local SUITE = require 'TestSuite' 'assert-gooder' SUITE:setEnvironment { assert = require 'assert-gooder' } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUITE:addTest('local variable', function () local _, msg = pcall(function () local a = 2 assert(type(a) == 'string') end) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-2)..': '..'assertion failed! bad local \'a\' (string expected, but got number: 2)', msg) end) SUITE:addTest('upvalue variable', function () local a = 2 local _, msg = pcall(function () assert(type(a) == 'string') end) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-2)..': '..'assertion failed! bad upvalue \'a\' (string expected, but got number: 2)', msg) end) SUITE:addTest('global variable', function () a = 2 local _, msg = pcall(function () assert(type(a) == 'string') end) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-2)..': '..'assertion failed! bad global \'a\' (string expected, but got number: 2)', msg) end) SUITE:addTest('argument to anon function', function () local _, msg = pcall(function (a) assert(type(a) == 'string') end, 2) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-2)..': '..'assertion failed! bad argument #1 \'a\' to anonymous function (string expected, but got number: 2)', msg) end) SUITE:addTest('argument to named function', function () local f = function (a) assert(type(a) == 'string') end local _, msg = pcall(function () f(2) end) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-3)..': '..'assertion failed! bad argument #1 \'a\' to \'f\' (string expected, but got number: 2)', msg) end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Other assert types SUITE:addTest('compare values', function () local _, msg = pcall(function () local a = 2 assert(a == 4) end) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-2)..': '..'assertion failed! bad local \'a\' (value of 4 expected, but got: 2)', msg) end) SUITE:addTest('compare values across types', function () local _, msg = pcall(function () local a = "hi" assert(a == 4) end) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-2)..': '..'assertion failed! bad local \'a\' (value of 4 expected, but got string: "hi")', msg) end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUITE:addTest('can improve asserts in loaded strings too', function () local func = loadstring "return function(a) assert(type(a) == 'string') end" () local _, msg = pcall(setfenv(func, getfenv()), 42) assert_equal('[string "return function(a) assert(type(a) == \'string\'..."]:1: '..'assertion failed! bad argument #1 \'a\' to anonymous function (string expected, but got number: 42)', msg) end) SUITE:addTest('really complicated expression', function () local f = function () assert(a == 3 and math.floor(2.522) == 2 or 5 == n) end local _, msg = pcall(f, 2) assert_equal('./test/test_assert-gooder.lua:'..curline(-3)..': '..'assertion failed! expression `a == 3 and math.floor(2.522) == 2 or 5 == n` evaluated to false', msg) end) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return SUITE