p):
'insn : PTRTOINT ty ASTERIX operand TO ty'
p[0] = Ptrtoint(p[2], p[4], p[6])
def p_bop(self, p):
'''bop : ADD
| OR
| SDIV'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_cnd(self, p):
'''cnd : EQ
| NE
| SGE'''
p[0] = p[1]
def p_ty_operand_list_single(self, p):
'ty_operand_list : ty operand'
p[0] = [(p[1], p[2])]
def p_ty_operand_list_multiple(self, p):
'ty_operand_list : ty operand COMMA ty_operand_list'
p[0] = [(p[1], p[2])] + p[4]
def p_terminator_ret_void(self, p):
'terminator : RET VOID'
p[0] = Ret(SimpleType.Void, None)
def p_terminator_ret_oper(self, p):
'terminator : RET ty operand'
p[0] = (p[2], p[3])
p[0] = Ret(p[2], p[3])
def p_terminator_branch(self, p):
'terminator : BR LABEL PercentID'
p[0] = Br(p[3])
def p_terminator_conditional_branch(self, p):
'terminator : BR ty operand COMMA LABEL PercentID COMMA LABEL PercentID'
p[0] = Cbr(p[2], p[3], p[6], p[9])
def p_operand(self, p):
'''operand : NULL
| AtID
| PercentID'''
# TODO: distinguish ids
p[0] = p[1]
def p_named_block_list_single(self, p):
'named_block_list : ID COLON block'
p[0] = [(p[1], p[3])]
def p_named_block_list_multiple(self, p):
'named_block_list : ID COLON block named_block_list'
p[0] = [(p[1], p[3])] + p[4]
def p_error(self, t):
if t is None:
print('Syntax error at end of file')
print('Syntax error at token {}'
def __init__(self):
self.tokens += self.reserved.values()
@ -248,12 +521,14 @@ class LLVMParser(object):
result = self.parser.parse(data, lexer=self.lexer)
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = LLVMParser()
data = r'''
define void @tigermain (i64 %U_mainSL_8, i64 %U_mainDummy_9) {
ret i64 8
%a = add i64 3, 5 ; please be 8
ret i64 %a