import schemeld REFERENCE_PROPERTIES = {'P813', 'P854', 'P248', 'P143', 'P813'} def fmt_value(c, prefer_reference = False): if isinstance(c, str): return '"{}"'.format(c) # TODO: Escape elif isinstance(c, schemeld.Concept): if '@id' in c: return fmt_value(c['@id'], prefer_reference) else: logging.error('Could not determine useful id for %s', c) return '' elif isinstance(c, wikidata.entity.Entity): s = if isinstance(s, int): s = 'P{}'.format(s) if s in REFERENCE_PROPERTIES: s = s.replace('P', 'S', 1) return s elif isinstance(c, urllib.parse.ParseResult): return c.geturl() if prefer_reference else fmt_value(c.geturl(), prefer_reference) elif isinstance(c, datetime.datetime): return '+{}/11'.format(c.isoformat()) elif isinstance(c, return '+{}T00:00:00Z/11'.format(c.isoformat()) return str(c) def fmt_predicate(pred, object): if isinstance(pred, urllib.parse.ParseResult) and pred.netloc == '': lang = object.get('__language') or 'en' if pred.path == '/name': return 'L'+lang elif pred.path == '/alternateName': return 'A'+lang elif pred.path == '/description': return 'D'+lang elif pred.path == '/sameAs': return 'S{}wiki'.format(lang) else: assert False, pred return fmt_value(pred, prefer_reference = True) def to_quickstatements_v1_item(subject, lines, skip_impossible = True, skip_already_syncronized = True): #assert '@id' not in subject, 'TODO: Linked subjects' subject_id = fmt_value(subject, True) if '@id' in subject else 'LAST' if subject_id == 'LAST': lines.append(['CREATE']) def fmt_key_value_pair(v, line): if isinstance(v, list): for e in v: fmt_key_value_pair(e, line) return elif isinstance(v, dict) and 'value' in v: line.append(fmt_value(v['value'])) for sub_k, sub_v in v.items(): if sub_k is None or sub_v is None: continue if not isinstance(sub_k, str): line.append(fmt_predicate(sub_k, sub_v)) line.append(fmt_value(sub_v)) else: line.append(fmt_value(v)) for predicate, pred_objects in if isinstance(predicate, str) and (predicate == '@id' or predicate.startswith('__')): continue assert isinstance(pred_objects, list) for pred_object in pred_objects: if pred_object.get('__synchronized_with_wikidata', False) and skip_already_syncronized: continue predicate_str = fmt_predicate(predicate, pred_object) line = [subject_id, predicate_str] fmt_key_value_pair(pred_object, line) if skip_impossible and predicate_str.startswith('"'): logging.warning('Bad line: %s (Lines must not start with ")', predicate_str) continue if '' in line and skip_impossible: logging.warning('Bad line: %s (Lines must not contain empty names)', line) continue assert 'None' not in line, line lines.append(line) def to_quickstatements_v1(concepts): if isinstance(concepts, schemeld.Concept): concepts = [concepts] lines = [] for concept in concepts: to_quickstatements_v1_item(concept, lines)"Produced %s statements for %s concepts", len(lines), len(concepts)) commands = '\n'.join(['\t'.join(l) for l in lines]) assert '\tNone\t' not in commands, 'TODO' return commands def commands_to_quickstatements_v1_url(commands): url = commands.replace('\t', '|').replace('\n', '||') url = urllib.parse.quote(url, safe = '') return '' + url def to_quickstatements_v1_url(concepts): return commands_to_quickstatements_v1_url(to_quickstatements_v1(concepts))