Colors This is a collection of functions for performing color operations, designed to work with the LÖVE game engine. ## Documentation Supports following color formats: - `rgb255`: The standard computer representation, with each ``` channel (red, green, blue, alpha) in the [0-255] range. Alpha channel (index 4), can either be explicit or implicit (and taken to be 255.) ``` - `rgb1`: As above, except channels are in the [0-1] range. - `hsl`: Hue-saturation-lightness representation (does not support alpha). ``` Hue channel is in the [0-1] range, instead of the standard [0-2*pi] range. ``` ## [Functions](#Functions) interpolate_rgb (c1, c2, t) Interpolation invert_rgb (color) Inversion parse_rgb (str) Parsing ## Functions interpolate_rgb (c1, c2, t) Interpolation Parameters: c1 c2 t invert_rgb (color) Inversion Parameters: color parse_rgb (str) Parsing Parameters: str Error handling # License ``` "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): wrote this program. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. Jon Michael Aanes ```