"""Nordnet Depository fetching for [Nordnet](https://nordnet.dk), the online scandinavian investment bank. This fetcher uses the [Nordnet API](https://www.nordnet.dk/externalapi/docs/api), which requires a Nordnet account. Some of the code here is based on [Morten Helmstedt's Nordnet utilities](https://github.com/helmstedt/nordnet-utilities/blob/main/nordnet_login.py). I am grateful for his pioneering work. """ import datetime import logging from collections.abc import Mapping from decimal import Decimal import fin_defs import requests from frozendict import frozendict from nordnet_api_client import NordnetClient from .data import Depo, DepoFetcher, DepoGroup, DepoSingle logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def asset_from_instrument(intrument) -> fin_defs.Asset | None: if intrument.instrument_group_type == 'FND': return None symbol = intrument.symbol exchange_id = intrument.tradables[0].mic return fin_defs.Stock(symbol, fin_defs.EXCHANGES_BY_IDS[exchange_id]) EMPTY_DICT: Mapping[str, str | int] = frozendict() class NordnetDepoFetcher(DepoFetcher): """Depository fetcher for [Nordnet](https://nordnet.dk), the online investment bank. Requirements for use: - Account on [Nordnet](https://nordnet.dk). This requires a MitID. - Password login enabled from [settings](https://www.nordnet.dk/indstillinger/min-profil) **Warning**: This system uses an unofficial API which uses your normal Nordnet username and password for login access, with full read/write access! **This is dangerous**, and any potential leak would give an attacker full access to your account. Depository structure: Each account you have access to will be given its own `Depo`, with all of them nested under a "Nordnet" nested depository. """ def __init__(self, session: requests.Session, username: str, password: str): self.client = NordnetClient(session, username, password) def get_depo(self) -> Depo: now = datetime.datetime.now( tz=datetime.UTC, ) # TODO: Use info from json requests accounts = self.client.get_accounts() nested: list[Depo] = [] for account in accounts: account_id = account.accid assets: dict[fin_defs.Asset, Decimal] = {} # Determine amount of usable currency stored on Nordnet for account_info in self.client.get_account_info(account_id): asset = fin_defs.FiatCurrency( account_info.account_sum.currency, ) amount = Decimal(account_info.account_sum.value) assets[asset] = amount del asset, amount # Determine positions on Nordnet for pos in self.client.get_account_positions(account_id): asset = asset_from_instrument(pos.instrument) if asset is None: continue amount = Decimal(pos.qty) assets[asset] = amount del asset, amount nested.append( DepoSingle( name=f'{account.type} {account.alias}', _assets=assets, updated_time=now, ), ) return DepoGroup( name='Nordnet', updated_time=now, nested=nested, )