---- String Distance.lua ---- -- A submodule of the `errors` library, with various string distance functions. -- Utilities for using these distance functions are also present. -- -- Each distance function returns 3 values: -- * How similar the strings were. -- * The value of maximum similarity. -- * The value of least similarity. -- By using these values, it's possible to normalize. -- -- The `levenshtein` function is based on: https://gist.github.com/james2doyle/e406180e143da3bdd102 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utility functions local function split_string_into_words (str) -- TODO: Add unicode support -- TODO: Add support for splitting 'helloWorld' into {'hello', 'World'} assert(str) local words = {} for word in str:gmatch('[A-Z]?[a-z]*') do if #word > 0 then words[#words+1] = word:lower() end end return words end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Similarity metrics local function levenshtein (str1, str2) -- levenshtein(str1, str2) -- -- Calculates the amount of 'inserts', 'removals' or 'substitutions' -- required to transform `str1` into `str2`, and vice versa. -- Note that the strings are automatically converted to lowercase. -- -- Lower numbers denote more similar strings. -- -- Adapted from the C version given at: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Algorithm_Implementation/Strings/Levenshtein_distance -- Error handeling. if type(str1) ~= 'string' then error(('[errors/internal]: Bad argument #1 to levenshtein, expected string, got %s (%s)'):format(str1, type(str1))) end if type(str2) ~= 'string' then error(('[errors/internal]: Bad argument #1 to levenshtein, expected string, got %s (%s)'):format(str2, type(str2))) end -- Do work local str1, str2 = str1:lower(), str2:lower() local len1, len2 = #str1, #str2 -- Quick cut-offs to save time if len1 == 0 then return len2, math.abs(len1 - len2), math.max(len1, len2) elseif len2 == 0 then return len1, math.abs(len1 - len2), math.max(len1, len2) elseif str1 == str2 then return 0, math.abs(len1 - len2), math.max(len1, len2) end -- Init column local column = {} for y = 1, len1 do column[y] = y end -- Algorithm for x = 1, len2 do column[0] = x local lastdiag, olddiag = x - 1, nil for y = 1, len1 do olddiag = column[y] column[y] = math.min(column[y] + 1, column[y-1] + 1, lastdiag + (str1:byte(y-1) == str2:byte(x-1) and 0 or 1)) lastdiag = olddiag end end -- Return the last value - this is the Levenshtein distance return column[len1], math.abs(len1 - len2), math.max(len1, len2) end local function longest_common_subsequence (str1, str2) -- longest_common_subsequence(str1, str2) -- -- Calculates the longest common subsequence, of the two input strings. -- That is the maximum amount of characters who fit into the same places in -- both strings, with possible characters in betweens. This is not the same -- as longest common substring. -- Note that the strings are automatically converted to lowercase. -- -- Higher numbers denote more similar strings. -- Error handeling. if type(str1) ~= 'string' then error(('[errors/internal]: Bad argument #1 to longest_common_subsequence, expected string, got %s (%s)'):format(str1, type(str1))) end if type(str2) ~= 'string' then error(('[errors/internal]: Bad argument #1 to longest_common_subsequence, expected string, got %s (%s)'):format(str2, type(str2))) end -- Do work local str1, str2 = str1:lower(), str2:lower() local len1, len2 = #str1, #str2 -- Quick cut-offs to save time if str1 == str2 then return len1, len1, 0 elseif len1 == 0 or len2 == 0 then return 0, math.max(len1, len2), 0 end -- Init C local matrix = {} for i = 0, len1 do matrix[i] = {[0] = 0} end for j = 0, len2 do matrix[0][j] = 0 end -- Fill up table for i = 1, len1 do for j = 1, len2 do matrix[i][j] = (str1:byte(i) == str2:byte(j)) and (matrix[i-1][j-1] + 1) or math.max(matrix[i][j-1], matrix[i-1][j]) end end -- Return return matrix[len1][len2], math.max(len1, len2), 0 end local function jaccard_similarity_of_words (str1, str2) -- jaccard_similarity_of_words(str1, str2) -- -- Calculates the jaccard similarity of the words in the strings. -- -- Higher numbers denote more similar strings. At 1 the strings contain -- exactly the same words. -- Error handeling. assert(type(str1) == 'string') assert(type(str2) == 'string') -- Quick cut-offs to save time if str1:lower() == str2:lower() or str1 == '' and str2 == '' then return 1, 1, 0 elseif str1 == '' or str2 == '' then return 0, 1, 0 end -- Work work local words1, words2, all = {}, {}, {}, {} for _, word in ipairs(split_string_into_words(str1)) do words1[word], all[word] = true, true end for _, word in ipairs(split_string_into_words(str2)) do words2[word], all[word] = true, true end -- Which words are in common? local num_in_common, num_words_in_total = 0, 0 for word, _ in pairs(all) do num_words_in_total = num_words_in_total + 1 if words1[word] and words2[word] then num_in_common = num_in_common + 1 end end -- Return similarity return num_in_common/num_words_in_total, 1, 0 end local SIMILARITY_METRICS = { levenshtein, longest_common_subsequence, jaccard_similarity_of_words, } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function strings_with_highest_similarity (str, list_of_other_str) -- strings_with_highest_similarity(str, list) -- -- Returns a new list, sorted by comparing the strings in the list to the -- predefined string, sorted in descending order, eg. the first elements in -- the output list is the most similar. -- Error checking if type(str) ~= 'string' then error(('[errors/internal]: Bad argument #1, expected string, got %s (%s)'):format(str, type(str))) end if type(list_of_other_str) ~= 'table' then error(('[errors/internal]: Bad argument #2, expected table, got %s (%s)'):format(list_of_other_str, type(list_of_other_str))) end for i = 1, #list_of_other_str do if type(list_of_other_str[i]) ~= 'string' then error(('[errors/internal]: Bad argument #2, expected sequence of strings, but got %s (%s) on index %i'):format(list_of_other_str[i], type(list_of_other_str[i]), i)) end end -- Do work local possible = {} -- Calculate similarity metrics for _, other_str in ipairs(list_of_other_str) do local total_sim = 0 for _, similarity_func in ipairs(SIMILARITY_METRICS) do local sim, max_sim, min_sim = similarity_func(str, other_str) --assert(min_sim <= max_sim) total_sim = total_sim + (sim-min_sim)/(max_sim-min_sim) end possible[#possible+1] = {other_str, total_sim} --print('\tTotal: '.. total_sim) end -- Sort and flatten table.sort(possible, function(a, b) return a[2] > b[2] end) for i = 1, #possible do possible[i] = possible[i][1] end -- Return the sorted list return possible end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { levenshtein = levenshtein, longest_common_subsequence = longest_common_subsequence, jaccard_similarity_of_words = jaccard_similarity_of_words, strings_with_highest_similarity = strings_with_highest_similarity, }