local lexer = require 'lua_lang' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local function get_assert_body_text (call_info) if call_info.what == 'Lua' then -- Find filetext local filetext = nil if call_info.source:find '^@' then local f = io.open(call_info.short_src, 'r') filetext = f:read '*all' f:close() elseif call_info.short_src:find '^%[string' then filetext = call_info.source else error 'Not implemented yet!' end -- Get lines local filetext = filetext .. '\n' local lines_after, line_i = {}, 0 for line in filetext:gmatch '([^\r\n]*)[\r\n]' do line_i = line_i + 1 if call_info.currentline == line_i then lines_after[#lines_after+1] = line end end -- Find body exclusively. return table.concat(lines_after, '\n'):match('assert%s*(%b())'):sub(2, -2) end error 'Not implemented yet!' end local function get_assert_body (call_info) local text = get_assert_body_text(call_info) return lexer:lex(text), text end local function get_variable (var_name, level) -- Local local index = 0 repeat index = index + 1 local name, val = debug.getlocal(level + 1, index) if name == var_name then local info = debug.getinfo(level + 1) local is_par = index <= info.nparams return val, is_par and ('argument #'..index) or 'local', info.name or is_par and '' end until not name -- Up-value local index, func = 0, debug.getinfo(level + 1).func repeat index = index + 1 local name, val = debug.getupvalue(func, index) if name == var_name then return val, 'upvalue' end until not name -- Global return getfenv(level + 1)[var_name], 'global' end local function get_value_of_string (string_str) if string_str:sub(1, 1) == '"' or string_str:sub(1, 1) == '\'' then return string_str:sub(2, -2) end assert(false) end -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- return function (condition) if condition then return condition end local call_info = debug.getinfo(2) local tokens, body_text = get_assert_body(call_info) if tokens[1].text == 'type' and tokens[2].token == 'LPAR' and tokens[3].token == 'IDENTIFIER' and tokens[4].token == 'RPAR'and tokens[5].token == 'EQ'and tokens[6].token == 'STRING' then local var_name = tokens[3].text local var_val, var_scope, is_func = get_variable(var_name, 2) local func_name = (is_func == '' and ' to anonymous function') or is_func and (' to \''..is_func..'\'') or '' error(('assertion failed! bad %s \'%s\'%s (%s expected, but got %s: %s)'):format(var_scope, var_name, func_name, get_value_of_string(tokens[6].text), type(var_val), var_val), 2) else error(('assertion failed! expression `%s` evaluated to %s'):format(body_text, condition), 2) end end